City of Geneseo Plan Commission met Aug. 7.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
The Plan Commission of the City of Geneseo was called to order on Monday, August 7, 2023, at 6:00 PM, in the Council Chambers, with the following members present:
PLAN COMMISSION PRESENT: Plan Commission Joe Bedford, Plan Commission Rhonda Ludwig, Plan Commission Julia McAvoy, and Plan Commission Board Member Russell Marshall
PLAN COMMISSION ABSENT: Plan Commission Morgan Thurman
STAFF PRESENT: Building Inspector Rick Mills, City Administrator Brandon Maeglin, and City Clerk Paige Seibel
1 Pledge of Allegiance
2 Roll Call
Meeting began at 6:00 PM
Also in Attendance were Linda Morrison, Sid Magerkurth, Sally Magerkurth, Steve Kofman, Steve, April Huisman Billington, Nadine Palmgren
3 Public Comment
City Ordinance allows members of the Public to speak and give input up to 3 minutes during Public Comment, there can be no debate or action by the board at this time.
4.1. Approval of previous Plan Committee Minutes
Joe Bedford moved, seconded by Rhonda Ludwig, Motion to approve the 07/05/2023 Plan Committee Minutes as presented.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Joe Bedford
SECONDER: Rhonda Ludwig
AYES: Joe Bedford, Rhonda Ludwig, Julia McAvoy, and Russell Marshall
ABSENT: Morgan Thurman
5 Public Hearing - 433 E South Street
City Clerk Seibel read 4 letters that were sent to City Hall via mail on the concerns of the zoning re-classification change for the property located at 433 E South Street from R-2 to R-3.
5.1. Open the Public Hearing
Joe Bedford moved, seconded by Rhonda Ludwig, Motion to open public hearing for Public input on the recommendation for a zoning re-classification change for the property located at 433 East South Street from R-2 to R-3.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Joe Bedford
SECONDER: Rhonda Ludwig
AYES: Joe Bedford, Rhonda Ludwig, Julia McAvoy, and Russell Marshall
ABSENT: Morgan Thurman
5.2. Close Public Hearing
Rhonda Ludwig moved, seconded by Joe Bedford, Motion to close the public hearing
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Rhonda Ludwig
SECONDER: Joe Bedford
AYES: Joe Bedford, Rhonda Ludwig, Julia McAvoy, and Russell Marshall
ABSENT: Morgan Thurman
6 PUBLIC HEARING - Conditional Use at 801 S State - Law Office
City Clerk Seibel read the letter that was sent into City Hall by a concerned neighbor. Nadine Palmgren spoke to the Committee and public members on the request for conditional use permit to use the property located at 801 S State Street as a Law Office. A Q&A occurred between Nadine, Committee members, and April Huisman Billington. Nadine is not a Criminal Defense Attorney and advised that there would be plenty of room for vehicles without clients having to park in the street.
6.1. Open the Public Hearing
Joe Bedford moved, seconded by Rhonda Ludwig, Motion to open the public hearing for public input into the the request for a conditional use permit to use the property located at 801 S State Street as a law office.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Joe Bedford
SECONDER: Rhonda Ludwig
AYES: Joe Bedford, Rhonda Ludwig, Julia McAvoy, and Russell Marshall
ABSENT: Morgan Thurman
6.2. Close the Public Hearing
Rhonda Ludwig moved, seconded by Julia McAvoy, Motion to close the public hearing.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Rhonda Ludwig
SECONDER: Julia McAvoy
AYES: Joe Bedford, Rhonda Ludwig, Julia McAvoy, and Russell Marshall
ABSENT: Morgan Thurman
Steve Koffman with Woodridge gave his presentation for the development for the 28- room memory care addition to their current building at 620 Olivia Drive. A Q&A occurred between Koffman and the Committee.
7.1. Open the Public Hearing
Joe Bedford moved, seconded by Julia McAvoy, Motion to open the public hearing for public input into the request by Northwest Illinois Holdings LLC for a development permit within the HCOD to build a 28 room memory care addition onto their current building at 620 Olivia Drive.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Joe Bedford
SECONDER: Julia McAvoy
AYES: Joe Bedford, Rhonda Ludwig, Julia McAvoy, and Russell Marshall
ABSENT: Morgan Thurman
7.2. Close the Public Hearing
Rhonda Ludwig moved, seconded by Russell Marshall, Motion to close the public hearing
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Rhonda Ludwig
SECONDER: Russell Marshall
AYES: Joe Bedford, Rhonda Ludwig, Julia McAvoy, and Russell Marshall
ABSENT: Morgan Thurman
8 New Business Item(s)
8.1. Consideration of Zoning Classification Change for 433 East South Street from R-2 to R-3.
City Inspector Rick Mills advised that Mr. Billiet does does not plan on building on this property he would like to get it property rezoned in hopes it will help sell the property to a developer. A Q&A occurred between Mills, Maeglin, and the Committee.
Rhonda Ludwig moved, seconded by Joe Bedford, Motion to recommend to City Council to not approve the zoning change from R-2 to R-3 for the property located at 433 E South Street
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Rhonda Ludwig
SECONDER: Joe Bedford
AYES: Joe Bedford, Rhonda Ludwig, Julia McAvoy, and Russell Marshall
ABSENT: Morgan Thurman
8.2. Consideration of a conditional use permit for the property located at 801 S State Street
Board Member Marshall had questions about the bus stop being close to the road, the question was answered by Nadine advising there shouldn't be a need for street parking due to the large driveway.
Rhonda Ludwig moved, seconded by Joe Bedford, Motion to recommend to City Council the approval of a conditional use permit for the property at 801 S State Street to be used as a law office.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Rhonda Ludwig
SECONDER: Joe Bedford
AYES: Joe Bedford, Rhonda Ludwig, Julia McAvoy, and Russell Marshall
ABSENT: Morgan Thurman
8.3. Consideration of a development permit in the HCOD for a 28 room addition to Woodridge Supportive Living
A Q&A occurred with Steve Koffman. All questions were answered
Rhonda Ludwig moved, seconded by Julia McAvoy, Motion to recommend to the City Council the Development Permit within the HCOD for the proposed additions to the Woodridge Supportive Living Facility located at 620 Olivia Drive.
RESULT: Carried MOVER: Rhonda Ludwig SECONDER: Julia McAvoy AYES: Joe Bedford, Rhonda Ludwig, Julia McAvoy, and Russell Marshall ABSENT: Morgan Thurma
9 Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 6:36 PM
9.1. Move to close the meeting
Rhonda Ludwig moved, seconded by Russell Marshall, Motion to Adjourn
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Rhonda Ludwig
SECONDER: Russell Marshall
AYES: Joe Bedford, Rhonda Ludwig, Julia McAvoy, and Russell Marshall
ABSENT: Morgan Thurman