Moses Robinson, Jr. - First Ward Alderman | City of Rock Island
Moses Robinson, Jr. - First Ward Alderman | City of Rock Island
City of Rock Island Board of Zoning Appeals met Dec. 13.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Gary Snyder
Nicole Parker
Kevin Day
Donald Mewes
Bill Sowards
Tanja Whitten
Pandora Lawrence
2. Public Comment
3. Opening Items
A. Approval of the Written Agenda for December 13, 2023
Recommended Motion: Move to approve the written agenda for December 13, 2023
B. Approval of the November 8, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Recommended Motion: Move to approve the meeting minutes for November 8, 2023.
4. Old Business
A. 2023-23 Public Hearing: Rob Miller of Executive AutoWerks at 2223 11th Street – Variance to maintain the existing 425 square feet attached (painted) wall signs on the property.
Recommended Motion: Move to deny the variance request.
5. New Business
6. Other Business
7. Adjournment:
Recommended Motion: Move to adjourn.