
Rock Island Today

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Moline Plan Commission met March 27

Webp 42

Sangeetha Rayapati - City Of Moline Mayor | City Of Moline

Sangeetha Rayapati - City Of Moline Mayor | City Of Moline

City of Moline Plan Commission met March 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Present: Victoria Graves, Brett Carter, Mark Harpole, Sam Moyer, Craig Loken, Alan Silas, Billy Allison, Butch Trevor (Virtual)

Absent: Cindy Wermuth

Staff: Seán Foley, Irene Muñoz, Savanna Cruz, Chris Mathias, Jennifer Bizarri, Dan Bolin (Corporation Counsel, Virtual)

Community Development Staff: KJ Whitley

Others: None

1. Call to Order

Chair Graves called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m.

2. Roll Call

3. Remote Electronic Attendance

Motion made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Carter to approve the remote attendance of Commissioner Trevor for medical purposes. Motion carried unanimously.

4. Approval of Minutes from March 13, 2024

Motion made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Moyer to approve the March 13, 2024 Plan Commission minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

5. Public Comment - None

6. Public Hearing - None

7. Old Business

Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Discussion

Approved on April 10, 2024

Mr. Mathias discussed the Plan Commission’s changes to the ADU Draft Ordinance from the last meeting. Staff has changed all references of “zoning lot” to “lot of record” to match the definitions in the Code. A stipulation was added for when a garage is converted to an ADU (attached or detached), any required parking must be replaced. Prohibition of no new driveways/curb cuts for ADUs was added. Any existing ADUs would be regulated by the non-conforming use section in the Code. New ADUs must be designed to be compatible with the principal dwelling, per Section 35-5501 of the Code. Staff removed the restriction that an interior ADU can only be in an attic or basement. The Restrictive Covenant will remain the same as it was in the last draft ADU ordinance. ADUs cannot be used as short-term rentals or “Vacation Rental Units” as defined by Chapter 8 of the Code, and rented ADUs should be regulated by the Rental Housing Inspection Program. Special Use Permits (SUPs) were not added to the draft ADU ordinance as a majority of the Plan Commission voted no at the last meeting, but could be added in if the Commissioners have changed their minds. Discussion was had on public notices, and if the standard code for notices needs to be updated. Under Section 35-31001(13), it was noted that attic and basement need to be removed from the draft ordinance. Under Section 35-31000 “Definitions”, the acronyms should be removed as they are not used (except for ADU). Discussion was had on businesses being allowed in ADUs, and if a SUP was required. Staff will come back with more answers at the next meeting. Commissioner Harpole questioned the setbacks for ADUs. Setbacks for ADUs will be included in the next draft ordinance. Section 35- 31000(10)(c) for a Coach House should be revised, and the definitions under Section 35-31000 should be cleaned up. Legal Counsel will review the final draft before the Public Hearing on April 10, 2024.

8. New Business

Commissioner Loken discussed the safety of streets and keeping pedestrians safe.

9. Reports and Communications

a) Director’s Report(s) - None

b) Other Report(s), Announcements, & Upcoming Applications

2024-02-PC: To consider text amendments to the City of Moline’s Zoning and Land Development Code regarding the allowance of Accessory Dwelling Unit’s in the R-2 zoning district, creation of development standards for this use, and further text amendments as may be required.

10. Upcoming Meeting – Next Plan Commission Meeting is April 10, 2024

11. Public Comment – None

12. Adjournment

Motion made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Loken to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:27 p.m.
