
Rock Island Today

Saturday, October 5, 2024

City of Moline Committee of the Whole/Council met Sept. 10

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Sangeetha Rayapati - City Of Moline Mayor | City Of Moline

Sangeetha Rayapati - City Of Moline Mayor | City Of Moline

City of Moline Committee of the Whole/Council met Sept. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Committee-of-the-Whole Call to Order

PRESENT: Mayor Sangeetha Rayapati (Chair)

Alderperson Debbie Murphy (Ward 1)

Alderperson Abdur Razzaque (Ward 3)

Alderperson Matt Timion (Ward 4)

Alderperson Jessica Finch (Ward 5)

Alderperson Daniel McNeil (Ward 6)

Alderperson Anna Castro (Ward 7)

Alderperson James Patrick Schmidt (Alderperson At-Large)

ABSENT: Alderperson Alvaro Macias (Ward 2)

STAFF: Bob Vitas, City Administrator

Barry Dykhuizen, Assistant City Administrator

Stephanie Murphy, City Clerk

Lori Ulloa, Assistant Director of Finance ~electronically

David Dryer, Director of Engineering ~electronically

Eric Griffith, Director of Parks & Recreation

Chris Mathias, Director of Community & Economic Development

Bryon Lear, Director of Library Services ~electronically

Charly Brown, Assistant Director of Utilities

Denver Schmitt, Director of Public Works

Darren Gault, Chief of Police

Steve Regenwether, Fire Chief

David Rowatt, Information Technology Manager

K.J. Whitley, Community Development Manager

Annette Roby, Risk Management Administrator

OTHERS: Margaret Kostopulos, Corporation Counsel

Joshua Shimkus, Dispatch/Argus

Wes Cosgriff, TAG Project Management

Ryan Geiger, TAG Project Management

Craig DeVrieze, Illowa Construction Labor & Management Council

Mary Chappell, Quad Cities Land Bank Authority

Frances Williams, Mercado on Fifth

Joan Kranovich, Visit Quad Cities

Mayor Rayapati called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken with Mayor Rayapati, Alderpersons Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, Finch, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt present. Absent: Alderperson Macias.


4.1 September 2024 Neighborhood of the Month Award - Commercial Award: DuTrac Community Credit Union, 3153 Avenue of the Cities & Residential Award: Jose M. Rosas, 1304 48th Street. Chris Mathias, Director of Community and Economic Development, introduced Kara Rank, the manager of the new DuTrac Community Credit Union branch located at 3153 Avenue of the Cities. Ms. Rank thanked the City for its recognition of DuTrac Community Credit Union for the Commercial Award of the month. KJ Whitley, Community Development Manager, informed Council that the residential award of the month goes to Jose M. Rosas for his home located at 1304 48th Street. Mr. Rosas was not present to accept the award.

4.2 Feasibility Study: Milt Hand Softball Complex (Eric Griffith, Director of Parks & Recreation & Wes Cosgriff, Project Executive TAG Project Management) Eric Griffith, Director of Parks & Recreation shared that the Milt Hand Softball Complex, also referred to as Green Valley, is part of the Master Plan and was at the top of the list of parks needing a feasibility study. TAG Project Management was awarded the bid from the Request for Proposals (RFP). The feasibility study and analysis of the Milt Hand Softball Complex was presented to Park Board in August, 2024. Griffith introduced Wes Cosgriff, Project Executive with TAG Project Management. Cosgriff presented the feasibility study and analysis of the Milt Hand Softball Complex. Ryan Geiger, Assistant Project Manager with TAG Project Management, shared information regarding a potential home field partnership with Augustana College. Discussion held.

Public Comment


Questions on the Agenda

Agenda Items

7.1 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to an Agreement for Property Maintenance Services for Special Service Area #6 with Quality Construction Services, Inc., for a one-year contract, with voluntary renewal each of the following two years, beginning September 1, 2024. Chris Mathias handed out an updated Exhibit 4. The map includes a planter which

was previously removed from the 1300 block of 4th Avenue (See Attachment 1). A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Castro. Motion passed unanimously.

7.2 A Resolution approving the special event application for the Moline High School Homecoming Parade scheduled for Friday, September 20, 2024, that is sponsored by the Moline High School; closing certain streets more particularly described herein to vehicular traffic; and authorizing the use of public right-of-way in conjunction with said event. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, reported that the Moline High School Homecoming Parade is an annual request. It will also appear on the Council meeting agenda under non-consent due to the timing of the event. A motion was made by Alderperson Schmidt to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Finch. Motion passed unanimously.

7.3 A Resolution approving the special event application for the Dia de los Muertos Parade scheduled for Saturday, November 2, 2024, that is sponsored by Mercado on Fifth and closing certain streets more particularly described herein to vehicular traffic; and authorizing the use of public right-of-way in conjunction with said event. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, shared that staff is recommending approval. The parade will be the same route as it was in 2023. A motion was made by Alderperson Schmidt to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Castro. Motion passed unanimously.

7.4 A Resolution approving a special event application for Mercado on Fifth’s Día de los Muertos Parade After Party event scheduled for Saturday, November 2, 2024, closing certain streets more particularly described herein to vehicular traffic; and authorizing the use of public right-of-way in conjunction with said event. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, reported that the after party event is a continuation of events after the Dia de los Muertos parade. Staff is recommending approval. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Razzaque. Motion passed unanimously.

7.5 A Resolution approving the special event application for the 2025 Great Race event scheduled for Sunday, June 22, 2025, that is sponsored by Visit Quad Cities; authorizing a grant to Visit Quad Cities for the amount of $10,000 from the Special Events Fund to promote the event and assist in covering event costs pending approval of the FY 2025 budget; closing certain streets more particularly described herein to vehicular traffic; and authorizing the use of public right-of-way in conjunction with said event. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, shared that staff is recommending approval and $10,000 to fund the 2025 Great Race. Joan Kranovich, Vice President of Business Growth & Service and Director of Sports QC at Visit Quad Cities, shared a PowerPoint Presentation explaining the Great Race and their desire to return to the Quad Cities in 2025 (See Attachment 2). There will be around 150 historic cars arriving in Moline on Sunday, June 22, 2025. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Castro. Motion passed unanimously.

7.6 A Resolution approving the special event application for the Pride 5K and Pride Party event scheduled for Saturday, June 28, 2025, that is sponsored by The Project of the Quad Cities; authorizing a grant to The Project of the Quad Cities for the amount of $5,000 from the Special Events Fund to promote the event via print and digital media, branded items for giveaways, and other branded promotional items for distribution to attendees and sponsors pending approval of the FY 2025 budget; closing certain streets more particularly described herein to vehicular traffic; and authorizing the use of public right-of-way in conjunction with said event. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, reported that staff is recommending approval of the Pride 5K and Pride Party event. A motion was made by Alderperson Timion to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Finch. Ayes: Alderperson McNeil, Schmidt, Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, and Finch. Nays: none. Abstain: Alderperson Castro.

7.7 A Resolution authorizing the Chief of Police to declare, campaign, and, if elected, serve on the Executive Board of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Darren Gault, Chief of Police, reported that the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) is the leader in the professional association for law enforcement with 34,000 members in over 170 countries around the world. Earlier this year, Chief Gault was asked to consider running for 4th Vice President of IACP. Chief Gault would remain the Police Chief for the City of Moline. The campaign begins October 13, 2024 and takes one year. The next opportunity for an election is October, 2025. If elected to serve as the 4th Vice President, the term lasts through 2029-2030 and then that term would ascend to President following that term. Chief Gault requested support of the resolution to declare the support of this campaign. Mayor Rayapati read aloud the endorsement of Darren Gault, Chief of Police, as 4th Vice President from the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. A motion was made by Alderperson Timion to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Schmidt. Discussion held. Motion passed unanimously.

7.8 An Ordinance amending Chapter 11, “FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Section 11-2100, “ESTABLISHED, COMPOSITION,” and Section 11- 2101, “ORDER OF RANKING,” by adding amendments to reflect the new process of appointing a Deputy Chief effective September 24, 2024. Steve Regenwether, Fire Chief, reported that this request stems from a review of Chapter 11. Regenwether reviewed all of the added amendments. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Castro. Motion passed unanimously.

7.9 A Resolution granting a variance to Chapter 28, “STREETS AND SIDEWALKS,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Section 28-3200(a) and Chapter 35, “ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Section 35-4218 to allow a temporary modification to delay the construction of sidewalk along the subject property located at 2623 45th Street, Moline. Chris Mathias, Director of Community and Economic Development, handed out a photograph of the sidewalk variance location (See Attachment 3). This request is from Meyer Landscape who owns a home that they would like split off from the rest of a very large parcel. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Castro. Discussion held. Timion voiced his opposition of sidewalk variances. Ayes: Alderperson McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, Murphy, Razzaque, Finch. Nays: Alderperson Timion.

7.10 A Resolution authorizing the Director of Engineering to execute and make certain certifications and assurances related to the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) grant requirements and conditions to design and construct sidewalk improvements and streetscaping elements on River Drive from 12th to 19th Street, supporting a grant application to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for the ITEP grant, and authorizing City staff to do any and all things necessary to prepare and submit said grant application to IDOT for the ITEP grant. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, reported that the City is looking to apply for an Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) grant. Staff is recommending approval of the item. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Razzaque. Motion passed unanimously.

7.11 An Ordinance amending Chapter 4, “ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances increasing the number of Class B: Tavern licenses in the City at the request of Jeremy Webb, Webb Services LLC, potential purchaser of the former Casey’s Tavern, 1512 15th Street, Moline. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, reported staff is recommending approval. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Murphy. Discussion held. Motion passed unanimously.


8.1 Land Bank Program and Funding. Chris Mathias, Director of Community & Economic Development, reported the current funding structure of the Quad Cities Lank Bank Authority, noting that each city pays into the Land Bank fund based on their population size. The City of Moline is currently paying in $40,000. In 2026, the funding revenue drops off because there will be no more American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds available. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, shared that this fund will likely be coming out of the general fund. Mayor Rayapati requested information on how the Quad Cities Land Bank Authority benefits the City of Moline. Discussion held.

8.2 Rental Housing Program and Funding. Chris Mathias, Director of Community & Economic Development, shared updated numbers on the rental housing program. In looking at the expenses, Mathias reported the numbers can be misleading. They numbers are elevated due to 40% of expenses going towards the salary of the Neighborhood Improvement Officer and 30% of expenses going towards the salary of the Building Official. Discussion held.

8.3 Urban and Community Forestry Grant. Eric Griffith, Director of Parks & Recreation, reported that the first grant submission through the Urban and Community Forestry Grant for a Forestry Operations Manager was unsuccessful. After the second round of funding was released, it was determined the most impactful this grant can do is planting trees. The Park Board approved the grant in August, 2024. There is no match involved.

8.4 September 2024 Status & Information Report. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, highlighted the Status and Information Report stating that 1,109 rental inspections have been completed as of August, 2024. Vitas shared that the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program recently celebrated 50 years in Moline. Metronet installation will be completed this fall. The JA Biztown project through Junior Achievement will have a grand opening in the near future. The Library Gardens are coming along beautifully. The stage is up and the vestibule is complete. The ribbon cutting will be held in Spring, 2025. The Moline Compass ID program is scheduled to start November 1, 2024. The East End Park upgrades took place and it will be dedicated to Patrick and Cecilia O’Brien with the renaming to O’Brien Park. The dedication will take place on Friday, September 27 at 12:30 p.m.

Adjournment of the Committee-of-the-Whole and Council Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance


There was no invocation.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken with Mayor Rayapati, Alderpersons Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, Finch, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt present. Absent: Alderperson Macias.

Consent Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Council and Executive Session meeting minutes of August 20, 2024, Committee-of-the-Whole, Council, and Executive Session meeting minutes of August 27, 2024.


14.1 1121-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Director of Parks and Recreation to purchase replacement playground equipment for Browning Park, Riverside Park (Moline Little League Playground), Ben Butterworth Parkway, and McCandless Park from GameTime, a Playcore Company, for the amount of $315,034.15, including a GameTime Community Champions Playground Grant Funding Award for $194,114.85.

14.2 1122-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor, City Clerk, and City staff to apply to the Illinois Department of National Resources (IDNR) for an Open Space Land Acquisition and Development Grant (OSLAD), for the amount of $155,967.00 to install a new rubberized surface treatment and concrete border at the Browning Park playground and authorizing the Mayor, City Clerk, and City staff to do all things necessary to prepare and submit said grant application.

14.3 1123-2024 A Resolution approving an amendment to the bylaws of Special Service Area #6 Advisory Board of Directors, Section 4, “NUMBER, TENURE, AND QUALIFICATIONS,” to reflect that the number of directors shall be nine (9), each director shall hold office for a term not to exceed three (3) years and directors can serve consecutive terms, limited to nine (9) years, and terms shall align with the Special Service Area fiscal year of January 1 to December 31, effective upon approval and passage of this resolution.

14.4 1124-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an application for funding under the Rock Island County Waste Management Agency (RICWMA) for the Solid Waste Assistance Grant (SWAG) Program (FY25) for the amount of $42,985.00 to be used for solid waste management, recycling or educational related activities within the community and authorizing the Director of Public Works to do all things necessary to complete and submit said application.

14.5 An Ordinance amending Chapter 20, “MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Appendix 10 thereof, “PARKING PROHIBITED AT ANY TIME,” by adding Sixth Avenue, on the south side, beginning at a point 110 feet east of 53rd Street, continuing east for 60 feet. This item appears on the September 24, 2024 agenda as Non-Consent Agenda – Second Reading Ordinances. It was mistakenly placed under Consent Agenda – Resolutions on the September 10, 2024 agenda.

14.6 1125-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Azavar Audit Solutions, Inc., DBA Azavar Government Solutions, and an engagement letter with Cozen O’Connor for compliance audits and ongoing revenue maximization and monitoring services on a contingency basis.

Omnibus Vote

Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Razzaque, moved to approve and adopt, by omnibus vote, these items. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons McNeil, Castro Schmidt, Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, and Finch; nays: none.

Non-Consent Agenda


16.1 1126-2024 A Resolution approving a service agreement with Daupler, Inc., for provision of a technology based, two-way, resident communication service related to water, sewer, stormwater, solid waste, parks and transportation for an amount not to exceed $78,499 and authorizing the Director of Utilities to execute any necessary documents related to this work.

Approved. Charly Brown, Assistant Director of Utilities, shared that in April, 2024 there was a large water main break. Although the crew responded relatively quickly and alerts were sent to those affected in the community, there was still an influx of calls from concerned residents who lost their water. After regular business hours, all calls coming in to the Utilities department go to the Water Operator. Daupler, Inc. would assist with after hour calls and decide how important the call is and whether or not a crew needs to be sent right away. In addition, if a call comes in that is not an emergency, a work order would be created. Residents would also have the option to opt-in to receive a text regarding emergencies in their area. Alderperson Schmidt, seconded by Alderperson Razzaque, moved to approve Council Bill 1126- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons McNeil, Castro Schmidt, Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, and Finch; nays: none.

16.2 1127-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Director of Engineering to execute and make certain certifications and assurances related to the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) grant requirements and conditions to design and construct sidewalk improvements and streetscaping elements on River Drive from 12th to 19th Street, supporting a grant application to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for the ITEP grant, and authorizing City staff to do any and all things necessary to prepare and submit said grant application to IDOT for the ITEP grant.

Approved. Alderperson Schmidt, seconded by Alderperson Finch, moved to approve Council Bill 1127- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons McNeil, Castro Schmidt, Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, and Finch; nays: none.

16.3 1128-2024 A Resolution approving the special event application for the Moline High School Homecoming Parade scheduled for Friday, September 20, 2024, that is sponsored by the Moline High School; closing certain streets more particularly described herein to vehicular traffic; and authorizing the use of public right-of-way in conjunction with said event.

Approved. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Castro, moved to approve Council Bill 1128- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons McNeil, Castro Schmidt, Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, and Finch; nays: none.

16.4 1129-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Bethany for Children and Families, for property located at 1830 6th Avenue, Moline, Illinois (PIN No. 08-32-417-001), for a purchase price of $1,280,000; and authorizing all appropriate City officials, officers, and staff to do all things necessary to complete each of the City’s responsibilities and enforce each of the City’s expected benefits as referred to in such Agreement.

Approved. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Razzaque, moved to approve Council Bill 1129- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons McNeil, Castro Schmidt, Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, and Finch; nays: none.

16.5 1130-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a License Agreement with Bethany for Children and Families, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, for non-exclusive access and utilization of gymnasium space located at 1830 6th Avenue, Moline, Illinois.

Approved. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Razzaque, moved to approve Council Bill 1130- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons McNeil, Castro Schmidt, Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, and Finch; nays: none.

Non-Consent Agenda

First Reading Ordinances

17.1 An Ordinance amending Chapter 11, “FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Section 11-2100, “ESTABLISHED, COMPOSITION,” and Section 11- 2101, “ORDER OF RANKING,” by adding amendments to reflect the new process of appointing a Deputy Chief effective September 24, 2024.

Advanced. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Timion, moved to advance Item #17.1 to second reading. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons McNeil, Castro Schmidt, Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, and Finch; nays: none.

Miscellaneous Business

Bob Vitas, City Administrator, reported he met with Carol Barnes, Director of Finance, who provided an updated budget schedule. Budget items should be wrapped up on October 26, 2024 with the focus on reserves and special projects fund and what to do with the tax levy rate. There will be two regular Council meetings in October.

Public Comment

There was no additional public comment.

Executive Session:

Alderperson Murphy, seconded by Alderperson Timion, moved for Executive Session, for the purpose of discussion of Pending, Probable, or Imminent Litigation – 5 ILCS 120/2(C)(11) Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons McNeil, Castro Schmidt, Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, and Finch; nays: none.

City Council convened in Executive Session at 7:49 p.m.

Council reconvened in open session at 8:02 p.m.

Adjournment of City Council

Upon motion of Alderperson Schmidt, seconded by Alderperson Finch, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.




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