
Rock Island Today

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

City of Rock Island City Council met Oct. 28

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Jenni Swanson - Fourth Ward Alderwoman | City of Rock Island

Jenni Swanson - Fourth Ward Alderwoman | City of Rock Island

City of Rock Island City Council met Oct. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

Mayor Thoms called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone.

2. Roll Call

Mayor Thoms asked City Clerk Samantha Gange to call the roll.

Present: Alderpersons Moses Robinson, Randy Hurt, Jenni Swanson, Dylan Parker, Mark Poulos, Bill Healy and Mayor Mike Thoms.

Alderperson Kevin Maynard arrived at 6:03 p.m.

Absent: None.

Staff: City Manager Todd Thompson, Attorney Leslie Day, City Clerk Samantha Gange, and other City Staff. 3. Public Comment

Nobody was signed up to speak during public comment.

4. Presentations

a. Presentation of the CY2025 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

Finance Director Jessica Sager explained the CIP process and discussed the difference between the CIP Budget vs. the CIP Plan. She noted the CIP budget is an annual document, whereas the CIP plan is a five-year planning document. Ms. Sager discussed the department's requests and said there was a total of $28.9 million requested in the CIP for 2025. The staff is recommending approval of just over $25 million in CIP projects for 2025. She said that the projects in the plan include software equipment, vehicles and street and utilities projects.

Ms. Sager said staff worked hard to spread the available funding as far as possible whether a project was funded by the remaining ARPA dollars, general fund excess dollars, the CIP fund balance, Motor Fuel Tax funds or grant funds. She presented several pie charts that represented the expenditures by category, by fund and by department.

Next, Ms. Sager provided a more detailed overview of the proposed projects (see presentation).

Director Sager announced the 2025 budget work schedule that included a 2025 budget presentation on Monday, November 11, 2024, a Truth In Taxation Hearing on Monday, November 25, 2024 and the two readings of the budget ordinance on Monday, December 9 and Monday, December 16, 2024.

5. Adjourn

a. Motion: Motion to adjourn.

VV Voice vote is needed.


Alderperson Poulos moved to adjourn; Alderperson Swanson seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 voice vote. Aye: Maynard, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt. Nay: None. Absent: None.

The Study Session concluded at 6:11 p.m.
