Todd Thompson - City Manager | City of Rock Island
Todd Thompson - City Manager | City of Rock Island
Rock Island County Emergency Telephone System Board met Feb. 4.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Beswick, Gault, McCloud, McMaster, Meyers, Ramsey, Seiver, VanKlaveren
OTHERS PRESENT: Kirk Pattison, Rock Island Police Department; Curt Champion, Rock Island County Sheriff’s Department; Chris Johnson, Derek Radosevich, Milan Police Department; Jason Kratt, East Moline Police Department; Scott Ryckeghem, QComm; Jerry Sottos, Moline Fire Department; Stacey Bollinger, SECC; Jim Uskavich, Wayne Mooney, Rich Schipper and Christine Cary, Bi-State Regional Commission
1. Approval of the January 7, 2025 Minutes. Gault moved that the minutes of the January meeting be approved as presented. McCloud seconded, and the motion was approved.
2. Financial Reports. Cary distributed the February Accounts Payable totaling $497,875.32. She noted that Year 5 of the CentralSquare agreement will be paid this month. Gault moved that the February accounts payable be approved for payment. McCloud seconded, and the motion was approved unanimously by roll call vote. The following financial report was presented:
POOL Balance: $ 3,220,000.00
Checkbook Balance: $ 182,585.62
TOTAL $ 3,402,585.62
Jan. Surcharge: $ 141,648.28
a. Budget. Gault made a motion to approve the budget report ending January 31, 2025. Ramsey seconded, and the motion was approved by voice vote.
3. PSAP Reports.
a. County – Meyers reported they hired their 12th TC. When they are fully trained, they will be at full staff.
b. Rock Island – Pattison stated they are at 11th TC’s and have hired their 12th, who is currently onboarding.
c. QComm – Ryckeghem reported they have 20 full time TC’s, 5 trainees, and are planning to hire two more. They also have the training coordinator working a half shift in the afternoon to fill the gaps.
d. Arsenal – No Report.
e. SECC – Bollinger stated they lost one during training, but two are still currently in training. They also hired a seasoned dispatcher, who is on the fast-track training program. Three more are expected to begin at the beginning of March. If everyone successfully completes training, they will be at full staff.
4. Secondary PSAP Reports.
a. AMT EMS – No Report.
b. Medic EMS – Andorf reported via email that everything is good.
5. Technical Report.
a. Heartland Business Systems (HBS) – Schipper reported that HBS is currently in the process of implementing the XDR product and establishing the baseline. IT is finalizing the firewall policies to ensure HBS can align with their behaviors. Schipper indicated that the implementation is going smoothly.
b. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) – Schipper reported that he met with Factor, who presented a solution that fully satisfies the CJIS requirements. In addition to meeting the CJIS specifications, the solution includes features such as patch management, inventory and status alerts, remote control and management of workstations, and remote software installations. The estimated cost for this solution is $50 per workstation, with an estimated 120 workstations. Schipper emphasized that, from his perspective, the immediate priority lies with the PSAP workstations and Arsenal MDTs. Initially, he considered purchasing physical fobs for MFA, but a virtual fob option is also available. Gault inquired about the potential impact on MDTs if other agencies do not implement MFA. Schipper clarified that there would be no effect on MDT functionality; they would continue to operate as usual. Gault raised the question of why the MDTs would not be covered by the ETSB, considering they are used for CAD connectivity. Seiver responded that due to Illinois State Police guidelines, surcharge funds can only be allocated for expenses central to dispatch. VanKlavern further noted that while there may be an argument against funding for the desktops, MDTs are utilized by officers for self-dispatching. Schipper reiterated that the immediate priority is to move forward with the dispatch-related requirements and not delay progress due to the actions of other agencies. Bollinger shared that Windows Hello will be implemented as part of the MFA solution for SECC. Seiver added that while 120 devices are part of the solution, it does not address the broader requirements. However, these devices are essential for dispatch and clearly fall within surcharge guidelines. Schipper will reach out to the agencies to determine how many MDTs require coverage and will use this information when meeting with Factor on Friday. Additionally, Schipper will ask Factor to present their solution at the next ETSB meeting.
c. Update to CAD Workstations – Schipper reported they are in the process of updating all CAD workstations to Windows 11 Enterprise.
6. Other Business.
a. CentralSquare Renewal – Cary stated she received a renewal for ProQA, Jail Medical Records, State’s Attorney, etc. The total for the renewal was $24,940.13. VanKlaveren made a motion to accept. Gault seconded and the motion was approved by voice vote.
b. IDPH Changes to EMD Law – Ryckeghem reported that Adam Sowells had raised questions regarding the approval of training plans. Sowells suggested that Houzenga should be designated as the point person for all training requirements. Ryckeghem noted that there may be some confusion around this and indicated the need for further discussions with all parties involved.
c. RapidSOS – Tabled until March.
d. First Due – Cary informed the Board that Houzenga wanted to make them aware that Coal Valley Fire had requested a quote for a First Due Reporting Interface. It was noted that Coal Valley Fire understands they would be responsible for all associated costs if they proceed. Additionally, other fire departments are currently using ImageTrend and have not shown interest in transitioning to First Due.
7. Public Comment. None.
8. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. at the Rock Island Police Department.