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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Black Hawk College details recent board meeting

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The Black Hawk College board of trustees met Thursday, Aug. 25.

The board is responsible for governance, administration and operation of the college. It includes seven locally elected members serving staggered six-year terms and one student trustee serving a one-year term.

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Black Hawk College board of trustees:


Chair Emerick called the meeting to order on Thursday, August 25, 2016, at 6:03 p.m. in the Black Hawk Room of the Quad-Cities Campus, Moline, Illinois.


Present: Trustees Dorothy W. Beck, David L. Emerick, Jr., Richard P. Fiems, Douglas L. Strand, and Carlos A. Martinez. Absent: Trustees Tim A. Black, Fritz W. Larsen, and Joseph B. Swan.


The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Trustee Black arrived at 6:04 p.m.


A. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Open Meeting of July 25, 2016.

Trustee Fiems moved to approve the Minutes of the Special Open Meeting of July 25, 2016; seconded by Trustee Beck. AYES: Trustees Black, Fiems, Strand, Beck, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None ABSENT: Trustees Larsen and Swan Motion Passed. Trustee Strand noted a typo on page 2 of the minutes, $1.17 should be $0.17.

Trustee Swan arrived at 6:06 p.m.

B. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 28, 2016.

Trustee Beck moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 28, 2016; seconded by Trustee Fiems. AYES: Trustees Fiems, Strand, Swan, Beck, Black, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None ABSENT: Trustee Larsen Motion Passed.

August 25, 2016 – Open Session Minutes 1

MINUTES OPEN SESSION Thursday, August 25, 2016

C. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Open Meeting of August 11, 2016.

Trustee Beck moved to approve the Minutes of the Special Open Meeting of August 11, 2016; seconded by Trustee Black. AYES: Trustees Strand, Swan, Beck, Black, Fiems, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None ABSENT: Trustee Larsen Motion Passed.


A. Faculty Senate – Quad-Cities Campus: QC Senate President Chris Appuhn provided an update on the Teaching Learning Center, best practices for on-line courses, and student evaluations of faculty. Mr. Appuhn thanked ITS and Dr. Maxeiner for addressing all the concerns with DL classrooms. There has been some discussion about creating an admin guideline explaining the role, scope, and purpose of Faculty Senate. The hope is the admin guideline could help manage faculty expectations about Faculty Senate and improve communication. Dr. Maxeiner has already demonstrated she is very willing to listen and communicate with faculty. 

B. Faculty Senate – East Campus: EC Senate President Drew Cotton reported enrollment is robust and excitement is great at East Campus. Mr. Cotton updated the Board on upcoming Ag events including an Ag picnic, barrel show, and two livestock judging competitions. The Science and Math Club has an upcoming meeting and 20 to 25 students are expected to attend. There are 60 members on the horse show team. EC faculty members recognize activities, events, and competitions are a valuable experience for students; and the faculty are committed to supporting those efforts. EC Senate will have their first meeting next week. On behalf of East Campus, Mr. Cotton congratulated Officer Don Quanstrom on his retirement. C. Labor Management Council Report: LMC Co-Chair Betsy Hall reported the council had reviewed the position status report, current enrollment numbers, the $8M state funding shortfall, two recently updated admin guidelines (safe driver and closing procedures), and the status of the healthcare plan. It was noted healthcare costs are up compared to last year and the plan is taking a hit from specialty drug prescriptions. The council briefly discussed the implications of the Department of Labor’s updated overtime rule. Dr. Truitt and Betsy Hall met after the LMC meeting to discuss upcoming arbitration issues. LMC is scheduled to meet again September 14, 2016. D. QC Student Government Association/EC Student Government Association: no report. E. Other - Anyone who wishes to address the Board under the Public Comment Section of the agenda shall make a written request of the Chair or of the Secretary of the Board prior to the beginning of the meeting. Such written request may be conveyed through the President's Office. (Board Policy 10.44.4)

Trustee Larsen arrived at 6:25 p.m.

Dr. Jim Nowlan addressed the Board with his concerns for East Campus. Dr. Nowlan identified himself as part of an informal group called “Friends of East.” Some of the issues he mentioned were moving from a President at EC, to a Vice President, and now a “part- time Dean” that is at East Campus a few days a week. Dr. Nowlan said the “part-time Dean” has no authority and faculty and staff have to report to Moline. He expressed concerns over eliminating East Campus athletics to save money while the athletics at the QC Campus remain. He also mentioned the consolidation of Department Chairs, the elimination of a librarian and AG faculty positions, and the recent cancellation of a class that had 20+ students enrolled. Mr. Nowlan accused the Board and Administration of setting East Campus up to fail. He disputed Professor Cotton’s positive assessment and claimed that morale at the East Campus is at “rock bottom.” Mr. Nowlan stated, “a campus without a head, is a campus without a heart,” and encouraged the Board to evaluate the administrative structure of East Campus.


A. Ratification of Expenditures for the Period Ending July 31, 2016. BR#8991 B. Ratification of Expenditures for Preferred Vendors Ending July 31, 2016. BR#8992 C. Ratification of Acceptance of Adult Education Grants FY2016. BR#8993 D. Ratification of Acceptance of Doris and Victor Day Foundation Grant - GED Testing Support FY2017. BR#8994 E. Ratification of Acceptance of Doris and Victor Day Foundation Grant – Adult Education Instructional Material Support FY2017. BR#8995 F. Ratification of Acceptance of the Extension of the Career Link Grant of Workforce Investment Act Funding to Serve Out of School Youth in Stark County. BR#8996 Trustee Beck moved to approve Board Reports #8991, #8992, #8993, #8994, #8995, and #8996; seconded by Trustee Fiems. Discussion: Trustee Strand inquired about the following invoices: Gray Associates, QC Times, Zogo Tech (data warehouse), and rent for the former SBDC. Dr. Truitt noted the lease for the former SBDC space is up in February 2017. AYES: Trustees Strand, Swan, Beck, Black, Fiems, Larsen, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.


Chair Emerick moved the Approval of Personnel Recommendations, item K, to the front of the agenda. K. Personnel Recommendations

• Granting Staff Emeritus – Donald Quanstrom. BR#9002 Trustee Strand moved to approve Board Report #9002; seconded by Trustee Beck. AYES: Trustees Swan, Beck, Black, Fiems, Larsen, Strand, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed. Discussion: Trustee Fiems noted Officer Quanstrom was a dedicated and responsible employee. When Trustee Fiems was the BHC Police Chief, he took comfort in knowing Officer Quanstrom was on patrol at East Campus and knew things would be taken care of properly. Officer Quanstrom remarked he had two exceptional Police Chiefs that allowed him to do his job, Trustee Fiems and Chief Shawn Cisna. Chair Emerick reminded Board members that after a motion is seconded and he has asked for discussion that is the appropriate time for Board members to provide comments and ask questions.

• Granting Staff Emerita – Betty Phillips. BR#9003 Trustee Beck moved to approve Board Report #9003; seconded by Trustee Fiems. Discussion: Trustee Beck noted Betty Phillips was efficient, sensitive, and polite, an amazing listener and a compassionate woman. She is already deeply missed by faculty and staff. AYES: Trustees Beck, Black, Fiems, Larsen, Strand, Swan, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

• Employment – English as a Second Language Instructor – Amanda Woodruff. BR#9004 Trustee Strand moved to approve Board Report #9004; seconded by Trustee Beck. AYES: Trustees Beck, Black, Fiems, Larsen, Strand, Swan, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

• Employment – Third year contract for Humanities, Languages, and Journalism Instructor – Andrew Hoogheem. BR#9005 Trustee Beck moved to approve Board Report #9005; seconded by Trustee Strand. AYES: Trustees Black, Fiems, Larsen, Strand, Swan, Beck, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

• Employment – Agri-Business Instructor – Tyler Gradert. BR#9006 Trustee Black moved to approve Board Report #9006; seconded by Trustee Beck. AYES: Trustees Fiems, Larsen, Strand, Swan, Beck, Black, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

• Employment – Natural Science and Engineering Department Instructor – James Riessen. BR#9007 Trustee Beck moved to approve Board Report #9007; seconded by Trustee Strand. AYES: Trustees Larsen, Strand, Swan, Beck, Black, Fiems, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

• Employment – Allied Health and PE Instructor and Interim Director for Veterinary Sciences – Dr. Michelle Trommer. BR#9008 Trustee Black moved to approve Board Report #9008; seconded by Trustee Strand. AYES: Trustees Strand, Swan, Beck, Black, Fiems, Larsen, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

A. Second Reading of Proposed Amendment to the Board Policy Manual, Code of Conduct for Trustees, item 7. BR#8986 Trustee Beck moved to approve Board Report #8986; seconded by Trustee Strand. AYES: Trustees Black, Fiems, Larsen, Strand, Swan, Beck, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

B. Second Reading of Proposed Amendment to the Board Policy Manual, Code of Conduct for Trustees, item 12. BR#8987 Trustee Beck moved to approve Board Report #8987; seconded by Trustee Fiems. Discussion: Trustee Larsen will make every attempt to channel questions through the President but there are no sanctions if he doesn’t. Trustee Larsen respects the intent of the policy but he also reserves the right to have conversations with others and gather additional perspectives. Trustee Black supports the proposal noting that if and when a president should fail to provide him with an adequate response to a request, he would notify the Board Chair. Trustees agreed that President Truitt has always provided a response to their questions in a timely manner. Trustee Strand echoed Trustee Larsen’s comments. Some trustees pointed out that asking employees directly to do something can create a sense of urgency that disrupts their ability to perform their appointed tasks, especially if the President is not aware of the request. Trustee Fiems did not view this proposed policy as preventing him from doing his job as a trustee. The Board’s only employee is the President. AYES: Trustees Fiems, Swan, Beck, Black, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, NAY NAYS: Trustees Larsen and Strand. Motion Passed.

C. Second Reading of Proposed Amendment to the Board Policy Manual, Section 2.40 

Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees of Black Hawk College. BR#8988 Trustee Beck moved to approve Board Report #8988; seconded by Trustee Fiems. Discussion: President Truitt supports this proposal and is already committed to providing trustees with the information they need to make data-driven decisions. AYES: Trustees Larsen, Strand, Swan, Beck, Black, Fiems, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYES NAYS: None Motion Passed.

D. Second Reading of Proposed Amendment to the Board Policy Manual, Section 2.45

Program and Curriculum Administration. BR#8989 Trustee Beck moved to approve Board Report #8989; seconded by Trustee Strand. Discussion: Because the Board currently authorizes the creation of a new program, it should also authorize the elimination or suspension of a program. It is already policy that if a faculty member position is being eliminated due to the elimination of a program, Board approval is required. AYES: Trustees Strand, Swan, Beck, Black, Fiems, Larsen, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

E. Second Reading of Proposed Amendment to the Board Policy Manual, Section 4.50

Finance. BR#8990 Trustee Beck moved to approve Board Report #8990; seconded by Trustee Fiems. Discussion: This proposal clarifies the President’s responsibility to provide the Board with timely information about factors that may necessitate increases in revenue. AYES: Trustees Swan, Beck, Black, Fiems, Larsen, Strand, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

F. Approval of Award of Contract for Preferred Information Technology Vendors. BR#8997

Trustee Strand moved to approve Board Report #8997; seconded by Trustee Beck. Discussion: Trustee Strand inquired why only 5 of 18 vendors responded. AYES: Trustees Beck, Black, Fiems, Larsen, Stand, Swan, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

G. Approval of Award of Contract for Internet Services. BR#8998

Trustee Strand moved to approve Board Report #8998; seconded by Trustee Fiems. AYES: Trustees Beck, Black, Fiems, Larsen, Strand, Swan, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

H. Approval of Assignment of Duties and Responsibilities in Conducting Non-Partisan Board of Trustees Election (Steven J. Frommelt, Vice President for Finance & Administration). BR#8999 Trustee Beck moved to approve Board Report #8999; seconded by Trustee Fiems. Discussion: the Secretary of the Board is normally assigned election duties but for many years the Board Secretary has deferred the responsibilities to the Vice President for Finance and Administration. Chair Emerick noted if there was an issue the Board Secretary would be involved. AYES: Trustees Black, Fiems, Larsen, Strand, Swan, Beck, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

I. Approval of Authorization for College President to Initiate All Necessary Steps for the Issuance of Bonds to Fund Identified Projects. BR#9000

Trustee Fiems moved to approve Board Report #9000; seconded by Trustee Black. AYES: Trustees Fiems, Larsen, Strand, Swan, Beck, Black, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

J. Approval of Submission of Protection, Health, and Safety Projects to the Illinois Community College Board FY2017. BR#9001 Trustee Black moved to approve Board Report #9001; seconded by Trustee Strand. AYES: Trustees Larsen, Strand, Swan, Beck, Black, Fiems, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.


A. President’s Update and Daily Activities: written reports by Dr. Bettie Truitt were included in the Board binders and uploaded to BoardDocs. Although the Budget was predicated on a decrease in enrollment, President Truitt reported that first day fall enrollment is actually flat with no decrease. She noted the College’s commitment to retaining students. Trustees thanked Dr. Truitt, Dr. Maxeiner, and their departments for their hard work contacting students for fall registration.

B. Finance: the financial operations of the College for the period ending June 30, 2016 and July 31, 2016 were included in the Board binders and uploaded to BoardDocs. The July P- Card Dashboard was also provided. Trustee Strand noted the lack of state funding. Vice President Frommelt reported the College received $1.1M of the $7.2M originally budget in FY16 and it is looking like the College will receive $3.5M of the $5.4M budgeted for FY17, causing an $8M shortfall over two fiscal years.

C. Administrative Services: the BHC construction timeline was included in the Board binders and uploaded to BoardDocs. Trustee Black inquired if the EC stables were staying dry due to all the rainfall. Vice President Frommelt and Mr. Drew Cotton noted the stables are dry.

D. Human Resources – Positions in Process: the positions in process repot was included in the Board binders and uploaded to BoardDocs. The QC Foundation Executive Director position has been posted. Trustee Strand would like to see the QC Foundation include an alumni promotional piece in an existing BHC mailing, such as the continuing education schedule. Dr. Truitt will follow-up with the QC Foundation Board and Marketing Department.

E. Foundations – no new information was shared.


A. ICCTA/ACCT Report: Trustees Larsen and Emerick attended the executive retreat on

August 5 & 6, 2016. Trustee Larsen shared information on new legislation requiring four- hours of trustee training, as well as the Board approving travel expenditures. ICCTA and ICCB are currently reviewing the new legislation; more information will be discussed at the September ICCTA meetings. Chair Emerick noted the required training is specific to trustees of community colleges and does not apply to state universities and K-12 School Boards.

B. Dates of Interest: Chair Emerick encouraged trustees to review the calendar of events.

C. Miscellaneous: Trustee Larsen would like to review the strategic plan as it correlates to the Facilities Master Plan. President Truitt noted during the Facilities Master Plan process the strategic plan was reviewed and discussed. President Truitt is willing to provide a review of the strategic plan and its alignment with the Facilities Master Plan.

Chair Emerick remarked it will be another challenging year because of state funding but he is optimistic the Board, President, and her team will rise to the challenge and continue to provide a top notch education.

In reaction to Mr. Nowlan’s criticism of the College’s operations at the East Campus, Chair Emerick commended the administration and especially Dr. Morthland for all of their hard work and dedication to the institution. Chair Emerick noted Dr. Morthland does indeed have authority at East Campus. He emphasized the College’s commitment to seeing that all of the BHC locations are designed to develop and prosper: none of them are set to fail. The Board makes decisions that are in the best interest of the college and students, keeping in mind the fiduciary responsibility to tax payers.


Trustee Fiems moved to go into closed session at 8:14 p.m. in accordance with Subsection 2(a) of the Open Meetings Act [5 ILCS 120/2(a)] to discuss:

• Employment/Appointment Matters [5 ILCS 120/2(C)(1)]

• Pending Litigation [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)]

• Discussion and Approval of Closed Session Minutes [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)]

• Other Matters Identified by the OMA [5 ILCS 120/2(a)] Seconded by Trustee Larsen AYES: Trustees Strand, Swan, Beck, Black, Fiems, Larsen, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

The Board took a ten-minute recess at 8:14 p.m. to prepare for closed session.

Open session resumed at 10:04 p.m.


There were no action items.


Trustee Larsen moved to adjourn open session at 10:04 p.m., seconded by Trustee Beck. AYES: Trustees Strand, Swan, Beck, Black, Fiems, Larsen, and Emerick. ADVISORY VOTE: Trustee Martinez, AYE NAYS: None Motion Passed.

____________________________ ____________________________ David L. Emerick, Jr., Chair Dorothy W. Beck, Secretary Board of Trustees Board of Trustees