
Rock Island Today

Friday, March 14, 2025

Rock Island County health committee onsiders claim approval

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The Rock Island County Health and Human Services Committee met Oct. 11 to consider claim approval.

Here is the meeting's agenda,as provided by the committee:

Rock Island County

1504 Third Avenue

Rock Island, IL 61201

(309) 558-3605

Health and Human Services Committee Agenda

Tuesday October 11, 2016 2:00 pm

The Health and Human Services Committee of the Rock Island County Board will meet at the

above date and time in the Conference Room of the Administration Office on the second floor

of the County Building, 1504 Third Ave, Rock Island, IL. Agenda as follows:

1) Call to order and roll call

2) Approval of the minutes from the September 12, 2016 meeting

3) Public Comments

4) Consider transfers of appropriations

5) Consider appropriation resolutions for funds

6) Consider approval of claims

7) Consider approval of treasurer’s disbursements (TDs)

8) Update on Hope Creek Staffing

9) Update on Hope Creek census and finances

10) Reports to the Committee

a) Condition of Funds – Ms. Palmer

i. State of IL Payments

b) Veterans Assistance Commission – Mr. Harlow

c) Health Department – Ms. Ludwig

d) University of Illinois

e) Regional Office of Education – Ms. Muerhoff

f) Hope Creek Care Center

11)Committee member opportunity for brief comments (no decisions will be made)

12) Adjourn

Future scheduled meeting on November 7*

Health & Human Services Committee Agenda

*This committee will not exist after December 4, 2016 as it is being replaced by a new

“Governance, Health, and Administration” committee. An updated list of committee meeting

dates and times will be available on the Rock Island County website.