
Rock Island Today

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Cordova District Library Board of Trustees presents financials

The Cordova District Library Board of Trustees met Dec. 13 to present financials.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

"The Board of Library Trustees of the Cordova District Library is charged with the responsibility of the governance of the library. The Board shall hire a skilled Library Director who will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the library. The agenda and/or information packet for the meetings will be distributed to the Board by the Director one week prior to meetings. Any Board Member wishing to have an item placed on the agenda will call the Library Director in sufficient time preceding the meeting to have the item placed. Any Board Member who is unable to attend a meeting will call the Library to indicate that he or she will be absent. Due to the fact that a quorum is required for each meeting, this phone call should be placed as far in advance as possible."

Cordova District Library

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Of the Board of Trustees

December 13, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 4:34 pm by Merredith Peterson, President. Some board members may be attending electronically.

Trustees in attendance: Debra Deines, Debra Hart, Karen Lonergan, Merredith Peterson, and Regina Skipper. Absent: Audrey Roman

Sue Hebel/Library Director and Cheryl Lennox/Head Librarian were in attendance.

No public present.

The minutes from the previous meeting were presented. Deb Hart made a motion to accept the minutes as read and was seconded by Deb Deines. Motion carried.

The minutes from the October 25, 2016 Special Meeting were presented. Deb Deines made a motion to accept the minutes as read and was seconded by Karen Lonergan. Motion carried.

The minutes from the October 25, 2016 Closed Meeting were presented. Karen Lonergan made a motion to accept the minutes as presented and was seconded by Regina Skipper. Motion carried.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Deb Deines read a thank you note from the family of Charles Nelson, thanking the board for the flowers sent in memory of Mr. Nelson.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Karen Lonergan presented the financials for the month of October. Karen Lonergan made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report and pay the bills. Deb Deines seconded. Motion carried.

Karen Lonergan presented the financials for the month of November. Deb Deines made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report and pay the bills. Karen Lonergan seconded. Motion carried.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the payments made by the District, under the signatures of the President, Treasurer, or Director, as detailed in the Financial Report presented and approved as necessary to meet the obligations of the District in timely manner.

DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Sue Hebel reported:

· We are excited to announce that Cordova Library is a Star Library… Again! There are only 5 libraries across the U.S. that are continuous star libraries and we are one of them!

· The energy bill was signed that will keep Exelon open.

· The Exelon Employee Giving Group presented the Cordova Library with a check for $2000 to use for summer programs.

· Sue will write letters to State representatives and bill writers thanking them for support of the energy bill that is so important to the financial support of Cordova Library.

LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Cheryl Lennox reported:

· Circulation and attendance statistics were distributed and discussed for October and November.

· Newsletter information for the January/February/March Newsletter is due by December 23, 2016.

· Calendars were distributed for January, February and March. An adult art camp is being planned for the week of March 6-10th.

· The Blood Drive is scheduled for Saturday, December 17th from 7:30 – 10:30.

· The library will celebrate Christmas on Thursday, December 15th with an open house planned in the afternoon and a Polar Express themed party for the kids in the evening. Jade Crisp made the plans for the evening activities.

· The library will be closed December 24th and 31st.


FINANCE: No report

Financial Strategic Plan: No report


Staff Recognition: Colette Saathoff has been at Cordova Library for 5 years. Merredith Peterson presented her with a gift certificate.

Personnel Strategic Plan: No report

POLICY: No report

Policy Strategic Plan: No report


The library remodel plans have been on hold waiting for the energy bill signing. We will now go forward with planning. A floor plan will be presented at the next meeting.

Building & Ground Strategic Plan: No report


Sue Hebel reported that we plan to add a scanner for public use.

Technology Strategic Plan: No report



The possibility of bringing the Cordova households that are in Port Byron Township was discussed. It is agreed that this would be for the good of the patrons living in this area. Sue will talk to the River Valley Library Director and our attorney about going forward with this plan.


The next meeting will be on Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 7:30 am.


A motion was made by Regina Skipper and seconded by Deb Deines to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.