
Rock Island Today

Sunday, September 29, 2024

East Moline City Council met June 5.

Meeting 05

East Moline City Council met June 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:


Mayor Freeman led the City Council and all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call

Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order and directed City Clerk Arletta D. Holmes to call the roll. The following Aldermen were present: Gary Almblade, Nancy Mulcahey, Ed DeJaynes, Gary Miller, Robert Cheffer, and Mayor Freeman. Absent: Jose Rico.

Public Comment:

Lloyd Deweese – 3412 17th Street Ct. East Moline, Illinois – Mr. Deweese stated that he is here to discuss the street a one block area that is on 35th Avenue between 17th Avenue Court and 18th Street. Mr. Deweese stated that the deterioration of the seal coated street in front of his home, has turned into a gravel road, causing constant dust and air pollution, and they can no longer open their windows, or sit on their three -season porch anymore. Due to the large potholes that have formed, Mr. Deweese has requested that, this portion of the road be repaved as soon as possible. Mr. Deweese also stated that his neighbor behind him has been doing construction and does not keep up his property, which makes the situation worst.

Mayor Freeman asked Mr. Deweese how long has this construction been going on? Mr. Deweese said about 2 years. Mr. Kammler, Director of Engineering - informed Mr. Deweese that 35th Avenue between 17th and 19th is on the list for to be resealed this summer.

Mayor Freeman told Mr. Deweese that he would get with his Department Heads to see what can be done, and they will get back to him within a week. Mr. Deweese thanked the Mayor and staff for their. assistance.

City Clerk’s Report

City Clerk Holmes passed.

Additions/Corrections To Agenda:

City Clerk Holmes requested that Item A. under the Consent Agenda (Approval of the City Council Minutes of May 15, 2017) be removed from the agenda and brought back at the next meeting.

Consent Agenda

City Clerk Arletta D. Holmes read the Consent Agenda that included the following:

a. Approval of the City Council Minutes of May 15, 2017. (Removed from Agenda)

b. Approval of the Committee-of-the-Whole Minutes of May 15, 2017.

c. Approval of Salaries for May 19, 2017 in the amount of $428,252.56.

d. Approval of Salaries for June 2, 2017 in the amount of $423,100.89.

e. Approval of Bills in the amount of $387,540.85.

A motion was made by Alderman DeJaynes, seconded by Alderman Almblade, to approve the Consent Agenda Minus Item A. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: DeJaynes, Miller, Cheffer, Almblade and Mulcahey. Motion carried.

Report By Mayor

Swearing in City Clerk Holmes Administered the Oath of Office to Ms. Alissa Sallows, as 1st Ward Alderman in the City of East Moline.

City Attorney Graham Lee Presented The Following Ordinances And Resolutions: Ordinance 17-13: An Ordinance Of The City Of East Moline Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute An Intergovernmental Agreement To Establish And Operate The Illinois Quad Cities Communication Center (“Qcomm911”) Between And Among The City Of East Moline, The City Of Moline, The Village Of Milan, And The City Of Silvis, Illinois.

A motion was made by Alderman Almblade, seconded by Alderman Cheffer, to waive the reading of Ordinance 17-13. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: DeJaynes, Miller, Cheffer, Sallows, Almblade, and Mulcahey. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman DeJaynes, seconded by Alderman Cheffer, to Adopt Ordinance 17-13. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: DeJaynes, Miller, Cheffer, Sallows, Almblade, and Mulcahey. Motion carried.

Ordinance 17-14: An Ordinance Of The City Of East Amending Section 6 “Police Regulations Chapter 4 “Animals” Of The City Code Of The City Of East Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois.

A motion was made by Alderman DeJaynes, seconded by Alderman Mulcahey, to waive the reading of Ordinance 17-14. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: DeJaynes, Sallows, Almblade, and Mulcahey. Oppose: Miller, and Cheffer. Motion carried 4-2

A motion was made by Alderman DeJaynes, seconded by Alderman Mulcahey, to Adopt Ordinance 17- 14.


Alderman Almblade – what this is, is a relaxation of the current rules to allow chickens. The current ordinance is restrictive, stating that coops must be at least 50 feet from the property line, and 10 feet from the primary residential dwelling, which rules out most residents. The amended ordinance would have allowed up to six hens with a coop only 50 feet from a neighbor’s home not the lot line.

Alderman Mulcahey- stated that she is still voting NO on this because there is no enforcement. It is complaint driven, she believes the best way to keep our neighborhoods clean and attractive is to have some type of proactive enforcement.

Upon roll call the following voted in favor: DeJaynes, Cheffer, and Sallows. Opposed: Miller, Almblade, Mulcahey. Motion Tied 3-3. Opposed:

Mayor Freeman asked for further discussion on this issue. He asked Chief Reynolds if he had any concerns regarding this issue. Chief Reynolds expressed his concerns about a complaint driven enforcement system, and the number of chickens allowed. Mayor Freeman voted to Oppose Ordinance 17-14. Motion fails 3-4.

Resolution 17-30: A Resolution Of The City Council Of The City Of East Moline, Illinois, Authorizing Approval Of The Purchase Of A Replacement Vehicle From Reynolds Ford, In The Amount $28,935.16.

Alderman Rico arrives at 6:45 p.m.

A motion was made by Alderman Cheffer, seconded by Alderman Almblade, to approve Resolution 17- 30. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: DeJaynes, Miller, Cheffer, Rico, Sallows, Almblade, and Mulcahey. Motion carried.

Committee-Of-The-Whole (Alderman DeJaynes)

Alderman DeJaynes stated there were no items for discussion all items have been covered under the Consent Agenda, Ordinance or Resolutions.

City Staff Communication:

Each City Staff member present was given the opportunity to inform the City Council and those present of events in their departments:

John Reynolds, Chief of Police – Chief Reynolds thanked everyone who attended the Richard Morton Memorial that was held on Thursday, May 25, 2017. We had a great attendance, good news coverage from the newspapers. There was a question asked regarding the QCOMM911 Board. What happens with an even number of board members if there is a tie vote? Chief Reynolds said there is no tie breaker, it just would not pass.

Mr. Kammler, Engineering Services Director – Mr. Kammler informed the City Council, as a reminder 8th Street where the Band Shell is going up for the Fire Cracker Run it is under construction. Walter D. Laud is reconstructing the curbs and street. The 9th Street project will begin after the 4th of July. The ICC has continued to take up the City’s cause against the Railroad, and the deplorable condition of BNSF tracks on 7th Street. Mr. Girdler and Mayor Freeman has signed a stipulated agreement with the ICC, which the city does a little bit of traffic control, and the ICC gives over $220,000 out of their Railroad Safety Crossing Fund to the Railroad to re- construction those two crossings. The work is scheduled to be done sometime this summer. Several years ago, the City received $640,000 an 80% federal share grant to resurface 7th Street between 26th Avenue, up to 42nd Avenue (all of Avenue of the Cities). Over the years IDOT has come up with more and more restrictive requirements, on ADA Ramps, sidewalks, and the thickness, and type of pavement markings. That project is coming due in 2018. We have consultants working on the design, and per our consultant the project is going to be over budget by half a million dollars. The City has requested an additional $411,000 of federal grant funds, and was fortunate enough to receive them. The City does not have repay these funds back.

Mr. DeFrance, Fire Chief – Chief DeFrance informed the City Council that they are now taking applications for Firefighters positions. Applications are available at all East Moline Fire Stations.

Mr. Lambrecht, Maintenance Services Director – reported to the City Council that the river is still receding, and we are still monitoring the river levels on a 24/7 watch. Mr. Lambrecht stated that Alderman Almblade has started a project out at Empire Park staining all the wood and playground equipment with the assistance from the East Moline/Silvis Kiwanis Club.

Mayor Freeman suggested that this item be put in the newspaper it may encourage other groups to volunteer and get involved.

Mr. Drake, WWWTP Facilities, Director – Mr. Drake updated the City Council on the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of East Moline, and the City of Moline for Sewer Treatment Services, everything south of Avenue of the Cities for Sanitary Treatment Sewer. The U.S. EPA has requested an update, and he has been working with the City of Moline on this project. They have sent a draft copy to the US EPA.

Mayor Freeman – This past weekend the Main Street Downtown Business Association, had a cleaning process that went on between 16th and 15th Avenues. We had quite a few volunteers show up, and it was a great success. Thanks to Mr. Lambrecht for letting them have some stuff over there to dispose of and they did a good job.


A motion was made by Alderman DeJaynes, seconded by Alderman Mulcahey, to adjourn the City Council meeting. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: DeJaynes, Miller, Cheffer, Rico, Sallows, Almblade, and Mulcahey. Motion carried. 6:59 p.m.
