
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Geneseo Plan Commission met September 11.

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City of Geneseo Plan Commission met September 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

Call to order /roll call/Quorum check:

Meeting called to order by Co-Chair Larry Meyer at 6:00 p.m. Members answering roll call: B.Barnhart, and Kennett. Chris Barnhart and Smith were absent. Also in attendance was City Administrator Kotter, Building Inspector Mills, Resident Pete Gradert and Stan Rydell.

Pledge of allegiance

Public Comment- Audience requests are limited to 3 minutes per subject. If additional time would be needed, please contact City Hall to be placed on the Agenda prior to the meeting.


Consent Agenda:

1) Approval of agenda

2) Approval of Minutes from 8/21/17

Motion by B. Barnhart, second by Kennett to approve both items on the consent agenda.

Voice Vote. 3 Ayes. 2 Absent.

Motion Carried.

Motion by Kennett, second by B. Barnhart to open the Public Hearing at 6:01 PM to discuss the following case:

1. Case #17-010 a request for a zoning change by the City from B1 to B4.

Voice Vote. 3 Ayes 0 Nays. 2 Absent.

Motion Carried.

1. Case #17-010 Stan Rydell, Owner of Two Brothers Tree Service are purchasing the property at 206 N. Stewart Street. He reported that there will be no activity on the site, this property is for equipment storage and to save on labor and fuel, right now they are located North of Geneseo and 90% of their jobs are in the City of Geneseo. There will be a cement bay put in to hold top soil that is used to backfill with stump removal. The majority of his equipment will fit in the building.

The City Attorney has reported to the Administrator that B4 allows for accessory storage within a concrete area, chain link fence can only be put up for security. The change in the zoning is needed because B1 didn’t fit the current use of the land for Two Brothers. B4 will feel the same for the neighborhood.

Resident Pete Gradert reported neighbor concerns included truck traffic, speeders and the fact that in the future Two Brothers could sell the property and it would open it up to allow any type of business to operate at this location. This type of business doesn’t fit the neighborhood.

Motion by Kennett, second by B. Barnhart to close the Public Hearing at 6:20 PM.

Voice Vote. 3 Ayes. 2 Absent.

Motion Carried.

New Business –

Consideration to recommend to City Council the approval of Case #17-010 – A request from the City for a zoning change to property at 206 N Stewart street from B1 to B4.

Motion by Kennett, second by B. Barnhart to recommend to City Council the approval of Case #17-010 City of Geneseo request for a zoning change to property at 206 N Stewart street from B1 to B4.

Voice Vote. 3 Ayes. 2 Absent.

Motion Carried.

Old Business –


Board Education and Discussion -


General Comments -



Motion by B. Barnhart, second by Kennett to adjourn the meeting at 6:22 p.m.

3Ayes. 0 Nays. 2 Absent.

Motion Carried.
