Rock Island County Public Works Committee met November 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
1) Call to order and roll call
Committee members present: Chair Larry Burns, Jeff Deppe, Edna Sowards, Ed Langdon, Ginny Shelton, Bob Westpfahl
Committee members absent: Richard Morthland, Robert Reagan
Others present: Kenneth Maranda, Kurt Davis, Mike Steffen, Bill Long, Dewayne Cremeens, John Massa, Greg Thorpe, Pat Koranda, Josh Boudi
2) Public Comments
There were no public comments.
3) Approval of the minutes from the October 10, 2016 meeting
Motion to approve: Bob Westpfahl
2nd: Ginny Shelton
Voice vote
Motion carried
4) Reports to the Committee
Zoning and Building-
Mr. Thorpe gave his monthly report. The Zoning and Building department had 94 total receipts for $33,522.20.The estimated value of work was $2.9 million. Last year there were 120 receipts for $20,000 with $1.3 million in estimated valuation. A little bit down in activity from last year but total fees is $330,000 (2016) to $260,000 (2015) and $27.7 million (2016) vs. $21.2 million (2015) in YTD valuation. That puts the department at 125% of the budgeted revenue. Mr. Thorpe also presented a report showing the new residences by township as well as a breakdown by square foot of each house. He also presented a copy of the letter that was received from ISO, Insurance Service Offices. The department recently went through their 5 year review for the Building Code Effectiveness Rating Schedule and received the same rating from before, a 5 for residential and a 4 for commercial out of a 10 scale, the lower the number the better.
Mr. Langdon asked for copy of the report.
Mr. Thorpe confirmed and added that it compared the office to other communities in the area and then breaks it down to offices that are similar in size and population.
Motion to approve: Edna Sowards
2nd: Ed Langdon
Voice vote
Motion carried
Mr. Boudi gave his monthly report. The GIS department received $20,000 in recorder fee revenue for the month of October. They are also going to be over the projected revenue. Mr. Boudi presented the Enterprise Zone letter of support. The consultant that was hired generated the letter of support and are submitting it to all of the businesses within the enterprise zone in Rock Island County, asking for them to describe what their current investments are and their plan investments are as well as job retention and job creation. The ordinance is establishing the enterprise zone again. The current enterprise zone expires March 31, 2018. If we get approved this round the enterprise zone will be reestablished and take effect in 2019. The intergovernmental agreement is between Rock Island County, Milan, Silvis, Rock Island, Moline, and East Moline which explains the incentives that are offered as well as the different duties that are required of the enterprise zone administrator. The intergovernmental agreement is among BiState Regional Commission, East Moline, Milan, Moline, Rock Island, Silvis, and Rock Island County which explains that contract that we have with the consultant that is doing the enterprise zone application this time around. Our portion is $10,969. It is divided up by population. East Moline is a little under $13,000, Milan is about $3,000, Moline is $26,000, Rock Island is $23,000, and Silvis is around $4,500. Mr. Westpfahl asked what we received the $10,000 for.
Mr. Boudi explained that it is for the consulting firm that was hired for them to do all the actual work and lobbying to get the enterprise zone approved in Springfield.
Mr. Steffen asked who the administrator is.
Mr. Boudi explained that it is unknown. Each jurisdiction has their own administrator. Once it is approved, we will establish an administrator.
Mr. Maranda added that Mr. Boudi is an asset for the six on this side.
Motion to approve: Ed Langdon
2nd: Edna Sowards
Voice vote
Motion carried
Public Works-
Mr. Massa gave his monthly report. The Public Works department is finishing up some summer maintenance activities and should be finishing up mowing. They are getting some more shoulder rock on a couple of roads and getting the plows ready for snow. The engineering department is finishing up some construction projects that they did some inspections for, for one of the townships and finishing up documentation on that and starting to get ready for next year projects.
Mr. Langdon asked if we have plenty of salt.
Mr. Massa explained that both sheds are full from last year.
Motion to approve: Ginny Shelton
2nd: Bob Westpfahl
Voice vote
Motion carried
5) Consider Zoning Board of Appeals cases
a. SU-17-215 – Jon & Shelley Anthony – Density Increase – Bowling Township
Mr. Thorpe explained that this is a request for a density increase. There were no objectors presented and the board’s recommendation was to approve.
Mr. Westpfahl asked if they want to build a house where one was why they have to have a hearing.
Mr. Thorpe explained that it is a change in deed for them to be able to own the 5 acres.
b. RZ-17-112 – Kenneth Wright – AG-2 to SE-2 – Coe Township
Mr. Thorpe explained that this is a request for rezoning from an Ag-2 to SE-2 on approximately 3 acres. There were no objectors present and the board’s recommendation was to approve.
c. RZ-17-113 – Joel Grafton – AG-1 to SE-2 – Rural Township
Mr. Thorpe explained that this is a request for rezoning from an Ag-1 to SE-2 for approximately two acres. There were no objectors present and the board’s recommendation was to approve.
Motion to approve: Bob Westpfahl
2nd: Edna Sowards/Ginny Shelton
Voice vote
Motion carried
6) Consider Ordinance Establishing an Enterprise Zone in the City of East Moline, Illinois; City of Moline, Illinois; City of Rock Island, Illinois; City of Silvis, Illinois; Village of Milan, Illinois; and Rock Island County, Illinois
Motion to approve: Ed Langdon
2nd: Jeff Deppe
Voice vote
Opposed: Bob Westpfahl
Motion carried
Mr. Westpfahl mentioned that he is opposed because somebody right beside it is out of it and can’t take advantage of the same thing that the enterprise zone are and it isn’t fair. What is good for one should be good for all.
7) Consider Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of East Moline, City of Moline, City of Rock Island, City of Silvis, the Village of Milan and Rock Island County
Motion to approve: Ginny Shelton
2nd: Jeff Deppe
Voice vote
Motion carried
8) Consider Agreement Among Bi-State Regional Commission and the Governments of East
Moline, Milan, Moline, Rock Island, and Rock Island County, Illinois for Contractual Services Related to the Preparation and Monitoring of a Contract for Enterprise Zone Application Assistance
Motion to approve: Ed Langdon
2nd: Ginny Shelton
Voice vote
Motion carried
9) Consider Motor Fuel Tax Resolution for Bi-State Regional Commission
Mr. Massa explained that this is an annual resolution that allows us to pay our obligation to be in BiState from the motor fuel tax.
Motion to approve: Bob Westpfahl
2nd: Edna Sowards
Voice vote
Motion carried
10) Consider Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Resolution
Mr. Massa explained that this is a motor fuel tax resolution for all of the maintenance costs. This is for salaries and materials. It is a resolution required by IDOT so that these can be paid out of motor fuel tax. For FY18 it is $2.8 million.
Motion to approve: Ginny Shelton
2nd: Edna Sowards
Voice vote
Motion carried
11) Consider Resolution Appropriating Funds for the County Engineer’s Salary, Benefits, and
Mr. Massa explained that this is both a motor fuel tax resolution and a federal fund resolution for the County Engineer’s salary and benefits. Half of the salary can be paid out of the federal funds and the rest will be paid from motor fuel tax funds.
Motion to approve: Ginny Shelton
2nd: Edna Sowards
Voice vote
Motion carried
12) Consider Agreement for Bridge Inspections and Bituminous Plant Inspections
Mr. Massa explained that this is an agreement for bridge inspections and asphalt plant inspections if it is needed. If there is a project next year where we have asphalt it is required to have inspections at the plant. It inspects both the County bridges and the township bridges. The townships bridges are reimbursed by the township but depending on the cycle of bridges, we have 35 that are county owned that are either a 2 or 4 year cycle that will be inspected. It is also required by IDOT.
Motion to approve: Ginny Shelton
2nd: Edna Sowards
Voice vote
Motion carried
13) Consider County Aid Request:
a. Culvert, Coe Road District
Mr. Massa explained that two weeks ago, they had a box culvert fail and the road had to be closed so this is their petition for County aid. They meet all the requirements for County aid and per the statute we are required to pay for half of it. They have gone ahead and ordered the culvert for it in order to get the road opened. The estimate is $30,000 so we would be responsible for half of that. That is a little high on the estimate and would guess it would be closer to $20,000.
Mr. Westpfahl asked if it is a main road.
Mr. Massa explained that it is not. It just has a couple of houses on it.
Motion to approve: Bob Westpfahl
2nd: Ed Langdon/ Edna Sowards
Voice vote
Motion carried
14) Committee member opportunity for brief comments (no decisions will be made)
Mr. Langdon mentioned that he was at Ace Coins a couple weeks ago to sell some coins. Some guy came walking in and when he left he noticed a County truck sitting there. Mr. Langdon sat in his vehicle a couple of minutes to see what vehicle he gets in. He came out and got into the County vehicle around 10:50 a.m. He added that he took the plate number down and left then found the vehicle behind the County building. The department it falls within is Zoning. Mr. Langdon asked Mr. Thorpe if the employee was on break. Mr. Thorpe explained that all County employees get a 15 minute break and then a 30 minute lunch break and the 15 minute break can be taken at any time. Mr. Langdon mentioned that in the past there was an issue with employees shopping and other activities during County time.
Mr. Westpfahl asked about the status of the Administrator hunt. Mr. Maranda explained that it will be talked about at GHA and finance. Right after the first of the year, the search will begin. He added that Mr. Davis is taking care of business and is doing a great job.
15) Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. by Jeff Deppe.