
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Silvis City Council met March 6.

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City of Silvis City Council met March 6.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

1) Pledge of Allegiance

2) Roll Call

3) Proclamations:

4) Guest Speaker:

Presentation by Prospective Fire Chief

5) Public Comment:

6) Consent Agenda By Omnibus Vote:

(All items under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by a single motion and subsequent roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless an Alderman so requests; in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as the first item after approval of the Consent Agenda

A) Negotiations, Personnel & Employee Insurance

Item 1) Motion to have Civil Service establish a hiring list for a Public Works Laborer

B) Finance

Item 1) Approve the purchase of two Digital Speed Signs at a cost of $8,280 from all Traffic Solutions

C) Approve payroll for 1 March 2018 in the amount of $117,553.00

D) Approve Minutes from 20 February 2018 Regular and Committee of the Whole Meetings

E) Approve all bills bearing proper signatures.

F) Resolutions:

7) Approve any items removed from the Consent Agenda

8) Special Non-Consent:

A) Parks, Building & Grounds

Item 1) Hibbs Field

Motion to approve reconditioning of Hibbs Field.

B) Ordinance

Item 1) First reading of corrected Ordinance 2018-03

C) Finance

Item 1) Ordinance 2018-11

Motion adopt an Ordinance 2018-11 an ordinance rescinding Ordinance 2018-07, 2018-08, 2018-10 and Resolution 2018-09-R due to errors or omissions from the 2/20 agenda

Item 2) Ordinance 2018-12

Motion to adopt Ordinance 2018-12 an ordinance abating the taxes heretofore levied for the year 2017 to pay debt service on taxable General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2010C of the City of Silvis, Rock Island County, Illinois.

Item 3) Ordinance 2018-13

Motion to adopt Ordinance 2018-13 an ordinance abating the taxes hereto levied for the year 2017 to pay debt service on General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2012 Of the City of Silvis, Rock Island County, Illinois.

Item 4) Resolution 2018-14-R

Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-14-R a resolution to direct the abatement of taxes for fiscal year 2018-2019 provided for in the General Obligation Alternate Bond issue 2018 in the City of Silvis, Illinois.

C) Finance continued

Item 5) 2018-15

Motion to adopt Ordinance 2018-15 an ordinance abating of taxes fiscal year 2018-2019 provided for in the General Obligations Alternate Bond issue 2018 in the City of Silvis, Illinois.

D) Public Safety

Item 1) Motion to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an IGA between the City of Silvis and Center Station Moline

9) Attorney's Report:

10) City Administrator's Report:

11) City Engineer’s Report:

12) City Treasurer’s Report:

13) City Clerk's Report:

14) Mayor's Report:

15) Call for adjournment from Regular Meeting

16) Call Committee of the Whole to Order & Roll Call

17) Comments from the Audience

18) Agenda items for discussion

A) Economic Development

Item 1) Ordinance 2018-16 a Redevelopment Agreement with Strickly Southern, LLC

Discuss Ordinance 2018-16 a redevelopment agreement by and between the City of Silvis and Strickly Southern, LLC

Motion to place Ordinance 2018-16 a redevelopment agreement by and between the City of Silvis and Strickly Southern, LLC on the 21 March 2018 agenda for approval.

Item 2) Ordinance 2018-17 the 2018-2019 Homebuyers incentive ordinance

Discuss Ordinance 2018-17 the 2018-2019 Homebuyers incentive ordinance

Motion to place Ordinance 2018-17 the 2018-2019 Homebuyers incentive ordinance on the 21 March 2018 agenda for approval.

B) Finance

Item 1) EPA Inspection for 1040 1st Avenue

Discuss funding for an EPA inspection of the City owned property located at 1040 1st Avenue

Motion to place funding for EPA inspection of 1040 1st Avenue on the 21 March 2018 agenda for approval.

Item 2) Funding for the renovations at Hibbs Field

Discuss Funding for the renovations at Hibbs Park in the amount of $18,183

Motion to place the funding for the renovations at Hibbs Park in the amount of $18,183 on the 21 March 2018 agenda for approval.

19) City Staff Reports

A) Fire Department

B) Inspections Department

C) Police Department

D) Public Works & Parks

20) Comments from the Alderpersons

21) Executive/Closed Session if needed

22) Adjournment
