
Rock Island Today

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Village of Milan Council met February 19.

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Village of Milan Council met February 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Roll Call:

Roll call vote showed present, Trustees Jim Flannery, Harry Stuart, Jerry Wilson and Bruce Stickell. Trustees Jody Taylor and Jay Zimmerman were absent.

Pledge Of Allegiance:

Attorney Scott led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Consideration Of The Minutes:

All Board Members received a copy of the January 16 and 22, 2018 Village Board meeting minutes. There being no additions or corrections, Trustee Flannery moved to approve the minutes as presented and Trustee Stuart seconded the motion. All Trustees voted "Aye". Motion carried.

Consideration Of The Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Mark Hunt was present and gave a copy of his report ending January 31, 2018 to all the Board Members.

Treasurer Hunt gave a status report of key General Fund revenue which showed Sales Tax and Non Home Rule Sales Tax down. He doesn’t feel these two revenues will meet the projected budget amount by fiscal year end but, the other revenue sources will be likely to meet their budgeted projections.

Insurance and bonds, professional services and gas and electric remain the top expenses in all departments. Police Department had higher expenses for uniform purchases since the hiring of two new officers. The garbage fund is healthy, but will have a major expense if the current garbage truck, is replaced due to costly repairs. Discussion regarding this will be held later in the meeting. Camden Centre is doing much better this fiscal year. Wastewater Treatment Plant remains healthy.

The TIF Funds all show surplus revenue. According to the agreement with Rock Island-Milan School District, this surplus revenue will be declared and distributed back to the Rock Island County Treasurer to be distributed among the regular taxing bodies one of which is the Village. This revenue will go into the General Fund helping to boost that revenue.

Mr. Hunt stated with the loss of State Revenue it continues to be a battle to pay individual departmental expenses.

Trustee Flannery asked if the Village could validate the States figures on their sales tax allocations to the village.

Administrator Seiver stated they cannot verify each individual business only the total.

He stated budget meetings for the upcoming FY will begin next week.

There being no further comments regarding the Treasurer’s Report, Trustee Stickell moved to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Trustee Flannery seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Consideration Of The Semi-Monthly And Miscellaneous Bills:

Mayor Dawson stated due to the February 5th meeting being cancelled because there wasn’t a quorum the bill run for February 5th in the amount of $134,505.36 needs to be officially approved. The Council has copies of the bills and Administrator Seiver, Finance Director Hunt and Trustee Taylor reviewed them before they were paid February 6th. Noteworthy in this list is the payment of property tax rebates in the amount $100,000.

Mayor Dawson stated Council has the February 19th set of bills which is in the amount of $66,957.85. The noteworthy payments in this list is administration costs to Ice Miller LLP for the 2018A and 2018B Bonds in the amount of $5,750 and the MidAmerican bill in the amount of $8,110.05.

There being no comment on the bills, Mayor Dawson asked for a motion to pay the bills as presented.

Trustee Flannery moved to pay the February 5, 2018 bills in the amount of $134,505.36 and the February 19, 2018 bills in the amount of $66,957.85. The total being approved is $201,463.21. Trustee Stuart seconded the motion. Roll call vote showed Trustees Stuart, Wilson, Stickell and Flannery voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

The bills will be paid from the following accounts:

General $ 99,246.07

Garbage 15,522.05

Motor Fuel Tax 5,504.29

Camden Centre 5,934.97

Camden Centre Deposit 100.00

Special Tax Allocation II 31.33

Police Pension Fund 7,522.68

Water & Sewer 45,920.04

Total $201,463.84

Consideration Of The February 5th Administrator’s, Inspectors’ And Department Heads’ Reports:

Mayor Dawson stated the Council Members have received copies of the Administrator’s, Inspectors’, and Department Heads reports from February 5, 2018. He asked for a motion on them as presented.

Trustee Flannery asked if there was any information regarding the proposed garbage truck to replace the existing one.

Administrator Seiver stated the existing one man garbage truck has had several major repairs to the engine costing over $20,000. There seems to be a head gasket problem with the engine. Superintendent Pannell said other cities are having the same engine problems. He reported there is a lawsuit against International due to the defective engine.

Mr. Seiver stated the price on a used garbage truck is $80,000. They will only give $8,000 on a trade in since it is a problem truck. They will knock $2,000 off the cost with no trade in.

Superintendent Pannell would like to purchase the truck with no trade in and keep this one until it breaks down, then sell it for junk.

Trustee Stickell asked if the village would be joining the law suit and whether leasing a truck would be wise?

Mr. Seiver stated leasing is not a good deal and he doesn’t know if we would be getting involved with the lawsuit.

He stated this purchase is not in the budget cycle and would be paid for by Garbage and TIF.

It was the consensus of the Board to think it over, get more information on the proposed truck for purchase and then make a decision by the March 5th meeting.

There being no further discussion regarding the reports, Trustee Flannery moved to approve the reports as presented. Trustee Stuart seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Consideration To Allow Rooster Tails To Use Mirror Lake In 2018:

Mayor Dawson read a letter from Peter Collinson, President of the Quad Cities Rooster Tails asking to use Mirror Lake for their miniature boating races during the 2018 year. Mayor Dawson stated there have not been any problems in the past years they have used Mirror Lake and it is a nice sport for residents to view.

Trustee Stickell moved to allow the Quad City Rooster Tails to use Mirror Lake for their 2018 events. Trustee Flannery seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Consideration To Allow Pam Gauley Of Blackhawk Bank And Trust To Organize A Parade In Milan:

Mayor Dawson introduced Karen Schwerckhardt who is representing Pam Gauley regarding permission to hold a Labor Day Parade in Milan.

She stated several residents have asked to reestablish the parade. A few residents and business people are willing to form a group to run the

parade. It would be held Saturday September 4th. Schwerckhardt stated Ms. Gauley asked her to ask if the village could pay for the insurance needed to hold the parade and supply the police officers to direct traffic along the parade route.

Administrator Seiver stated the village has not paid for the insurance in the past and would require to be named as additionally insured on their policy. The village has always paid overtime for officers along the parade route.

Mayor Dawson asked Trustee Flannery to have his Park Committee discuss the idea and speak with Pam Gauley about other details of the event.

Consideration Of The Parameters Bond Ordinance For 2018a:

Mayor Dawson introduced Ordinance No 1671 which sets in motion the sale of bond Series 2018A.

Administrator Seiver stated the money from the Bond Issue would be used to fund the village’s portion of the Police Pension Fund which would bring the Pension up to 99% Funded. It would also allow the Pension Investment Council the ability to invest 55% of the assets into the Stock Market which would bring in more interest on the investments, thus lowering the amount the village would have to contribute in the future. The Pension Board has also changed their Investment Firm to Sawyer Falduto, who they feel will make better investments and will increase investment interest.

Mayor Dawson asked if there were any questions regarding the sale of Series 2018A bonds. There being none he called for a vote on Ordinance No 1671.

Trustee Stickell moved to pass Ordinance No 1671 and Trustee Stuart seconded the motion. Roll call vote showed Trustees Wilson, Stickell, Flannery and Stuart voted “Aye”. There were no “Nay” votes. Motion carried.

Consideration Of The Parameters Bond Ordinance For 2018b:

Mayor Dawson introduced Ordinance No 1672 which sets in motion the sale of bond Series 2018B.

Administrator Seiver stated these bonds will finance the upgrade of the third floor of the Milan Municipal Building so that it can be leased to QComm 911. The bonds will be paid back with the lease money. The bonding company will require that all four cities which make up QComm 911 will sign an agreement that they will be responsible for repayment of the bonds. Mr. Seiver stated this agreement will come to the Board for its approval after the other three cities approve and sign it.

Mayor Dawson asked if there were any questions regarding the sale of Series 2018B bonds. There being none he called for a vote on Ordinance No 1672.

Trustee Wilson moved to pass Ordinance No 1672 and Trustee Stickell seconded the motion. Roll call vote showed Trustees Stickell, Flannery, Stuart and Wilson voted “Aye”. There were no “Nay” votes. Motion carried.

Consideration Of Adding Street Lights At 725 East 1st Avenue:

Administrator Seiver stated he received information from MidAmerican Energy regarding installing street lights at 725 E. 1st Avenue. He stated the installation near the entrance off of Airport Road would cost the village $500 to set the pole and then the monthly fee for the LED light. Mr. Seiver estimated that cost at $28 per month.

Mr. Seiver continued that to install a street light on 725 E. 1st Avenue closer to Adrian Carriers would only cost the village the monthly fee since there is an existing pole to set the light on.

Trustee Wilson moved to approve both the street lights. Trustee Flannery seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Trustee Wilson stated Adrian Carriers are having truck sales at their location in Milan and wondered if Milan was getting credit for the sales tax.

Mr. Seiver stated he would try to find out.

Consideration Of Amending Liquor License Ordinance:

Mayor Dawson stated the Board talked about changing the Liquor License Ordinance to set a certain number of D-1 Licenses allowed. He as Liquor Commissioner stated he will be handling each application individually according to the situation. Attorney Scott has an amendment on hand in case a decision is made to change the ordinance. There will be no action taken on the ordinance this evening.

Committee Reports:

Trustee Wilson stated the Public Works Department did a good job on snow removal the past week.

Building Inspector Steve Moller stated the big issue in building right now is whether new housing should be mandated to install sprinkler systems. This is an added cost of approximately $1.40 to $3.00 per foot which may deter people from building in the cities with that mandate. He would like the village to adopt the 2018 Code which lets the builder decide if they want to install sprinklers.

Mr. Moller also stated the trampoline park is moving ahead with renovations and the bowling alley has completed part of their renovations.

The Beltline traffic lite recognizes the road across from the IH Mississippi Valley Credit Union as active and this holds up traffic on the Beltline waiting for a light at this road.

Administrator Seiver will contact the State regarding the matter.

Citizens Opportunity To Address The Village Board:

Ms. Julia Talbot stated she had been to the Council meeting before regarding the Light Mission Pentecostal Church and their handling of their garbage. The have only two village garbage cans and that is not enough room to handle all the garbage they have after certain events. They put it out in trash bags and animals tear the bags apart letting it spread all over the neighborhood. They really need to have a dumpster.

Mayor Dawson stated he would talk to the police department and have them make a visit to the church.

Mr. Keith Sanders of 1607 Jondre Drive requested a “No Outlet” or “Dead End” sign be placed off of 27th Street and the Beltline. His neighbor’s car was stolen recently and he and other neighbors have noticed cars coming in their addition that do not belong there. He feels the sign would deter criminals from surveying the area for opportunities to commit crimes.

Mayor Dawson stated this addition has potential for new development and to defer criminal activity is important.

Trustee Flannery stated there are “Neighborhood Watch” signs that could be used.

Trustee Stuart will ask Superintendent Pannell to put up some signs.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Mayor Dawson asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Trustee Wilson so moved and Trustee Flannery seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.




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