
Rock Island Today

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Coal Valley Board of Trustees met March 21.

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Village of Coal Valley Board of Trustees met March 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order:

The regular meeting of the Village Board was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Mayor Bartels.

2. Roll Call

Present: Mike Bartels, Adam Bain, Dale Keppy, Bruce Crowe, Kevin Stickell, Jake Hoyt. Absent: Stan Engstrom. Establishment of a quorum.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

Staff present at the meeting: Annette Ernst–Village Administrator, Deanna Hulliger-Village Clerk and Jack Chick, Police Chief.

4. Reading and Approval of Minutes

Trustee Keppy asked that the minutes be corrected under Item B of the new business section in the 2nd paragraph. The changed paragraph to read.Trustee Keppy asked if Annette or Ryan looked into the possibility of Electric Pump eliminating the freight charge in their quote. Ms. Ernst responded that the freight cost had not been looked into. Trustee Keppy stated that if the freight charge was included in the Electric Pump Quote there would be over $700.00 savings and would suggest using that vendor. The Board was fine with the change. The minutes will be corrected as such.

Trustee Crowe made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting held March 7, 2018 with the changes discussed. Trustee Keppy gave a second to the motion. Ayes 5, motion carried.

5. Public Presentation/ Recognition and/or Public Comments.

Trustee Keppy mentioned that Jacob from Difinity Company is in the audience tonight to answer any questions when the agenda item for the elevated tank cleaning bids are discussed.

Mayor Bartels is proclaiming April 5, 2018 as Junior Achievement Day. Dugal Nelson from Junior Achievement is here this evening to accept a copy of the Proclamation. Mr. Nelson addressed the Board and explained how JA helps young people learn skills and become self- sufficient citizens and hopes that what the students learn helps with life after graduation.

6. Reports from the President and Other Officers (on matters not otherwise appearing on the Agenda)

A. President–Mayor Bartels reported on the meeting last week with the Forest Preserve District. The IGA has been drafted and revised. The document is very close to being sent to our Attorney for review. The Forest Preserve will be taking the IGA to their Board also. The Mayor will keep the Board updated on the progress of the Niabi Zoo water main extension project.

Mayor Bartels brought up the sight screens along the South side of Route #6 that was brought up at an earlier Board meeting. The Mayor has asked the Corn Crib to draft a visual plan and cost for a screening in that area. The expense would be TIF eligible. This project will be placed on the agenda for the April 4, 2018 meeting.

The Mayor mentioned that Suzi’s gaming business closed a few months ago. The Village currently has 14 total gaming machines licensed at various locations in town. The Mayor is asking the Trustees if there should be a cap on the number of gaming machines in the Village. The Trustee’s asked if there have been any problems with the machines. Chief Chick stated there have been no issues. No one brought up a cap or limit on the gaming machines. Trustee Stickell does not want to see machines on every street corner.

B. Trustees –Trustee Keppy has not heard anything lately about Mike Ingleby or Glen Rohm and their project. Is there any update. Ms. Ernst replied that the storm water retainage/drainage documents have been turned in for the Creekside Villas. Does the Board want to have our Village engineer look them over or do we want to accept the documents as written by their engineer Shive-Hattery? Mayor Bartels is fine with using the documents researched by Shive-Hattery. Ms. Ernst stated the next step is to bring back the official site plan to our Planning Commission and then Creekside Villas will be ready to pull permits.

Trustee Keppy asked about the realtor consensus for the Church property. Ms. Ernst and the Mayor have received an email from Pieter Hanson who thought the email would be sufficient for the proposal but we have asked him for a proposal document. The other two realtors have not submitted any documents. Trustee Bain inquired as to what other realtors were contacted. Ms. Ernst responded Jeff Norton and David Levin. Mayor Bartels stated there will be something ready for the next Board meeting.

Trustee Keppy announced that he and his wife Tamia will be down at the newly opened Bourbon’s at 5:30 Friday night to tip one to their success. Anyone is welcome to join them. Discussion on the new establishment was held.

Trustee Hoyt has been approached in regards to there not being a “no outlet” or “dead end” sign on W. 19th Avenue off of W. 3rd Street before it turns into W. 5th Street. Discussion was held. Chief Chick and Ms. Ernst will check on this tomorrow.

C. Police, Public Works and Admin-

Ms. Ernst asked the Board for permission to accept bids for the accounting software. The current software is 22 years old. It is a budgeted item. The Board is fine with this bid process.

Ms. Ernst also would like to bid the outfield fence replacement at the Municipal Park ball diamond. This is a budgeted item. The Board is fine with this bid process.

Ms. Ernst informed the Board that she, Chief Chick and Sergeant Krebs met yesterday with the District Acquisitions Manager of the IL CV Candle MHP, LLC Trailer Park, Kevin Fosshage. The new owners are investing a few million in the improvements to the Trailer Park. They have plans for 30 additional trailers to be set in the Park by the end of this year. There are presently 449 lots and 159 lots are occupied. At the meeting yesterday, Mr. Fosshage was asked to provide a timeline to the Board. Chief Chick added that Walt Blackard has been given an extension on removing the junk trailers. Mayor Bartels commented that the screen of newer trailers is better than the previous view. The Chief informed the Board that the Trailer Park will have an on-site manager starting April 9, 2018. Mayor Bartels commented we will keep the Trailer Park in mind when reviewing the sight screen plans and costs as the Trailer Park might participate in this project.

Ms. Ernst reported that 1607 1st Street the Bible Missionary parsonage house, garage and driveway are going to be demolished and re-built. Annette wanted everyone to be aware if driving by and seeing activity there.

Ms. Ernst updated the Board on the Jack and Jill property. There is a timeline set for the property violations to be addressed. One item is past the date on the timeline and another violation will be past its due date on Monday. Ms. Ernst stated that June 8, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. is the date and time set for the Munices hearing. This hearing will be a status update hearing. Mr. Struyk’s attorney and our attorney will be present at the hearing. Mr. Struyk has not contacted the Village on this violation timeline. Discussion was held.

Ms. Ernst mentioned that Bourbon’s is now open. Ms. Ernst notices Fire Chief Dunham in the audience tonight if he would like to make any comments on the subject. Chief Dunham reported he took the occupancy permit down earlier today allowing 49 occupants. He informed the owner that two exit doors would be needed to raise the occupancy number. Bourbon’s has an exit door that swings in and they need to change the door to swing out and attach a panic bar to the door. Chief Dunham gave the owner’s 30 days to comply and he will check the progress then.

Ms. Ernst stated that Mid-American Energy was on First Street Monday replacing LED lights so that project is underway.

Ms. Ernst was informed that the meter down at the Car Wash is a manual read meter. We were not able to acquire a reading this month so an estimated bill was generated. A new 2” meter was ordered and this will be on next month’s bill summary for around $1,000.00.

Ms. Ernst reported that the plow for the 2005 truck was taken in for repairs at Aspen, a Western Snow Plow shop. The plow is 14 years old and we have gotten our monies worth out of it. The cost for the repairs was expected to be around $1,000.00 this will also be on the upcoming bill summary.

Ms. Ernst informed the Board that a sewer fix was needed at 117 W. 4th Street. When the lateral was installed in the 1960’s concrete was poured over the lateral connection to the main so nothing can be seen. It seems that when the pipes were set they were not set correctly. The home owner has had the sewer jetted 3 times. This will also be presented on the next bill summary.

Trustee Keppy mentioned that he talked with the manager at the Car Wash and in conversation the manager stated that sometimes they use well water and sometimes they use Village water. Discussion was held. Ms. Ernst will check into this issue.

Chief Chick reported that he, Mike, Annette, Tim and Clint interviewed 2 candidates earlier today for the Police Officer position. The candidates were informed that they would know by close of business Friday (3:00) who would be offered the position. The Chief will introduce the new Officer to the Board at the April 4th meeting and the new Officer will start training on Monday, April 9th.

The Chief talked of the new squad and it still needs the cage and some other equipment installed before it can be put into the active fleet.

7. Unfinished Business

A. Second Reading and approval of an Ordinance establishing the date, time and place for the Route 6 TIF District Amendment No. 1 Joint Review Board and Public Hearing meetings.

Ms. Ernst stated there is nothing new in the Ordinance it is here for the 2nd reading.

Trustee Bain made a motion to approve an Ordinance establishing the date, time and place For the Route 6 TIF District Amendment No. 1 Joint Review Board and Public Hearing meetings. Trustee Stickell offered a second to the motion. Roll Call: Ayes-Bain, Keppy, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Ayes 5, motion carried.

8. New Business


Ms. Ernst explained that on Sundays the sale of alcohol begins at Noon and the other 6 days of the week alcohol sales begin at 6:00 a.m. This ordinance would have the sale of alcohol consistent all 7 days of the week at 6:00 a.m. Ms. Ernst has contacted all of the businesses that would be affected by the change and all of them were fine with the change. Mayor Bartels personally would like the sales to be 9:00 a.m. on Sundays. Trustee Hoyt likes the consistency with 6:00 a.m. Trustee Keppy is fine with the 6:00 a.m. change on Sundays.

Trustee Hoyt motioned that this be considered the first reading of an ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE VIII-ALCOHOLIC REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 1 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, SECTION 13 OPENING AND CLOSING TIME. Trustee Stickell gave a second to the motion. Roll Call: Ayes-Bain, Keppy, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Ayes 5, motion carried.

B. Consideration and approval of bid results for Elevated Tower Cleaning at Well #2, #3 and #5

The recommendation from the Village Administrator is to award the bid to Difinity in the amount of $14,000.00. As mentioned earlier Jacob from Difinity is in the audience tonight to explain any issued the Board might have. Jacob informed the Board there is a 2 year warranty. Discussion on the cleaning process was held. Jacob asked if a 2 million dollar insurance would be sufficient for the project. Ms. Ernst will check into this and let Jacob know.

Trustee Keppy made a motion to approve the bid from Difinity for the Elevated Tower Cleaning at Wells #2, #3 and #5 at a cost of $14,000.00. Trustee Bain offered a second to the motion. Roll Call: Ayes-Bain, Keppy, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Ayes 5, motion carried.

C. Consideration and approval of a Resolution and Radio User Fee Agreement per contract with the Coal Valley Police Department and the Rock Island Sheriff’s Office.

Chief Chick informed the Board he was shocked to see the large increase in the contract fees. The main reason for the increased fees is the 4 times of the DUI enforcement lately. More calls is more costs with County. The service contract cost is based off of last years calls in Coal Valley. Discussion was held. The Chief talked of the radio upgrade. The equipment upgrade price two years ago was $90,000.00. The new service contract will increase an additional $500.00 per month beginning May 1st. More discussion was held.

Trustee Stickell made a motion to approve the Resolution and Radio User Fee Agreement between the Coal Valley Police Department and the Rock Island Sheriff’s Office. A second to the motion was given by Trustee Hoyt. Roll Call: Ayes-Bain, Keppy, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Ayes 5, motion carried.

D. Consideration and approval to purchase two Stalker direction sensing radar units.

Chief Chick informed the Board the radar unit from the squad that was going to be switched to the new explorer is not working so we have no radar for the new vehicle. Also, when Decatur Electronics was here last week to check the radar units (they do this every 6 months) the radar in the Chief’s sedan is on it’s way out. Four years ago, Chief Poulos purchased 3 used radar units from the City of Geneseo. There is money in the Police budget for a new handheld radar unit and we can use that money to put towards the Stalker radar units. The units we would like to purchase are top shelf, they have a 2-year warranty and are wireless remote controlled. The Illinois State Police has a yearly contract for radar units and we can purchase at their price of $1,237.00 each saving 50%. Trustee Keppy asked about the installation of the radar units. The Chief mentioned that the radar for the new squad is included in the bid. It would coast $250.00 to install the new radar in the Chief’s squad. RACOM would perform the installation of the new radar units. Mayor Bartels does not remember purchasing the used radar equipment. Chief Chick informed the Board that those used radar units purchased from Geneseo were 7 years old when we bought them. Discussion was held.

Trustee Crowe made a motion to purchase two Stalker direction sensing radar units at $1,237.00 a piece (total cost $2,474.00). A second to the motion was given by Trustee Bain. Roll Call: Ayes-Bain, Keppy, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Ayes 5, motion carried.

E. Consideration and approval of the Financial Report for February 2018.

The Board reviewed the Financial Report for the month of February 2018.

Trustee Keppy motioned to approve the Financial Report for the month of February 2018.

A second to the motion was given by Trustee Hoyt. Roll Call: Ayes-Bain, Keppy, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Ayes 5, motion carried.

F. Approval of the bills presented.

The bills for payment were reviewed by the board.

A motion was made by Trustee Stickell to pay the bills presented. Trustee Crowe offered a second to the motion. Roll Call: Ayes- Bain, Keppy, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Ayes 5, motion carried.

9. Adjournment

A motion was made by Trustee Stickell to adjourn tonight’s board meeting. A second was given by Trustee Crowe. Ayes 5, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:04 P.M.
