
Rock Island Today

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Port Byron Board of Trustees met June 4.

Village of Port Byron Board of Trustees met June 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Village Board Meeting was called to order by Mayor Bruce Peterson at 6:00 p.m. on Monday June 4th,2018

Roll Call / Establishment Of Quorum / Pledge Of Allegiance:

Roll Call #1: Present: Trustees Brian Bitler, Patty Lindley, Gerry Meade, Wayne Oney, Dustin Sloan, Wes Wells

Absent: None

Mayor Peterson declared a quorum present

Also Present:Sarah Gorham, Attorney

Comments From The Mayor:


Gallery (Comments must be limited to 5 minutes per person, 30 minutes per subject.)

S Garza from “Military Mamas” asked about the length of time the banners are hung from the poles; had previously requested one week but now would like two weeks. They would also like flags hung on those poles that have an additional bracket, or have flags hung all the time that the military banners are not hung.

Trustee Oney requested the organization to submit a yearly schedule of when they would like the banners hung.

Committee Reports

A. Public Information/Finance Committees

1. Green Committee Sarah Ford

a. Farmer’s Market starting on Sunday 6/10 or 6/17, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm

b. Will be held in Blackhawk Bank parking lot

c. Seeking more vendors

2. Village Finance Committee Wayne Oney

a. There will be letters going out to all employees regarding signing up for direct deposit

3. Economic Development Wes Wells

a. Baby Blues Fest will be Saturday June 30th; 4 great bands have been signed

b. Next Third Thursday will be 6/21/18 – food and drink specials ongoing

4. MSA

a. GIS/ESRI Options –

1) MSA Task Order #00442056 for $4,950 for purchase of a unit, training, and operation of GIS

2) Should be no additional expenses

Trustee Meade made a motion to authorize Village President Bruce Peterson to authorize MSA project #00442056, at a total cost NTE $4950, to purchase the GIS “package”, seconded by Trustee Oney

Roll Call #2: Ayes: Meade, Oney, Wells, Sloan, Lindley, Bitler

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

b. Possible additions to Sidewalk/Water Main project

1) Two-fold amendment to Task Order 00442048 to add planning/engineering

for additional projects to be added to the Sidewalk Project

a) James St sewer work ($13,750)

b) Additional water main replacement ($19,100)

2) Much discussion ensued as to source of payment for these projects

3) Felt that we need to wait on decision until we have received more information from our TIF Attorney as to usage of TIF funds

4) Per MSA, IDOT has an issue with us adding these 2 projects to their bid process; alternative is local letting, which means we pay “up front”

Trustee Sloan made a motion to table the decision, seconded by Trustee Oney

5. IRDC Committee Gerry Meade

a. Minutes from 01/16/18, 2/20/18, 3/19/18, and 4/16/18 meetings (C/A Item B)

b. No new Chair yet

6. Planning/Zoning Committee Gerry Meade

a. Discussion of latest ITEP grant

1) P & Z is taking the lead on the Downtown Streetscape project

2) Grant applied for was in the millions, grant approved was $97,350

3) Much discussion ensued, but not able to make decision yet

4) Will be on next Board agenda, hopefully for a decision

7. Ordinance, Grants & Audits Patty Lindley

No updates

8. Personnel Patty Lindley

No updates

B. Public Works

1. Recycling And Refuse Dustin Sloan

No updates

2. Water/Sewer Brian Bitler

a. Re-evaluate payment for relocation of water main for Rt 84 culvert work

b. Original motion was to pay from TIF, may not be permissible

b. Atty Gorham stated that, per Illinois law, the same two Trustees that made the original motion and seconded it, have to move and second the reconsideration of that original motion, and it can only be reconsidered during same or next meeting

Trustee Sloan made a motion to reconsider the original motion approved at last Board meeting of May 21, 2018, as to the FUNDING of the water main relocation; original motion was to pay the entire cost of water main relocation from TIF funding, that aspect is on hold until more information is obtained as to funds, seconded by Trustee Oney

All “Ayes”, no “Nays” - Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

3. Bldg. & Grounds/Streets & Street Lights Brian Bitler

a. Installation of new roof-mounted exhaust fan on Fire Department @ $1775.00

Trustee Bitler made a motion to approve purchase and installation of a roof-mounted exhaust fan on the Fire Department at a total cost of $1775, to be paid from General, seconded by Trustee Lindley

Roll Call #3: Ayes: Bitler, Lindley, Oney, Wells, Sloan, Meade

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

4. Cemetery Gerry Meade

No updates

5. Administrative Bruce Peterson

a. Minutes from the May 21, 2018 Board Meeting (C/A Item A)

b. Renewal of Post Office lease proposal received

1) If approved, a contract will follow

Trustee Wells made a motion to approve the proposal from the USPS, through their representative Jones Lang LaSalle, to renew the lease of the Post Office building, in five year increments, seconded by Trustee Oney

Roll Call #4: Ayes: Wells, Oney, Sloan, Lindley, Meade

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Bitler (left at 7:15)

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

Review Items On Consent Agenda:

Item; Action; Description:

A Approve Minutes from the May 21, 2018 Board Meeting

B Receive Minutes from 01/16/18, 2/20/18, 3/19/18, and 4/16/18 IRDC meetings

Trustee Wells made a motion, seconded by Trustee Sloan , to approve the Consent Agenda All “Ayes”, no “Nays” - Mayor Peterson declared motion approved



Old Business:


New Business:


Gallery – Questions, Comments:

After open discussion by Trustees and Mayor, it was decided to have a combined IRDC and Planning & Zoning meeting on Wednesday, June 13th to discuss ramifications of ITEP grant and future funding.


Trustee Lindley made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Oney All Ayes, No Nays - Mayor Peterson declared the meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm
