
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of East Moline Library Board met February 14


City of East Moline Library Board met Feb. 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

I. Business Meeting Called to Order

President Koeller called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Platinum Room of the Moline Public Library.

II. Roll Call, Sue Wheatley, Recorder

Roll call was taken with Koeller, Nelson, Rafferty, Sommers, Smith, and Waldron present.

Absent: Blackall, Bull and Runnels

III. Approval of Minutes 10 January 2019 Regular Board Meeting

Smith moved to approve the minutes from the 10 January 2019 regular Library Board meeting previously distributed by e-mail/mail to each Trustee. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

IV. Correspondence

Included in Board packet.

V. Director’s Report (Lear)

 Conklin introduced Tess Hurt, new Children’s Services Assistant

 Lear reported on the impact of the January weather. With the interest of the citizens and staff, the library closed its doors for the first time in several years due to the extreme snow, ice and cold. Along with the severe weather, the library building also had many issues with the heat. TMI was called out four separate times to fix boiler issues. Tri-State Automatic Sprinkler was also called out due to the extreme cold to find the jockey pump frozen and leaking. The jockey pump will be replaced as soon as Tri-State can find a compatible pump due to the current pump being obsolete.

 The final FY2018 budget numbers were included in the Board packet.

 SUCCESS! The Library continues to serve many people in a variety of capacities. A few of the January library events: How Not to Die series (314 people), Escape to Narnia (158 people) and Josh Duffee Big Band (159 people). AARP has great stats for providing free tax service to our citizens. A few of their 2018 stats: 647 returns filed $113,000 in filing fees saved with a total of $541,000 refunds processed. The Library staff is proud of our successes in serving our public.

 The City Friday reports as we know them have been discontinued.

 Bob Conklin and Anita Mehuys will be part of the WVIK talk about the Becoming American Series.

 Lear had the pleasure of speaking at the Hamilton Career Day.

VI. Financial Reports

The Board of Directors reviewed the list of library bills as of 31 December 2018. The payment of the individual bills, totaling $15,792.74 was approved and ratified upon the motion of Nelson. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

The Board of Directors reviewed the list of library bills as of 31 January 2019. The payment of the individual bills, totaling $10,373.17 was approved and ratified upon the motion of Nelson. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

VII. Committee Reports

A. Executive Committee (Koeller, Blackall, Nelson)

No meeting.

B. Building and Grounds Committee (Bull, Waldron, Smith)

No meeting.

C. Policy Committee (Runnels, Rafferty, Sommers)

No meeting.

D. Art Committee (Nelson, Rafferty, Runnels)

No meeting.

VIII. Unfinished Business

A. Other


IX. New Business

A. Library Closing Procedure - review

Lear reviewed our current library closing procedure with the Board. At the direction of the Board, Lear will have the closing policy reviewed at a future Policy Committee meeting. The Library is considered a warming/cooling shelter during our open hours on any given day. Lear was also directed to look into the qualifications of becoming a listed warming shelter and report to the Board during the March Board meeting.

B. Signage and Navigation Plan – review

Lear outlined the signage/navigation plan that was developed from the User Experience Study. Lear will work with the city signage staff to provide a portion of the needed signage and the remaining signage will be purchased from ASI Signage. The signage will be paid for out of the Helen Maes Estate funds. Nelson moved to approve the purchase of signage to be expended from the Helen Maes funds. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

C. None


Public Comment


Executive Session


XII. Adjournment

There being no further business brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 12:38 p.m.
