
Rock Island Today

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

River Valley Public Library District Board met January 21

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River Valley Public Library District Board met Jan. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order by President Gary Bohms at 5:35 pm. Those in attendance were Trustees Jill Schutts, Butch Hugart, Dave Brooks, Laura Andrews, Director Teri Schwenneker, staff member Cathy Lechtenberg, Bree Barber, and Anna Bippus. Absent were Trustees Barb Brandt and Linda Warren.

II. December 17, 2018 and January 10, 2019 Minutes—were reviewed. First motion to approve made by Butch. Motion approved.

III. Financial Reports—were reviewed and filed for audit.

IV. Public Comments- none.

V. Director’s Report—Highlights were shared by Director Teri Schwenneker and Cathy Lechtenberg. The Holiday Luncheon had over 20 attendees and the Holiday Open House was well attended with 385 patrons. Wood carvers and carolers were also present. Escape from Hogwarts was enjoyed by 27 teens. The library’s Facebook page has reached 1,000 likes. Teri also reported the Audit, Treasurer’s Report and per Capita Grant have all been filed. First motion to approve the Director’s Report made by Laura. Motion adopted.

VI. Committee Reports

a. Community Meetings Liaisons—none shared.

b. Transaction costs—The Transaction Cost Committee (Butch, Dave, and Laura)

provided the board with a list of long/short term goals compiled by the committee. The board will review the goals and it will be discussed and/or added to at the next meeting. The Strategic Plan will be added to the list and Teri’s Director review will need to be completed by April.

Old Business

VII. Roof figures—Dave has been working with Doug Zumaris to come up with bid specs for the library roof. Samples have been left at the library for board members to look at.

VIII. Attic doors—Select Structural Report—Teri has received the engineer’s report for the enlargement of the side doors to the library’s attic spaces. Dave reported Iossi Construction will be stopping into the library to look into the possible expansion of the top level of the library. Dave will also have them look into the possible cost of adding a storage room onto the back of the top floor of library.

IX. Patron Conduct Policy revision—tabled until next meeting.

X. Storage shed—Possible solutions for storing extra library shelves is still being discussed.

Teri will be delegating the digitization of many of the libraries old records to eliminate the number of boxes of documents needing storage.

X. KONE --Contract report—Teri provided a copy of the elevator contract to the board.

New Business

XI. KONE—Bids for recommended work—First motion to accept the $3940.00 bid for recommended elevator work made by Dave. Motion approved.

XII. Open Meetings Act Workshop handout—Teri provided the board with a copy of an Open Meetings Act Workshop for the board to read and lookover.

XIII. Closed Session – Personnel and Legal – none.

XIV. Other – Discussion was made on the need for training to be put back in the monthly Meeting Agenda. Board training is one of the items required for the per Capita Grant.

Bree made the suggestion of putting a library monthly calendar in the “The Review.”

XV. Adjournment – First motion to adjourn was made by Dave. Motion adopted. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.
