City of Colona City Council met July 27.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Call to Order: 6:30 p.m.
Roll Call:
Public Comments:
Mayor’s Report:
Approve resignation of Chris Lenth, Public Works Director, effective July 24, 2020
Approval of Minutes:
Approve minutes from July 13, 2020 council meeting
Consent Agenda:
1. Approve payment of bills for the period July 14-27, 2020
2. Approve payment of manual bills for the period July 14-27, 2020
3. Approve payroll for the period July 11-25, 2020
Committee Meetings:
Public Safety Committee: (Alderman Shady-Dahl, chair; Aldermen King, Stablein, members; M. Swemline, L. LaMantia, staff)
1. Approve purchase of “Archive Social” a social media archival service
2. Approve raising part time pay rate to full time police officer starting hourly pay effective May 1, 2021
3. Approve purchase of six portable radios out of Drug Fund
Finance/Admin Committee: (Alderman Holman, chair; Aldermen Hillman, Swemline, members; J. Legare, M. Winters, staff)
Approve hiring three additional seasonal employees for public works requiring budget amendments to the street department, park department, and CSFP (budget amendments attached)
Clerks Report:
Water billing process
Old Business:
New Business:
1. Approve purchase and installation of flooring at the Police Department NTE $9K by a budget amendment decreasing Police Department line item 100-110-4110 by $1K and increasing General Fund Building line item 100-150-4120 by $1K. Payment will be as follows: $4K from line item 100-150-4120, $1K from line item 100-150-4100, $3K from line item 100-150-4380, and $1K from line 100-150- 4680
2. Approve Resolution R-20-04, Abatement of Taxes
3. Approve Resolution R-20-05, Abatement of Taxes
Closed Session:
Per 5 ILCS 120/2 from Chapter 201, para 42, Section 2, paragraph (c)(21) Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06.