City of East Moline Committee of the Whole met Jan. 18.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order and directed City Clerk Wanda Roberts-Bontz to call the roll. The following Aldermen were present: Larry Toppert, Gary Almblade, Nancy Mulcahey, Jayne O’Brien, Rhea Oakes, Maria Tapia and Jose Rico. 7:20 p.m.
GREAT RIVER TRAIL RESURFACING - DESIGN (Mr. Kammler, Director of Engineering)
The Great River Trail along East Moline’s Mississippi River Levee is one of our City’s recreational highlights and serves thousands of locals and visitors alike as a unique and attractive amenity. The portion of trail from the Moline border (1st St) to the Campbell’s Island Causeway is cracked, deteriorated, and in generally poor condition; this trail has been in need of repairs for years. Please refer to the attached project location map for reference. As a resurfacing project is considered “maintenance” by most of the applicable grant funding sources, staff have been unable to secure outside funding for these improvements. However, the FY2022 budget has set aside ARPA funds (COVID relief) for this purpose, which will bring the trail to “like new” condition. Work on this project will generally consist of milling the existing, deteriorated surface and constructing new asphalt pavement with small aggregate shoulders. Staff have obtained a proposal from Hutchison Engineering to prepare scaled-back construction plans and specifications as necessary to bid the work required. This professional services proposal is attached for review and consideration.
This is a budgeted item.
Line Item#: ARPA Title: See below
Amount Budgeted: $575,000.00
Actual Cost: $19,944.00 (design component)
Funding Sources: ARPA
Departments: Engineering
This is a CIP.
Approve consultant contract for engineering services as proposed.
A motion was made by Alderman Rico, seconded by Alderman Oakes to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Toppert, Almblade, Mulcahey, O’Brien, Oakes, Tapia and Rico. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Alderman Almblade, seconded by Alderman Oakes to adjourn the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Toppert, Almblade, Mulcahey, O’Brien, Oakes, Tapia and Rico. Motion carried. 7:26 p.m.