City of Rock Island Arts Commission met June 8.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Brett Hitchcock Joedy Cook
Jodie Kavensky Carolyn Krueger
Dawn Wohlford-Metallo Stacey McIntosh
Amber Williams Brandy VandeWalle
Pat Stolley
2. Public Comment
3. Opening Items
A. Approval of the Written Agenda for June 8, 2022
Recommended Motion: Move to approve the written agenda for June 8, 2022.
B. Approval of the May 11, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Recommended Motion: Move to approve the meeting minutes for May 11, 2022.
4. Old Business
5. New Business
A. Discussion with Jack Cullen about renovations coming to Arts Alley
B. Opening of the first 2022 Arts Market this weekend
C. Discuss and vote on theme Metro Arts students will use for vinyl window art to be displayed in the windows of the Best Building (1705 2nd Avenue, Rock Island)
Recommended Motion: Move to approve a vinyl window art theme.
6. Other Business
7. Adjournment
Recommended Motion: Move to adjourn.