City of Rock Island Public Library Board of Trustees met Dec. 20.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Type of Meeting: Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
Meeting Facilitator: Eudell Watts III
Call to Order: President Eudell Watts III called the meeting to order at 5:03 pm.
Attendance: Karen Phillips, Elizabeth Russell, Jo Noon, Jenni Swanson, Dr. Yolanda Grandberry Pugh; Angela Campbell, Library Director; Lisa Lockheart, Publicity/Outreach Liaison; Malachi Kohlwey, Business Office & Facilities Director; Sam Baugous, RIHS Teen Advisory Member
Absent: Deborah Freiburg, Pat Mahar, Jacki Nelson; Kathy Lelonek, Foundation Director Public Comment: None.
Approval of Minutes: The Board reviewed the meeting minutes of November 15, 2022. Without any additions or corrections, President Watts advised the minutes be approved as written.
Board Education: Director Campbell advised that the Board has completed all of its Per Capita Aid training for the year and asked if the Board would like to learn about any other topics.
Correspondence: The Board apricates all of the support and well wishes for the 150th Anniversary. Committee Reports
Finance – Jenni Swanson
Jenni Swanson motioned to approve monthly bills for November in the amount of $ 50,443.05. Jo Noon seconded. After no further discussion, President Watts took a recorded vote: 5 ayes – Grandberry Pugh, Phillips, Noon, Swanson, Russell; 0 nays; motion carried. Director Campbell and Jenni Swanson advised that the City Council voted on the tax levy at the December 19, 2022, meeting. The Library’s tax levy went down by 4.43%, while the City of Rock Island’s tax Levy went up by 4.78%. Additionally, Director Campbell added that the Library would go into 2023 with a budget deficit. The Board engaged in a discussion on its restricted reserves.
Buildings and Grounds – Pat Mahar
Facilities Director Kohlwey provided an update on the ongoing Watts-Midtown Library project. Additionally, Facilities Director Kohlwey advised that the property owner of the south parking lot has signed the purchase agreement for the lot; however, we have not heard back regarding the final details to close the deal.
Personnel & Policy – Debbie Freiburg
No report from this committee.
Planning & Community Relations – Karen Phillips
No report from this committee. However, the Board discussed needing to set a future meeting to discuss programs with the YMCA and the ribbon-cutting event.
Art – Pat Mahar
No report from this committee.
Foundation – Kathy Lelonek
Director Campbell provided an update on the Capital Campaign. Additionally, Director Campbell discussed the Occupancy Agreement Addendum that will be voted on later in the meeting. The next meeting of the Foundation Board will be February 9, 2023, at 4:00 pm at the Downtown Library.
Administrator Reports
Director’s Reports & Statistics – Director Campbell advised that the Library has had a lot of great publicity in the last month, with the new building and ongoing 150th Anniversary celebration! Director Campbell added that the stats for the full year would be generated at the end of the month. Additionally, the Library will be starting its quarterly policy review. Director Campbell asked if the Board had any questions.
Milan Blackhawk Area Public Library District
Director Campbell advised that the next Milan Blackhawk Board meeting is on January 26, 2023, at 4:00 pm at the Southwest Library. Additionally, Director Campbell added that the Milan-Blackhawk election packets were submitted before the deadline.
Unfinished Business
1. Facilities Director Kohlwey provided an update on the South parking lot during the Building and Grounds committee discussion.
2. Karen Phillips motioned to approve the Occupancy Agreement addendum with the Two Rivers YMCA. Elizabeth Russell seconded. After no further discussion, President Watts took a recorded vote: 5 ayes – Grandberry Pugh, Phillips, Noon, Swanson, Russell; 0 nays; motion carried. Director Campbell advised that the YMCA’s auditor needs this addendum added to the original agreement to ensure that we will pay any additional construction costs in excess of the funds that the Capital Campaign has raised. Karen Phillips asked how much extra costs we will have to pay. Director Campbell advised that the Library will have to pay 35% of any excess costs above what has been raised by the Capital Campaign.
New Business
1. Elizabeth Russell motioned to approve setting the 2023 non-resident fee to $128, an increase of $3, using the general mathematical formula from the Illinois State Library’s rules for public library non-resident services. Jenni Swanson seconded. President Watts took a recorded vote: 5 ayes – Grandberry Pugh, Phillips, Noon, Swanson, Russell; 0 nays; motion carried.
2. The Board reviewed the Board Contact Information and did not recommend any changes.
3. Director Campbell advised that the Library management team has discussed providing staff bonuses for extra committee work. After discussion with the Board, the topic will be included on the agenda for the next Finance Committee meeting.
Information Sharing
• Unique Management Reports
• ILA Continuing Education Summary (Nathan)
o Director Campbell advised that Nathan went to the 2022 ILA conference and wrote about his experience. The Board appreciated Nathan’s thorough reflection on the experience and how much he took from the training.
• 60+ Lifestyles Article
o The Board appreciates all of the positive press around the Library!
*Closed Session – Not needed
• Director Campbell discussed the possibility of closing the Library due to the upcoming severe winter storm. The Board advised that Director Campbell can close the building if needed and wants staff and patrons to be safe.
Adjournment – President Watts adjourned the meeting at 5:50 pm.
The next meeting is Tuesday, January 17, at 5:00 pm, on the 2nd Floor of the Downtown Library.