City of Rock Island Board of Zoning Appeals met Jan. 11.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Voting Members Present
Gary Snyder
Nicole Parker
Kevin Day
Bill Sowards
Tanja Whitten
Pandora Lawrence
Voting Members Absent
Donald Mewes
Staff Present
Tanner Osing
Call to Order and Roll Call
Chair Snyder called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and read the roll call.
Public Comment
There was no one present to make any general public comments. The meeting continued.
Approval of the Agenda
Mr. Sowards moved to approve the written agenda for January 11, 2023. Vice Chair Day seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a vote of 6 to 0.
Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes
Vice Chair Day moved to approve the minutes for December 14, 2022. Ms. Whitten seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a vote of 6 to 0.
Old Business
New Business
Chair Snyder explained the procedure to be followed for public hearings.
Public Hearing 2022-15: John Pieritz for 612 34th Street - Variance of 210 feet of the 300 foot separation requirement between Unrelated Group Family Uses in a R-2 (one to two unit residence) district.
Mr. Osing presented the staff report. He stated the zoning ordinance requires that there be a 300-foot separation standard between Unrelated Group Family Uses (Chapter 11, Section 25). The applicant proposes to establish an Unrelated Group Family Use for up to five (5) unrelated residents within 80 feet from an existing Unrelated Group Family Use located at 3406 6th Avenue.
Mr. Osing also noted the residential block currently does not have an Unrelated Group Family Use located there, but there are three nearby similar uses north of 7th Avenue. The subject property meets the Zoning Ordinance off-street parking requirement of a minimum of two parking spaces because there is an improved rear yard parking area with space to park four vehicles.
Chair Snyder called for the applicant.
John Pieritz, 2721 18th Street in Moline, was sworn in. He said there is plenty of off-street parking for the property. He also noted that the property meets all other requirements.
Vice Chair Day asked how many bedrooms were in the property. Mr. Pieritz said the property has five (5) bedrooms that will be used.
Ms. Whitten asked if all tenants will be offered a parking space. Mr. Pieritz confirmed that the parking is part of the lease agreement.
As there were no other questions and one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Decision Case 2022-15 - Mr. Sowards made a motion to approve the request for the variance because: 1. Reasonable Return: The proposed variance will improve the return on the property. 2. Unique Circumstances: None.
3. Character Alteration: The proposed variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood.
Ms. Parker seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously on a vote of 6 to 0 (Sowards, Parker, Whitten, Day, Lawrence, and Snyder).
Public Hearing 2023-01- Linnsey Leithner for 2437 28th Street- Variance of 4.5 feet of the 6 foot side yard setback requirement in an R-1 (one unit residence) district.
Mr. Osing presented the staff report. He stated the zoning ordinance requires a six foot side yard setback in an R-1 zoning district (Chapter 13, Section 6). The applicant proposes to construct an attached carport (28’ x 14.5’) in the south side yard.
He also noted the proposed carport will be 28 feet in length and 1.5 feet in width. The support posts of the carport will be located 1.5 feet from the south property line. It will provide a covered area to load and unload vehicles. The property directly to the south has a similar carport in its south side yard. A variance was approved for that carport in 1985. The property directly to the north also has a similar carport situation in its south side yard, but staff was unable to find any record of a variance. This adjacent carport could have been constructed when the dwelling was first constructed, which may have preceded zoning regulations.
Chair Snyder called for the applicant.
Linnsey Leithner, 2437 28th Street in Rock Island, was sworn in. Ms. Leithner explained the dimensions and location of the proposed carport. She also noted that she talked to the adjacent property owners and they are in favor of the request.
As there were no other questions and one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Decision Case 2023-01- Ms. Whitten made a motion to approve the request for the variance because: 1. Reasonable Return: The proposed variance will improve the return on the property. 2. Unique Circumstances: None.
3. Character Alteration: The proposed variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood.
Vice Chair Day seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously on a vote of 6 to 0 (Sowards, Parker, Whitten, Lawrence, Day, and Snyder).
Other Business
Mr. Osing asked a clarifying about the motion for the agenda approval. He also noted that there are no current cases for the February meeting and will notify the members as soon as possible.
Chair Snyder asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made to adjourn by Vice Chair Day, seconded by Ms. Parker, and passed unanimously at 5:45 PM.