
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Kewanee City Council met July 24

City of Kewanee City Council met July 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The July 24th, 2023, Council Meeting was called to order at 6:30pm. Councilmembers Baker and Komnick were present along with Mayor Moore, City Manager Gary Bradley, City Attorney Justin Raver, and City Clerk Kasey Mitchell. Councilmembers Faber and Colomer were absent.

A motion to go into closed session to discuss Personnel Section 2(c)(1), Litigation Section 2(c)(11), and Discussion of Closed Meeting Minutes Section 2(c)(21) was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Motion passed 3-0.

A motion to adjourn to regular session was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Motion passed 3-0 and Closed Session was adjourned at 6:49pm.

The June 26th, 2023, Council Meeting was called to order at 6pm in the Council Chambers. Councilmembers Baker and Komnick were present along with Mayor Moore, City Manager Gary Bradley, City Attorney Justin Raver, and City Clerk Kasey Mitchell. Councilmembers Faber and Colomer were absent.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence for our troops.

The Consent Agenda included:

A. Minutes from the Council Meeting on July 10th

B. Payroll for the pay period ending July 15th in the amount of $287,739.87.

C. Staff Reports

D. Street Closures – Hog Capital Barbecue, Inc. (Hog Days)

E. Cernovich Fireworks Permit

F. Bock Report

A motion to approve the consent agenda items was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Discussion: None. Motion passed 3-0.

Bills for the Council Meeting of June 26th were presented in the amount of $531,942.00. A motion to approve payment of the bills was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Discussion: None. Motion passed 3-0.

There were no Public Comments.

New Business:

A. Street Closure Request – Commission on Human Relations. Commissioners Daniela Garcia-Lozano and Jessica Fornander spoke to the Council regarding the upcoming Hispanic Independence Celebration hosted by the Commission. They are requesting a street closure on East Third St in front of End Zone so that they can have food vendors parked in the street and a safe passage from the building to the vendors. The Council is happy to hear the event is taking place and agree that safety is a priority. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Discussion: None. Motion passed 3-0.

B. Consideration of Bill 23-26 Resolution to affirm the Mayor’s recommendation for appointments to various commissions and boards. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Discussion: None. Motion passed 3-0.

C. Consideration of Bill 23-27: Ordinance authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement for participation in the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Discussion: Councilmember Komnick asked what this is. Fire Chief Stephen Welgat explained to the Council that it is basically one giant Intergovernmental agreement. It allows any participating municipality to put out a request for aid that may include needs for a specific piece of equipment and/or personnel. This is usually reimbursable as well. We are already part of MABAS but this will update the agreement. Motion passed 3-0.

D. Consideration of Bill 23-28: Resolution authorizing the execution of a purchase agreement and other documents that are necessary and proper in the procurement of Starcom Radios and Communication Systems to be used by the City of Kewanee Fire Department. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Discussion: Chief Welgat said that last year the Police and Fire Departments upgraded their radio systems. This purchase would allow stationary radios to be put throughout the building. They would also be able to put the systems in the ambulances so that they would be able to hear the radio traffic if they had to leave town for a call. Motion passed 3-0.

E. Consideration of Bill 23-29: Ordinance directing the sale of excess real estate. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Discussion: None. Motion passed 3-0.

Council Communications:

Baker: He asked why people must go to multiple places to get lawn bags and stickers. City Manager Gary Bradley told him that there are only a couple of places that sell lawn bags, and the City does not sell them. Mr. Bradley also stated that the stickers can be purchased at City Hall along with many of the gas stations and grocery stores. If a retailer wants to sell them, they may. We do not pick and choose who can and cannot sell the stickers on our behalf.

Komnick: He asked the Director of Community Development, Keith Edwards, what the status was of the perpetual yard sale on East Prospect. Mr. Edwards stated that the resident had a court order to clean up the property and that he and City Staff were working out a time to go take care of the property if the resident did not do so on his own.

Mayor’s Communications:

He offered condolences to the friends and family of James Jones who recently passed. He also congratulated Diane Packee and the crew that worked on the Prairie Chicken Arts Festival that was held this last weekend. It was great weather and a great turnout. The Mayor also wanted to remind residents that the Miss World Festival Pageant is coming up on August 5th from 6-8pm at Kewanee High School. There are 69 applicants.


• The City Hall Front Office will be CLOSED this Wednesday August 9th from 8am-1pm for Staff Development. All other City departments will be operating as normal.

• A reminder to residents that there are no burn days in July and August.

A motion to adjourn was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Motion passed 3-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:24pm.
