
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Moline Public Art Commission met Sept. 18

City of Moline Public Art Commission met Sept. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Present: Alex Salaverria, Ann Hartley, Lucie VanHecke, Daniel Otten, & Amanda Augsburger

Absent: Jeff Dismer & Kate Dale

Staff: Seán Foley, Jennifer Bizarri, & Savanna Cruz

Others: Kirk Marske, Amanda Bolt, & Jim Ege

1. Call to Order

Vice Chair Salaverria called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.

2. Approval of Minutes: August 17, 2023 Meeting

Motion made by Commissioner Otten; seconded by Commissioner VanHecke to approve the minutes from August 17, 2023 meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

3. Public Comment


4. Informational Items

Vice Chair Salaverria stated the September 21, 2023 Public Art Commission will be canceled, and the new regularly scheduled meetings will start October 16, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. and continue every third Monday of each month.

5. Action Items

a. Place Making/Art Projects

• Moline Mural – Request for Proposal (RFP) - 5th Ave. at 14th Street Blank Wall The RFP for the Moline Mural is out and has been posted to several sites, including the Quad City Arts website. As of now, many artists have submitted their artwork, and they expect more to come in at the last minute. A Special Public Art Commission (PAC) meeting is scheduled for September 29, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. to review the submittals for the mural. The PAC will narrow the submittals down to 3 designs and then submit to Dan Bush, building owner, so he can have input as well. Submittals will also be sent out to the PAC no later than September 27, 2023 to review prior to the September 29 special meeting. After the selection and design of the mural is complete, Quad City Arts will be doing the scheduling and cleaning of the mural wall. Commissioner Hartley suggested using a rubric for the selection process. The Commission agreed Mr. Bush should get a vote on the 3 final designs. Discussion was had that the final design does not need to go to City Council for approval.

• Bass Street Toilet Building opportunity for mural or other art on blank wall Ms. Amanda Bolt, Moline Recreation Coordinator, gave the Commission a handout of pictures for the Bass Street Landing restrooms. Ms. Bolt explained there will be a blank wall facing the sidewalk, and that is where they plan to have the painting of the mural. Ideasfrom the Parks and Recreation Department for the mural include something interactive, something that pays homage to Moline’s history, and something to include “Moline” or “Bass Street Landing”. The deadline for completion of the restrooms should be the beginning of May 2024. The Commission is very interested to work on this project. Vice Chair Salaverria questioned if Ms. Bolt was in charge of the sculpture pad at Bass Street Landing, as the Commission would like to make the pad bigger and possibly get electricity put in there. Ms. Bolt said she would reach out to Special Service Area #5, and see what they could do. Ms. Bolt asked how long it would take for a mural to be completed. Vice Chair Salaverria replied the RFP would take about a month, once they had selected a design, it would take the artist about a week or a week and a half to finish the mural.

• Bloomberg Asphalt Art Initiative 2024

Commissioner Hartley stated there is no update at this time. Kevin Maynard, QCA Executive Director, has been out of town, and Commissioner Hartley has recently started a new job.

• Public Sculpture Program

Vice Chair Salaverria asked the Commission if anyone had a chance to think about the locations they had discussed at the last PAC meeting. Commissioner Otten suggested partnering with Kone and putting in a permanent sculpture piece. Commissioner VanHecke said she would like to see a bigger piece on the Riverwalk, where the PAC currently has a sculpture. Discussion was had on the Commission’s budget. Mr. Chris Mathias stated budget discussions for the City are starting, and he would will put a place holder for the PAC’s budget and keep them in the loop. Commissioner VanHecke asked if a list of projects the Commission is working on would help the City decide on their budget, and Mr. Mathias said that would be helpful. The Commission will look more at the City and come back for more discussion on sculpture placement.

• Floreciente Neighborhood Mural potential at proposed Veterans Memorial Vice Chair Salaverria stated Susana Aguilar said the project wouldn’t begin until spring, and they will get together on the project then.

b. Upcoming City Projects – 2% PAC Funds

No new updates on the 19th Street Improvements beginning at 7th Avenue and the 6th Avenue roundabout. MKSK will be taking a ferryboat to tour the riverfront area for the Moline Riverfront Master Plan on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 and will be having meetings with city staff and stakeholders on September 21, 2023.

c. Upcoming Potential Private Projects – 1% PAC Funds

No updates on the 6th Avenue Apartments. Eric Griffith, Parks and Recreation Director, gave a presentation to City Council at their last meeting for the Skate Park. They still need to get approval from IDOT.

d. Google Map of Art Locations – Commissioner Salaverria update

Vice Chair Salaverria is going to distribute the link for the Google Map of Art Locations to the Commission. She would like the Commission to review and let her know if anything is missing.

e. Art Maintenance Program Application

Commissioner VanHecke does not have any current updates on the application.

f. Public Art Commission page on City Website

Vice Chair Salaverria explained she has not sent the link for the Public Art Commission Sculpture Program to Mr. Foley yet, and is still working on it.

6. Other Business

Vice Chair Salaverria asked about grant writing and that the Quad Cities Community Foundation has a grant available from QC River Connections that the Public Art Commission would benefit from, but doesn’t know who would do the grant writing for it. She questioned if someone from the PAC should be doing the grant writing, or if someone from city staff could do it. Mr. Foley stated the city is currently looking for someone to specifically do grant writing, but no one has been hired yet. He will check more into it. The QC River Connections grant is for $50,000 maximum per application with $250,000 total being available. Commission Otten stated he would try to sign up for grant writing.

Mr. Foley stated he just attended the American Planning Association (APA) Conference recently and attended the Public Art Seminar while there. He will send links to the PAC to help educate them.

7. Announcements

a. Special Meeting scheduled for Friday, September 29, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. b. Next Regular Meeting scheduled for Monday, October 16, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. 8. Adjourn

Motion made by Commissioner VanHecke; seconded by Commissioner Hartley to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 4:29 p.m.
