Keithsburg Campground | Facebook
Keithsburg Campground | Facebook
City of Keithsburg City Council met Feb. 12.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Reason opened the Meeting at 6:30 pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Alderman Present: Donnie Cox, Melonie McLaughlin, Chad Weeks, Don Truitt
Not Present: Shaun Tippie, Ronnie Brock
1. Cash Receipts: Melonie made a motion to approve, Donnie seconded; Motion carried all “Yes” votes.
2. Cash Disbursements: Melonie made a motion to approve, Don seconded; Motion carried all “Yes” votes.
3. Minutes from last Month’s Meeting: Melonie made a motion to approve, Donnie seconded; Moton carried all “Yes” votes.
4. Water and Sewer:
• Ion solutions is still waiting on the water meter for the well house. EPA did a routine inspection, only thing that was noted in the EPA inspection is that they are going to require that we get new chemical tanks or that we get containment for our current tanks.
5. Maintenance:
• Keithsburg City Maintenance is taking a collection of tires, $5.00 for each tire needs paid before dropping them off at the City Maintenance shed.
6. Fire Department:
• Christopher Defrieze mentioned that New Boston Ambulance Service Has a cot for Keithsburg, if we get our Ambulance Certified and running.
7. Police: nothing to report
8. Campground:
• Set up a work Meeting on February 26th at 6:30pm to interview those that applied for the Campground host position. Don motioned to approve, Chad seconded; Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.
9. Zoning: Nothing to report
10. Resolution and Ordinance: Nothing to report
11. Other:
• Spring Clean up will be May 11th, 2024, Dumpsters will be located at the City Maintenance Shop.
• Survey update, MJH Engineering and Surveying will have the survey done by April 1st, 2024.
• Cargill Street Maintenance Agreement, Eric is going to get that sent to Cargill.
Donnie made a motion to go into closed session, Melonie seconded; Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.
Chad made a motion to go out of closed session and Adjourn the Meeting, Melonie seconded; Motion carried with all “yes” votes
7: 45pm