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City of Colona City Council met April 22

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Welcome to the City of Colona Sign | City of Colona

City of Colona City Council met April 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m.


ROLL CALL: Mayor Ropp, Attorney Wright, Alderman Stablein, Swemline Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl were present. Alderman Dooley was absent. Staff present: Chief Swemline, Ryan Erichsen (Public Works Director), Jen Legare (Finance Director), Kristina Medrano

(Admin/Deputy Clerk)



1. Patrick Lee from Big island Farms RI (NFP) came into present his business for a Vendor

License. He will be partnering with Highland Pack and will be selling Cheeseburgers and Pork Chops sandwiches from the parking lot there. He plans on keeping prices down by using local farmers. Patrick is also interested in getting some information on CSFP restaurant rental and would like to have any information regarding the rental there. PRESENTATION: John Timmer, CPA CFP to present annual audit FY 2022-23

1. John Timmer wrapping up audit from 4/30/2023.

2. John stated his report is still in draft form that he has a few things left to clean up and he will issue a final report.

3. John stated similar to the last few years we do have a qualified opinion that relates to disclosure issues around The Police Pension Fund.

4. Some highlights include:

Unrestricted cash & investments

➢ $5,663,503 VS. $5,221,972 (py)

➢ 12 months expenditures

• Property Tax revenue $1,943,425 VS. $1,772,420

• Approximately $833K in new fixed assets placed in service during the year.

• Scott Family Park -Deficit of $95k after $85k allowance for depreciation

• Police pension fund unfunded actuarial liability $679k at 4/30/10; vs. $3,071k at 4/30/2016, $3,271k at 4/30/2018, and $3,899k at 4/30/19, $2,979k at 4/30/20, $2,776k at 04/30/21; $2,675k at 04/30/2022; $1,640k at 04/30/2023 (lagging actuarial valuations-1year lag)

• IMRF Pension liability $653k vs. ($239k) (surplus) (December 31 valuation)

• OPEB Liability $763k vs. $732k-Insurance coverage. Formal liability.

• Legal debt limit is 6.265mm of which Ok currently o/s (does not include 2.960mm in revenue bonds). -All debt paid off

• Schedule of findings: Segregation of duties. This is inherent in organizations with limited staff. Reminder for The City Council to remain involved in the financial affairs of The City. Also, be conscientious in documenting independent reviews.

MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Ropp read resignation letter from 4th Ward Alderman Richard Goodrum. Alderman Swemline made a motion to accept the resignation of 4th Ward Alderman Richard Goodrum. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady- Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

1. April still safe digging month-Call 811

2. National Day of Prayer May 2nd-Noon @ Memorial Park

3. Attended monthly meeting for WWTP with Moline

4. 214 7th Street water main leak-Emergency dig-McClintock Plumbing hired to dig and repair- Main was cracked 3⁄4 away around-installed band clamp-This was caught and repaired just in time-Contractor showed up 7AM -project done by noon-No boil order.

5. City wide mowing started early this year

6. IMEG has completed Lead Line Survey and has submitted to ILPEA and EPA has acknowledged receipt

7. City is reviewing survey and in process of sending out required customer notices

8. IMEG has completed setting property pins at old car wash property in preparation of property sale to Glazed

9. CSFP-Campers have started arriving and cleanup of their sites for the season CSFP-Pool Exhaust Fan-New motor and operational

10. Received Pacer Program for Streets and evaluation from IMEG -Mayor Ropp & P.W. Director Ryan Erichsen reviewing- Meeting with IMEG Wednesday 4/24/2024

11.Meeting with IMEG final adjustments to WWTP project. Moline and Strand signed off/OK

12.Street sweeping continuing-Close to complete

13.WWTP sampler pad poured -sampler set & working-

14.WWTP dump pad manhole -new concrete pad poured

15.CSFP-Additional spring tree cleanup and brush pile burning/stumps cut off between rain.

16.Mayor authorize purchase new scale for WWTP

17. Working on Copper tracing @ WWTP

18.Smart Wave equipment installation on 8th St. water tower complete. Also, City Hall & PD final adjustments being made.

19.Replace door lock @ Ty Massey Park concession stand-Due to Vandals

20.Timbrook Field-Water turned on-New restroom fixtures installed and operational.

21. Working on new foul ball netting at Timbrook Field

22.Mayor working on adding additional Parcels to TIF # 5

23.Mayor & Finance Director Jen Legare working on finalizing 2023-2024 adjustments - Collecting year end invoices

24.Jen Legare working hard on year end paperwork, employee packets, insurance issues and reporting -Has been doing a great job-Thank you Jen!

25.Ryan Erichsen has met with RRE-Looking at City wide rehab of lighting system as suggested by ABM-Rebates from MidAmerican -Mayor saving for City

26.PW Safety Training/CDL continue-Rain days

27.Damaged fence at Timbrook field repaired

28.Mayor talk with Kevin-Bank Orion-need assignment of TIF agreement -For property purchase-working on it

29.Mayor requested Legal Service Agreement

30.Mayor working on legal issues with City Attorney Jeff Wright

31.Mayor working on restructure of office and utility billing-with Ryan Erichsen

32.Seasonal hiring in progress-Ryan Erichsen has been interviewing

33.Missy @ CSFP-interviewing and hiring Rangers and Housekeeping

34.Mayor met with Urim from Glazed -Discussed project-moving forward

35. Ryan Erichsen-Busted and Issued stop work orders for no permits

36.Got call from Jennifer/Wellness Center Project Soft Opening April 27th -Noon to 2PM

37.Was notified of organized clean up @ Hennepin Canal from RT 84 to pavilion Gazebo by Ty Massey Field May 11th 10-Noon

38.Repaired restroom fixtures @ various locations

39.Swore in new part-time officer -Pat Moody

40.Mayor execute Teamsters PW contract

41.Ryan Erichsen & Tony Vincent continue to work to make operational improvements water & sewer systems-preparing to flush

42.Twin river hosting ball tournament @ Timbrook Field -Need Flag pole

43.CSFP grounds crew back 4/15 cleaning maintenance shed

44.Economic Interest Statements Due May 1

45.Tom Lupinski Last Day 4/30/2024-Need Building Inspector

46.Still need City Clerk-Direction from Council

47.Mayor will have new Committee assignments next meeting

48.Alderman Dooley in recovery at home

49.Signed (4) Liquor License renewals -Grease Monkey, Swanny's, Expresslane, and American Legion



1. Approve payment of bills/Claims by Vendor Report for the period of April 9-22,2024

2. Approve payroll for the period April 11-25, 2024

3. Approve minutes from April 8, 2024 City Council Meeting

• Alderman Shady-Dahl made a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 1-3. Alderman Swemline seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.


1. Discussion on Lateral Transfer-Mayor Ropp stated a new Ordinance needs to written to be brought in front of City Council for a vote.


1. 1. Approve Wipfli LLP for auditing services for the following fiscal years:

• FY 2023-24 $47,500.00

• FY 2024-25 $52,000.00

• FY 2025-26 $57,500.00

• Alderman Stablein made a motion to approve New Business item # 1. Alderman Lack seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

2. Approve amendment to the budget FY 2024-25,100-100-4350 Accounting Services- Annual Audit, original budget $35,000.00, increase $12,500.00, amended budget $47,500.00.

• Alderman Shady-Dahl made a motion to approve New Business item # 2. Alderman Stablein seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

3. Approve appropriate adjustments to line items within each department where

necessary. The total original budget allocation, per department where necessary. The total original budget allocation, per department, will not be changed nor increased. This has been discussed and recommended by The Mayor, Finance Director, and Finance Admin Committee.

• Alderman Lack made a motion to approve New Business item # 3. Alderman Stablein seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

4. Ratify Legal Service Agreement with Maureen Riggs-Churchill & Churchill and engagement letter for legal services with Ottosen, DiNolfo, Hasenbalg & Castaldo, LTD. Kathy Orr and Megan Lamb

• Alderman Painter made a motion to approve New Business item # 4. Alderman Lack seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

5. Discuss purchase of new chairs for Clubhouse and old chairs to Activity Center. Estimate 100 chairs- Total estimated cost $3,000.00-4,000.00.

• Mayor Ropp and Public Works Director Erichsen shopping around looking at different options as far as style and pricing are concerned.

6. Discuss CSFP-Café for meetings

• Mayor Ropp asked if Council Members were interested in renting out the Café in the same way The City rents out the Activity Center. As auxiliary for meetings and other gatherings. Mayor stated he will get some pricing looked at and bring this back to Council for a vote.

7. Approve Mobile Vendor License-Big Island Farms RI-Non for Profit-

• Alderman Swemline made a motion to approve New Business item #7. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady- Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

8. Approve purchase and installation of foul ball netting at Timbrook Field estimated cost $2,000.00.

• Alderman Lack made a motion to table New Business item # 8 until pricing and different options can be researched. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

9. Approve purchase and installation of new flag poles (1) Timbrook Field 25'-30' Estimated cost $3,000.00 (2) Colona Scott Family Park $ 3,000.00

• Alderman Shady-Dahl made a motion to table New Business item # 9 until further research is done on the cost to rehab old equipment. Alderman Painter seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

10. Discuss and approve amending City code 8-1-5 B (5) Raise deposit amount to $ 250.00 and 2 times in one year.

• Alderman Painter made a motion to approve amending City code 8-1-5 B (5). Alderman Swemline seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

11. Discuss condition of and maintenance of City buildings and infrastructure-Report of Mayor Ropp and Public Works Director Erichsen-Need for comprehensive Capital Improvement Plan-Reinvestment in facilities. Public Works Director Erichsen would like to make a five-year plan and go from there.

MOTION TO GO TO CLOSED SESSION: Alderman Swemline. Seconded: Alderman Painter. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.


(2) Collective negotiating matter between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

Section 2-C-5 The purpose or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired.

Section 2-C-3 The selection of a person to fill a public office, as defined in this Act, including a vacancy in a public office, when the public body is given power to appoint under law or ordinance, or the discipline, performance or removal of the occupant of a public office when the public body is given power to remove the occupant under law or ordinance.

Per ILCS 120/2, From Chapter 102, Paragraph 42 Section 2, Open Meeting,

Subparagraph (11) Litigation, when an action against, affecting, or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds an action is probable or imminent in which case basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.

MOTION TO GO BACK TO OPEN SESSION: Alderman Lack. Seconded by Alderman Painter. Voice vote all in favor. Motion passed.

ADJOURNMENT: Alderman Swemline made a motion to adjourn. Alderman Painter seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent. 7:30PM




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