
Rock Island Today

Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of Geneseo Plan Commission met May 7

Webp 39

Paula Simosky - Alderwoman First Ward | City of Geneseo

Paula Simosky - Alderwoman First Ward | City of Geneseo

City of Geneseo Plan Commission met May 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The Plan Commission of the City of Geneseo was called to order on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 6:00 PM, in the Council Chambers, with the following members present:

PLAN COMMISSION PRESENT:Plan Commission Joe Bedford, Plan Commission Rhonda Ludwig, and Plan Commission Julia McAvoy

PLAN COMMISSION ABSENT:Plan Commission Morgan Thurman

STAFFPRESENT: City Administrator Brandon Maeglin and City Clerk Paige Seibel


1 Pledge of Allegiance

2 Roll Call

Meeting began at 6:01 PM

3 Public Comment

City Ordinance allows members of the Public to speak and give input up to 3 minutes during Public Comment, there can be no debate or action by the Commission at this time.


4 Approval of Meeting Minutes

4.1. Approval of previous Plan Committee Minutes

No conversation was had.

Joe Bedford moved, seconded by Rhonda Ludwig, Motion to approve the 04/01/24 Plan Committee Minutes as presented.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Joe Bedford

SECONDER: Rhonda Ludwig

AYES: Joe Bedford, Rhonda Ludwig, and Julia McAvoy

ABSENT: Morgan Thurman

5 New Business Item(s)

5.1. Consideration of a Facade Improvement Grant for 104 S State Street

Maeglin spoke to the Plan Commission Board about the approval of the Facade Grant Application submitted by Jerrod Minnaert.

A Q&A took place between the Ludwig and Maeglin.

Rhonda Ludwig moved, seconded by Julia McAvoy, Motion to recommend to City Council approval of the Facade Grant Application for 104 S State St, in the amount of $4,045.00

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Rhonda Ludwig

SECONDER: Julia McAvoy

AYES: Joe Bedford, Rhonda Ludwig, and Julia McAvoy

ABSENT: Morgan Thurman

6 Adjournment

6.1. Move to close the meeting

Meeting adjourned at 6:06 PM

Joe Bedford moved, seconded by Julia McAvoy, Motion to Adjourn

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Joe Bedford

SECONDER: Julia McAvoy

AYES: Joe Bedford, Rhonda Ludwig, and Julia McAvoy

ABSENT: Morgan Thurman
