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Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of Kewanee City Council met May 13

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City of Kewanee Officials | City of Kewanee | Facebook

City of Kewanee Officials | City of Kewanee | Facebook

City of Kewanee City Council met May 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The May 13th, 2024, Council Meeting was called to order at 6:14pm. Councilmembers Colomer, Faber, Baker, and Komnick were present along with Mayor Moore, City Manager Gary Bradley, City Attorney Justin Raver, and City Clerk Kasey Mitchell.

A motion to go into Closed Session to discuss Personnel Section 2(c)(1) and Sale or Lease of Real Estate Section 2(c)(6) was made by Councilmember Faber and seconded by Councilmember Colomer. Motion passed 5-0.

A motion to adjourn to Regular Session was made by Councilmember Colomer and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Motion passed 5-0 and Closed Session adjourned at 6:47 pm.

The May 13th, 2024, Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm in Council Chambers. Councilmembers Colomer, Faber, Baker, and Komnick were present along with Mayor Moore, City Manager Gary Bradley, City Attorney Justin Raver, and City Clerk Kasey Mitchell.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence for our troops.

The Consent Agenda was presented with the following items:

A. Minutes from the Council Meeting on April 22nd

B. Payroll for the pay period ending April 20th in the amount of $213,838.46 and for the pay period ending May 4th in the amount of $213,847.96.

C. Staff Reports

D. Bock Report

A motion to approve the consent agenda items was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Motion passed 5-0.

Bills for the Council Meeting of May 13th presented in the amount of $200,967.20. A motion to approve payment of the bills was made by Councilmember Colomer and seconded by Councilmember Faber. Discussion: None. Motion passed 5-0.

Public Comments: None

Before starting New Business, the Mayor stated that from now on he would be giving a brief explanation of each item before the discussion and vote. This is for those that may not have had the opportunity to read through the materials beforehand.

New Business:

A. Public Hearing: PRICE Application

The City will be applying for a grant called “Prevention and Re-Investment for Community Enhancement.” If awarded, the City would be able to use the funds for infrastructure replacement in Kewanee’s mobile home parks and for funding for the purchase of new manufactured homes for placement at the renovated parks. The public hearing is a requirement of the grant application. The City will have a 15-day period in which the public can submit comments or suggestions that will be incorporated into the grant application. No one came forward, but it was stated that anyone may contact the City to participate.

B. Consideration of Bill 24-37 Ordinance to establish Section 30.18 Citizen Participation of the Kewanee City Code of Ordinances, concerning procedures for public comments at public meetings.

The City has always had an unwritten rule that limited the length of time residents were allowed to address the council. This ordinance will put into writing this general rule and is being presented in the interest of meetings, and to prevent verbal attacks, as well as abolish foul and abusive language.

A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Colomer. Discussion: Councilmember Komnick stated that he was uncomfortable with having groups in agreement designate a spokesperson. It was clarified that these rules are at the discretion of the body conducting the meeting. The body may allow for more time or allow others with the same views to have time to speak. This just gives the governing body a chance to limit things if needed. Motion passed 5-0.

C. Consideration of Bill 24-38 Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit to HVN Capital, LLC for property located at 618 Tenney St.

This is a request from HVN Capital to open a cannabis dispensary at 618 Tenney St, commonly known as the Broken Chimney property. By ordinance, the approval of any such business requires the issuance of a special use permit and the business cannot operate without meeting the requirements that may be placed upon it under that process. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Colomer. Discussion: Councilmember Faber stated that he did not like the proposed location. Councilmember Komnick talked with many people who support the addition of a dispensary as well as the location as it will be easily seen and found. Councilmember Colomer said he had also talked with many that are for it. He works near a dispensary and did not realize it was that for a long time. The Mayor stated he had talked with parents that lived in a town with a dispensary. They stated they would not have known what the business was they had been told. He reminded the public that the buildings are very secure and if you are not legally allowed to enter, you will not be able to.

The Council then heard from those in attendance that wanted to speak on the matter. They hear from residents who are in favor of the facility because cannabis has helped them personally and they would much rather spend their money locally. There were many that stood and spoke in opposition to the facility and the location. They believe that it is too close to Wethersfield school and should not be so easily viewable by children and teens. One attendee spoke about his career with the Illinois State Police and the things he has seen with drugs. He feels as though cannabis is a gateway drug and the City should not encourage or promote its use. Many of those who spoke were against the location more than the business itself and strongly urged the Council to reconsider allowing HVN to operate at this location. Motion passed 3-2 with Councilmembers Faber and Baker voting “No.”

D. Consideration of Bill 24-39 Ordinance directing the sale of excess real estate located at 309 N Main St.

The City may offer for sale properties it. Currently, a local businessman has expressed a desire to purchase this small parking lot. After consideration, the Council has decided to place the parking lot for sale via closed bid.

A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Colomer and seconded by Councilmember Faber. Discussion: Local business owner John Cernovich approached the Council and asked if other properties had been sold with a set minimum price and how this price was decided. City Manager Gary Bradley stated that the City often places a minimum price on properties to cover the cost of publication and transfer of the property as well as the value for the property. After looking at an adjacent parking lot that was sold, the price was based on the square footage of the previously sold property and of this one. Motion passed 5-0.

E. Consideration of Bill 24-40 Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a TIF redevelopment agreement by and between the City of Kewanee and Conè Properties, LLC. TIF is a tool used to promote new and existing businesses. TIF funds are generated through taxes and these funds can be applied for and distributed by the City Council. This is for 118 W. 2nd Street to help fund interior renovations as well as plumbing and roof repairs.

A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Colomer. Discussion: None. Motion passed 5-0.

F. Consideration of Bill 24-41 Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a TIF redevelopment agreement by and between the City of Kewanee and The Players Edge. There was a request from the applicant to table this consideration until the next City Council meeting. A motion to table was made by Councilmember Colomer and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Motion to table until the next meeting passed 5-0.

G. Consideration of Bill 24-42 Resolution declaring the City’s intent to use Tax Increment Financing to finance economic development improvements or a portion there of in the Industrial Park.

The City is in discussion with multiple businesses that have an interest in building within the City’s industrial park located on Kentville Road. This resolution expresses the City’s intent to use tax increment financing to fund infrastructure improvements that would serve those businesses and allows them to incur costs while retaining the potential that such costs would be reimbursable.

A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Colomer. Discussion: Councilmember Colomer asked if we know what we would be doing and spending for the area. City Manager Bradley stated that per our TIF attorney, this is the first step we need to take to prepare for the upcoming projects so we are not to that step. Motion passed 5-0.

H. Consideration of Bill 24-43 Ordinance to amend Section 113.05 Sale of Deleterious Drugs Prohibited of the Kewanee City Code of Ordinances.

Many times, we find our current ordinances are out of date and do not reflect current circumstances. This ordinance change reflects the potential harmful and dangerous illegal drugs that are available.

A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Discussion: Councilmember Faber asked for further clarification. Police Chief Kijanowski stated that the current ordinance does not include items such as vapes and drugs that weren’t currently listed. Motion passed 5-0.

I. Consideration of Bill 24-44 Resolution to affirm the Mayor’s recommendation for appointments to various commissions and boards.

The Mayor assigns people to various boards acting in cooperation with the City Council. These assignments become necessary due to expirations of terms or resignations. This is for reappointment to the airport board.

A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Faber and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Discussion: None. Motion passed 5-0.

J. Proclamation KHS Band and Choir

Proclamations recognize special events, achievements, or groups of people. This proclamation is in recognition of Kewanee High School’s Band and Choir. They recently competed and won the state championship. The Mayor had the privilege of reading this proclamation at their awards banquet earlier this evening.

K. Proclamation Arbor Day

This proclamation recognizes Arbor Day and all the efforts in preserving plant life.

L. Proclamation National Public Works Week

A proclamation in honor of National Public Works Week. Public Works is a vital part of every community in existence. We are proud of each and every member of our public works team. Way too often their efforts go unrecognized, and we want to make every effort possible to change that perspective.

Council Communications:

Baker: Nothing

Komnick: With the Arbor Day Proclamation, he wanted to remind the public that they can easily join the Arbor Day Foundation and receive trees to plant.

Colomer: He added his congratulations to the Kewanee High School Band and Choir. Faber: He wanted to let the public know that potholes are constantly being worked on. Even if you don’t see crews out in your area, doesn’t mean they aren’t elsewhere.

Mayor’s Communications:

In the Council packet was a flier from American Job Center. They are offering training for a Pre-Apprenticeship in construction and the building trade. See the flier for more details. He offered condolences to the family of Brock Tumbleson who recently lost his battle with cancer. Brock was an outstanding musician, and you could find him volunteering whenever possible. He will be missed.

He also extended condolences to our City Attorney and his family as his wife Dee recently passed away. Her passing will be felt by many.

He had a request from residents near the intersection of Dodge and W Mill St to have extra patrol or possibly stop signs placed in the area. Kids ride their bikes on the roads and cars constantly speed down those roads. Police Chief Kijanowski stated that he would have the speed trackers placed in that area to investigate.

He then asked what the current procedures are for posting planned roadwork. Chatter and complaints may lessen if the public knows where work is going to be done. City Manager Bradley said that we could post the road program plans but probably wouldn’t be able to have updates on pothole filling as that is done whenever time, weather, and crews allow.

He thanked Stever Looney and Dianne Packee for their help in hanging the flower baskets through the Downtown area.

Announcements: City Hall and the Transfer Station will be Closed on Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. There are no changes to trash or recycling, but there will be no landscape pick up that week.

The City-Wide Clean-Up will be held on Saturday June 1st from 7am to Noon at the old hospital site. Residents should bring photo ID and Utility Bill.

A motion to adjourn was made by Councilmember Faber and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Motion passed 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:51pm.
