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Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of Colona City Council met May 15

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Welcome to the City of Colona Sign | City of Colona

City of Colona City Council met May 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:



ROLL CALL: Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Painter, Shady-Dahl, Jones, Lack (in late 4:40), were present. Alderman Dooley was absent. Also, present Mayor Ropp, Public Works Director Erichsen, and Admin/Deputy Clerk Medrano. Also, absent Attorney Wright and Treasurer Legare. PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE


1. Mayor Ropp stated the purpose of this emergency meeting is there

are some emergencies that Public Works Director Erichsen has been keeping an eye on that need to be resolved with the Holiday weekend coming up.

2. A leak on Birchwood DR. and a water main issue on 8th ST need to be fixed as soon as possible.

3. Bridge inspections are due May 27th. IMEG has been lined up. Bridge inspections need to be done or we will be notified by IDOT that the bridges are delinquent. IDOT could possibly close down bridges due to delinquency.




1. Approve Short Form Services Agreement for routine bridge

inspections (1) Briar Bluff Road 037-3046 (2) E. 450th Street 037- 6100 -Fixed fee of $2,000.00

• Alderman Painter made a motion to approve old business #1. Alderman Swemline seconded. Discussion offered. Alderman Stablein offered this is something that needs to be done every 24 months and it is due. Roll Call: Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Jones, Painter, and Mayor Ropp voted yes.

Alderman Dooley, Lack (in late), Shady-Dahl were absent.

Motion passed with 5 ayes and 3 absent.

2. Waive bidding requirements for storm sewer and street repairs- Birchwood not to exceed the statutory limit and authorize Mayor to execute contract for repairs.

• Public Works Director Erichsen passed out photos of this issue to The Council. He stated this issue is something he has been keeping an eye on and it has gotten worse. The water has been tested and it is positive for Chlorine so we know it is City water. He also stated The City won't know the extent of the problem unless it is dug. He has spoken with two different Contractors and gotten 2 quotes. He has a call out about getting a third price.

• Alderman Painter made a motion to approve old business item # 2. Alderman Swemline seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Alderman Dooley and Shady-Dahl absent. Alderman Lack (in late), Stablein, Swemline, Jones, Painter voted yes. Mayor Ropp also voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes 2 absent.

3. Waive bidding requirement for water main repair-1005 8th St. in roadway, not to exceed the statutory limit and authorize Mayor to execute contract for repairs.

• Alderman Painter made a motion to approve old business item # 3. Alderman Lack seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley and Shady-Dahl absent. Alderman Lack (in late), Stablein, Swemline, Jones, Painter voted yes. Mayor Ropp also voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes 2 absent.

• Alderman Stablein added she would like to request that Public Works Director Erichsen does some sort or Public Works Report during City Council Meetings. Alderman Stablein is hoping this will keep everyone in the know and prevent this from happening again in the future. Mayor Ropp offered he doesn't see a problem with that.

• Alderman Painter also had a request of The Council. He asked for The Council to approve him getting a key to the Café. He has spoken with three different parties who are interested in renting The Café at CSFP. The parties have requested to explore the facilities before renting and they do not want to disclose their business plan at this time. Mayor Ropp offered he can get a key to Alderman Painter, but we can't discuss much more since this topic was not on Agenda.



• Alderman Stablein made a motion to Adjourn. Alderman Lack seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley and Shady-Dahl absent. Alderman Lack (in late), Stablein, Swemline, Jones, Painter voted yes. Mayor Ropp also voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes 2 absent.
