
Rock Island Today

Monday, September 30, 2024

City of East Moline City Council met June 17

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City of East Moline Mayor Reggie Freeman | City of East Moline

City of East Moline Mayor Reggie Freeman | City of East Moline

City of East Moline City Council met June 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Reggie Freeman led the City Council and all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order and directed the City Clerk Wanda Roberts-Bontz, to call the roll. The following Alderpersons were present: Olivia Dorothy, Jeffrey Deppe, Nancy Mulcahey, Adam Guthrie, Rhea Oakes, Lynn Segura and Jose Rico.


Kymberly Chandler 609 27th Street, East Moline – Ms. Chandler expressed her concern about moving into her new home 8 months ago the taxes she is paying $5,700.00 per year and feels she is in a high crime area. Ms. Chandler stated she is afraid in the area she moved because of the stealing, fights and selling of drugs.

Mayor Freeman stated that she will need to make an appeal with the Hampton Township Assessor regarding the taxes. The taxes you pay to East Moline come to the City of East Moline. Mayor Freeman stated he built a house a few streets from her. Mayor Freeman’s sister lives almost a neighbor of yours and he has not heard any complaints from them. With the Police department and the items, she stated tonight that they will address and more patrolling down in that area.


Police Department Promotions

Mayor Freeman deferred the floor to Chief Ramsey to proceed with the presentation ceremony.


Chief Ramsey read the following Ceremonial Promotional Proclamation:


The East Moline Police Department has reposed special trust and confidence in the Patriotism, Valor, Fidelity and Professional Excellence of:


In view of these qualities, as well as their demonstrated leadership and tactical competence, and their dedicated service to the citizens of The City of East Moline, they are therefore promoted to the ranks of


This given under my hand in The City of East Moline, County of Rock Island, State of Illinois, is effective on the 2nd Day of June, Two – Thousand – Twenty – Four.

Jeffrey L. Ramsey, Chief of Police

Mayor Freeman read and presented the following Proclamation, proclaiming June 28, 2024 as “Community is Stronger than Cancer Day for Gilda’s Club.” Ms. Joy Bush accepted the Proclamation. She was very excited that they have almost every city in the greater Quad City region including the Governor of the State of Illinois. Ms. Bush stated within the last three years has expanded services by opening a new location in Illinois. Gilda’s Club has been a 40% increase in their services. The services are all free to anyone in the community. Thank you very much for the Proclamation.

Mayor Freeman read the following Proclamation, proclaiming June 29, 2024 as “NAACP of Rock Island County Freedom Fund Banquet Day.” No one was in attendance to accept the proclamation.


City Clerk Roberts-Bontz read the Consent Agenda that included the following: a. Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes of May 20, 2024.

b. Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2024.

c. Approval of Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2024. d. Approval of Salaries as of June 7, 2024 in the amount of $505,009.45. e. Approval of Overtime as of June 1, 2024 in the amount of $22,473.87. f. Approval of Bills as of June 7, 2024 in the amount of $2,020,661.30.

A motion was made by Alderperson Oakes, seconded by Alderperson Segura, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Oakes, Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey and Guthrie. Motion carried.


ORDINANCES – 1st Reading - None

ORDINANCES – 2nd Reading - None


24-42 Reallocation & Reappropriation of Special Use Funds to Support Economic Development, Tourism and Infrastructure

Alderperson Guthrie voiced his concern regarding the money received from the grant for Jacobs Park. Alderperson Guthrie stated that there is a lot of improvements that need to go out there including lighting and Cricket fields. Alderperson Guthrie requested that there could be a Masterplan regarding Jacobs Park. Alderperson Guthrie is concerned about tournaments being cancelled.

Mayor Freeman stated that this is the most tournaments they have held. Mayor Freeman stated that they are looking at additional parking.

Alderperson Rico requested that the City look into the cost of installing lights and fields for Cricket.

Mayor Freeman stated that 90% of the improvements are paid for by the Soccer Club.

Alderperson Mulcahey requested clarification on what the committee would look like, skill set, a good investment and a long-term investment, and to analyze grants and loans. Alderperson Mulcahey asked if a Masterplan could be looked into.

Mark Rothert, City Administrator stated that to do a masterplan you need to bring in some experts in that field leisure, sports, and have the expertise to engage with the right stakeholders.

Mayor Freeman stated that the Park Board is an advisory board.

Alderperson Guthrie stated that he would bring information back to Park Board.

Alderperson Dorothy asked if the emergency water line repairs and how the funds are being distributed?

Mark Rothert stated that there will be parameters around how the funds are used. They are for emergency purposes. To be determined at a later date.

Alderperson Dorothy asked if this is an emergency the city will pay for or do they expect the homeowner to pay the city back? If the homeowner does not pay back, will they place a lien on the property? What are the parameters of the program or is this a grant?

Mark Rothert stated that will be a hard benchmark to prove. Without the homeowner giving the city there income statements or tax returns. The City knows that they are going to experience breaks that the city needs to fix and pay a contractor to fix. Figure out what they are going to do with that after the fact. There should be a policy in place to guide staff when that happens, within the next weeks or months.

A motion was made by Alderperson Dorothy, seconded by Alderperson Mulcahey, to approve Resolution 24-42 as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Oakes, Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey and Guthrie. Motion carried.

24-43 Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Drainage Utility Rate Study

A motion was made by Alderperson Guthrie, seconded by Alderperson Segura, to approve Resolution 24-43 as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Oakes, Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey and Guthrie. Motion carried.

24-44 2024 Hot Mix Asphalt Program using MFT Funds

A motion was made by Alderperson Rico, seconded by Alderperson Segura, to approve Resolution 24-44 as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Oakes, Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey and Guthrie. Motion carried.

24-45 2024 Hot Mix Asphalt Program using Non-Home Rule Sales Tax Funds

A motion was made by Alderperson Rico, seconded by Alderperson Guthrie, to approve Resolution 24-45 as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Oakes, Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey and Guthrie. Motion carried.

24-46 Appointment of Maintenance Services Director – James Graham

A motion was made by Alderperson Guthrie, seconded by Alderperson Segura, to approve Resolution 24-46 as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Oakes, Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey and Guthrie. Motion carried.

24-47 Appointment of Assistant Maintenance Services Director – Joseph Kauzlarich

A motion was made by Alderperson Oakes, seconded by Alderperson Guthrie, to approve Resolution 24-47 as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Oakes, Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, and Guthrie. Motion carried.

Jacob Foote, Quad Cities Chamber – Mr. Foote thanked the city staff for allowing online payments for the Places for Eating Tax.


Each City Staff member present was given the opportunity to inform the City Council and those in attendance of events in their departments:

Tim Kammler, Engineering Director – Mr. Kammler informed the City Council that there will be a public informational meeting June 18, 2024 at the Whiskey Stop from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Open House.

Brianna Huber, Water Filtration – Ms. Huber informed the City Council that she is still receiving calls regarding the lead service line. Ms. Huber attended Wastewater Training and would like to thank the City Council, Mayor Freeman and Mark Rothert, City Administrator for investing in Water Filtration Department.

Tim Wymes, Community Development Director – Mr. Wymes introduced his wife, Patricia Wymes.

James Graham, Maintenance Services – Mr. Graham thanked Mayor Freeman, Mark Rothert - City Administrator and City Council for the opportunity and looking forward to working with everyone.

Robert DeFrance, Chief EMFD – Chief DeFrance stated that the Open House last week was a success they will never forget the continued support from Alderperson Rhea Oakes/Alderperson Olivia Dorothy.

Alderperson Dorothy asked Brianna Huber that she had a homeowner try to submit a lead service line online and there was no confirmation.

Ms. Huber stated that she is not aware of the confirmation given. The homeowner my call Ms. Huber or Joseph Miller to confirm that the information regarding the lead service line was received, trying to add the lead service line on the website by the end of the week.


A motion was made by Alderperson Oakes, seconded by Alderperson Segura, to adjourn the City Council meeting. A voice vote was taken. Motion carried. 7:25 p.m.
