
Rock Island Today

Monday, September 30, 2024

City of Moline Park & Recreation Board met June 27

Webp 42

Sangeetha Rayapati - City Of Moline Mayor | City Of Moline

Sangeetha Rayapati - City Of Moline Mayor | City Of Moline

City of Moline Park & Recreation Board met June 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order 

Park Board President, Bill Abel, called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in the Public Works Conference  Room. 

Roll Call


Bill Abel 

Roger Clawson 

John Knaack 

Rico Navarro 


Daniel Williams 


Justin Brandt, Recreation Specialist 

Yvonne Brolander, Administrative Coordinator 

Kayla Collins, Park Intern 

Bill Deadmond, Park Operations Manager 

Eric Griffith, Director of Parks & Recreation 

Stacy Laake, Special Events/Marketing Specialist 

Teresa Leedle, Recreation Coordinator G.V. 

OTHERS: Chris Mathias, Community & Economic Development Coordinator 

Public Comment 

Scott Raes gave an update on planning for the 2024 Belgian Fest. 

Approval of Minutes and Consent Agenda Items 

Approval of the Park Board Meeting Minutes of May 23, 2024. 

Approval and acceptance of departmental May/June bill payment and departmental May/June revenue,  expenditures, capital projects, park reserve and cemetery reports. 

Omnibus Vote 

John Knaack, seconded by Rico Navarro, moved to approve items by omnibus vote. Motion carried with  unanimous approval.


      1. Riverfront Development Discussion 

      2. CIP PowerPoint Discussion 

      3. Riverside Riverslide Update 

      4. Parks & Recreation Update 

Other Park Business 


On the motion of John Knaack, seconded by Roger Clawson and unanimously approved, the meeting  was adjourned at 4:38 p.m. 
