
Rock Island Today

Monday, September 30, 2024

City of Moline Firefighters’ Pension Fund Board of Trustees met July 25

Webp 9

James Patrick Schmidt, Council Member At-Large | City of Moline

James Patrick Schmidt, Council Member At-Large | City of Moline

City of Moline Firefighters’ Pension Fund Board of Trustees met July 25.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Electronic Attendance, if needed

4. Public Comment

5. Approval of Meeting Minutes

a. April 25, 2024 Regular Meeting

b. Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Meeting Minutes

6. Investment Reports

a. Sawyer Falduto Asset Management, LLC – Quarterly Report

b. FPIF – Marquette Associates

i. Statement of Results

7. Accountant’s Report – Lauterbach & Amen, LLP

a. Monthly Financial Report

b. Presentation and Approval of Bills

c. Additional Bills, if any

d. Review/Update – Cash Management Policy

8. Communications and Reports

a. Active Member File Maintenance

9. Applications for Membership/Withdrawals from Fund

10. Applications for Retirement/Disability Benefits

a. Deceased Surviving Spouse – Claire Van Oteghem

i. Discussion/Possible Action – Claire Van Oteghem’s Overpayment

11. Old Business

a. IDOI Annual Statement

12. New Business

a. Review/Approve – Reciprocity Update – Alec Siwek

b. Review/Approve – Actuarial Valuation and Tax Levy Request

c. Review/Adopt – Municipal Compliance Report

d. FOIA Officer and OMA Designee

13. Miscellaneous Business

14. Trustee Training Updates

a. Approval of Trustee Training Registration Fees and Reimbursable Expenses

15. Attorney’s Report – Reimer Dobrovolny & LaBardi PC

a. Legal Updates

b. Annual Independent Medical Examinations – Anthony Brown and Charles McDaniel

16. Closed Session, if needed

17. Adjournment
