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Wednesday, January 8, 2025

City of Moline Committee of the Whole/Council met July 23

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Matt Timion, 4th Ward Council Member | City of Moline

Matt Timion, 4th Ward Council Member | City of Moline

City of Moline Committee of the Whole/Council met July 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Committee-of-the-Whole Call to Order

PRESENT: Mayor Sangeetha Rayapati (Chair)

Alderperson Debbie Murphy (Ward 1)

Alderperson Alvaro Macias (Ward 2)

Alderperson Abdur Razzaque (Ward 3)

Alderperson Jessica Finch (Ward 5)

Alderperson Daniel McNeil (Ward 6)

Alderperson Anna Castro (Ward 7)

Alderperson James Patrick Schmidt (Alderperson At-Large)

ABSENT: Alderperson Matt Timion (Ward 4)

STAFF: Bob Vitas, City Administrator

Barry Dykhuizen, Assistant City Administrator

Stephanie Murphy, City Clerk

Lori Ulloa, Assistant Director of Finance ~electronically

David Dryer, Director of Engineering ~electronically

Eric Griffith, Director of Parks & Recreation ~electronically

Chris Mathias, Director of Community & Economic Development

Jennifer Bizarri, Assistant Director of Community & Economic Development

Bryon Lear, Director of Library Services ~electronically

Tony Loete, Director of Utilities ~electronically

Denver Schmitt, Director of Public Works

Leah Madsen, Director of Human Resources

Darren Gault, Chief of Police

Steve Regenwether, Fire Chief

David Rowatt, Information Technology Manager

K.J. Whitley, Community Development Manager

OTHERS: Margaret Kostopulos, Corporation Counsel

Joshua Shimkus, Dispatch/Argus

Alexandra Elias, Renew Moline

Mayor Rayapati called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.

Approval of Remote Electronic Attendance

Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Castro, moved to approve the remote electronic attendance due to personal disability, of Alderperson Razzaque. Motion passed on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt; nays: none.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken with Mayor Rayapati, Alderpersons Murphy, Macias, Razzaque, Finch, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt present. Absent: Alderperson Timion.

Board Appointments

Mayor’s reappointment of Rodo Abad to the Citizens Advisory Council on Urban Planning (CACUP) Board for a full 3-year term to expire July 31, 2027.


Chris Mathias, Director of Community & Economic Development, presented a Public Art Commission Presentation on Fiscal Years 2024, 2025, and 2026 Work Plan and Budget. Mathias shared a list of potential projects and the current funds in the budget. Discussion held.

Public Comment

Scott Raes shared that he is representing Belgian Fest Committee regarding the upcoming 11th Annual Fall Belgian Festival.

Lucie VanHecke, commissioner of the Public Art Commission, urged Council to consider supporting the Public Art Commission with funding.

Alexandra Elias, Renew Moline, shared that she supports the Public Art Commission.

Questions on the Agenda


Agenda Items

8.1 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement for Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Section Number 24-00297-00- ES, Phase I Engineering Services, for 16th Avenue and 15th Street Intersection Reconstruction/Carbon Reduction Project, for the amount of $218,750.00. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, reported that this item is a project that the engineering department applied for. Specifically, this relates to 16th Avenue and 15th Street. The intersection is signalized in all four directions and is a bleak area in terms of development. It needs to be redeveloped. By investing in that intersection, it will make the area more attractive. In speaking with St. Mary’s, there is a piece of property they are looking to provide to the City that is greenspace. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Macias. Discussion held. Motion passed on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Razzaque, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

8.2 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Licensing Agreement with MHSL Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, to install protective barriers and maintain said barriers which shall encroach on a 2’ by 22’ area of alley right-of-way at 1001 16th Street. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, reported that the City is looking to renew an existing license agreement that dates back to 2005 in maintaining the encroachment in the easement. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Macias. Motion passed on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Razzaque, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

8.3 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to accept three (3) Deeds of Dedication for Street Right-of-Way and one (1) Permanent Easement for Public Pedestrian Way more particularly described herein to allow construction to proceed on Capital Improvement Project #1450, 38th Street Reconstruction, 32nd to 35th Avenue. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, reported that easements have been received from the three residents who have stepped forward and agreed to allow the City access to the easement on their property. There is one homeowner who will not step forward. Therefore, the project will proceed without that easement. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Schmidt. Motion passed on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Razzaque, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

8.4 An Ordinance approving the vacation of certain public rights-of-way (part of a public alley in Block 2 of “East Moline”, an Addition to the City of Moline, and part of 50th Street, South of 2nd Avenue) for flood mitigation purposes. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, shared that staff is recommending approval of the abandonment and vacation of certain right of ways in order to accommodate the new construction happening with Parr Instrument Company. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Castro. Motion passed on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Razzaque, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

8.5 A Resolution authorizing a grant to the 11th Annual Fall Belgian Festival for the amount of $2,400 from the Special Events Fund to help offset expenses for the annual event to be held on Sunday, September 15, 2024. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, shared that staff is recommending approval of the $2,400 request for the 11th Annual Fall Belgian Fest. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Castro. Motion passed on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Razzaque, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

Due to technical difficulties, Alderperson Razzaque left the meeting at 6:38 p.m.

8.6 A Resolution approving the City of Moline Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Bob Vitas, City Administrator, reported that this is the first time the City of Moline has a completed an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). Staff is asking for the City’s approval via a Resolution. There is staff training set for July 30, 2024 with a large-scale effort coordinated through the Moline Police Department to train the City’steam of professionals. They have been assigned very specific duties throughout an emergency event. Staff is requesting approval of the plan. Vitas thanked Police Chief Gault for taking the lead as well as Fire Chief Regenwether. Both were instrumental in seeing that the EOP was completed. There is a Crisis Communications Plan that is also a part of the EOP. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve.

Seconded by Alderperson Schmidt. Motion passed on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

8.7 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with Bill Bruce Builders, Inc., for Project PW-2024-002, City of Moline Controlled Entry Projects, City Hall Controlled Entry, for the amount of $314,000.00. Denver Schmitt, Director of Public Works, reported that staff is recommending to enter into an agreement with Bill Bruce Builders for the controlled entry project at City Hall. This project will be on the main level of City Hall. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Murphy. Alderperson Schmidt brought forward some concerns regarding Items 8.7 and 8.8. Alderperson Schmidt requested that City staff examine whether or not the contract will be able meet the requirements of the Responsible Bidder Ordinance, which are the requirements that were put in place for any project with a cost of $75,000 or more. Discussion held.

Alderperson Schmidt, seconded by Alderperson Finch, moved to table Item 8.7 until the August 13, 2024 meeting. Seconded by Alderperson Finch. Motion passed on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

8.8 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with Bill Bruce Builders, Inc., for Project PW-2024-002, City of Moline Controlled Entry Projects, Public Works Controlled Entry, for the amount of $269,000.00. Alderperson Schmidt, seconded by Alderperson Finch, moved to table Item 8.8 until the August 13, 2024 meeting for reasons previously stated in Item 8.7. Motion passed on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.


2024-2026 Strategic Action Plan Dashboard FY24, Q2 Report. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, reported that 47 goals have been established with 39 of those goals on track. More information is available in the Strategic Plan Dashboard, Quarter Two Report.

Adjournment of the Committee-of-the-Whole and Council Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance


There was no invocation.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken with Mayor Rayapati, Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy present. Absent: Alderpersons Razzaque and Timion.

Consent Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Committee-of-the-Whole, Council and Executive Session meeting minutes of July 9, 2024, and appointments made at Committee-of-the-Whole on July 23, 2024.


15.1 1101-2024 A Resolution approving the quotation from APG-Neuros for the sole source repair and re-installation of two high speed turbo blowers at the North Slope Wastewater Treatment Plant for the amount of $53,625.00 and authorizing the Director of Utilities to execute any necessary documents related to this work.

Omnibus Vote

Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Macias, moved to approve and adopt, by omnibus vote, these items. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

Non-Consent Agenda


17.1 1102-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Director of Engineering to execute a Proposal for Services with IMEG Corporation to complete Phase II Engineering Services for the 16th Street Viaduct Bridge Deck Replacement for an amount not to exceed $800,000.00.

Approved. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Macias, moved to approve Council Bill 1102- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

17.2 1103-2024 A Resolution approving Change Order No. 1 with Langman Construction, Inc., for Project #1370, 16th Street and Avenue of the Cities Intersection Reconfiguration, for the amount of $144,181.80.

Approved. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Macias, moved to approve Council Bill 1103- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

17.3 1104-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to accept three (3) Deeds of Dedication for Street Right-of-Way and one (1) Permanent Easement for Public Pedestrian Way more particularly described herein to allow construction to proceed on Capital Improvement Project #1450, 38th Street Reconstruction, 32nd to 35th Avenue.

Approved. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Castro, moved to approve Council Bill 1104- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

17.4 1105-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Patricia A. Jacobs, for property located at 215 50th Street, Moline, Illinois (PIN No. 08-35-131-007), for a purchase price of $100,000; and authorizing all appropriate City officials, officers, and staff to do all things necessary to complete each of the City’s responsibilities and enforce each of the City’s expected benefits as referred to in such Agreement.

Approved. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Castro, moved to approve Council Bill 1105- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

17.5 1106-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Countryman Hardscape & Landscape, LLC, for property located at 204 49th Street, Moline, Illinois (PIN No. 08-35-131-002), for a purchase price of $25,000; and authorizing all appropriate City officials, officers, and staff to do all things necessary to complete each of the City’s responsibilities and enforce each of the City’s expected benefits as referred to in such Agreement.

Approved. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Castro, moved to approve Council Bill 1106- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

17.6 1107-2024 A Resolution declaring the four lots comprising the parking lot located at 309 12th Street, 315 12th Street, 1101 4th Avenue and 1121 4th Avenue, Moline, Illinois (“Property”), as surplus; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Purchase Agreement and do all things necessary to convey the above-referenced City-owned Property to Moline Promenade Investors, LLC.

Approved. Alderperson Macias, seconded by Alderperson Finch, moved to approve Council Bill 1107- 2024. Discussion held. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

17.7 1108-2024 A Resolution adopting the City of Moline 401a Money Purchase Plan (Plan) as the complete Cycle 3 restatement of the prior Plan, to be effective on September 26, 2024; and appointing Nationwide Trust Company, FSB (Nationwide) as Trustee(s) of the Plan; and authorizing the City Administrator and Director of Human Resources, on behalf of the City of Moline (City), to execute the restated Plan document and perform the necessary actions to adopt the restated Plan.

Approved. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Macias, moved to approve Council Bill 1108- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

17.8 1109-2024 A Resolution approving the proposed amendment(s) and adopting the City of Moline 457 Deferred Compensation Plan and Trust (Plan) as a complete restatement of the prior Plan, to be effective on September 26, 2024; and appointing Nationwide Trust Company, FSB (Nationwide) as Trustee(s) of the Plan; and authorizing the City Administrator and Director of Human Resources, on behalf of the City of Moline (City), to execute the restated Plan document and perform the necessary actions to adopt the restated Plan.

Approved. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Macias, moved to approve Council Bill 1109- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none.

Non-Consent Agenda

First Reading Ordinances

18.1 An Ordinance approving the vacation of certain public rights-of-way (part of a public alley in Block 2 of “East Moline”, an Addition to the City of Moline, and part of 50th Street, South of 2nd Avenue) for flood mitigation purposes.

Advanced. Alderperson Castro, seconded by Alderperson Finch, moved to advance Item #18.1 to second reading. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none

18.2 An Ordinance approving the Termination of Collateral Assignment and an Amendment to Redevelopment Agreement By, Between, and Among, the City of Moline, 5 & 15 Moline Apartments, LLC, and Blackhawk Bank & Trust (Chase Bank Building).

Advanced. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Macias, moved to advance Item #18.2 to second reading. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none

18.3 An Ordinance approving a Preliminary/Final Development Plan for a Planned Unit Development Site and Rezoning from “B-3” Community Business District to “B-3-PUD” for an approximately 11.85 acre tract of land commonly known as 4902-5000 Avenue of the Cities (PIN 17- 02-300-008).

Advanced. Alderperson Schmidt, seconded by Alderperson Finch, moved to advance Item #18.3 to second reading. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Macias, Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, and Murphy; nays: none

Miscellaneous Business

Mayor Rayapati shared that she working closely with Police Chief Gault on code compliance with the downtown Moline area, especially as Liquor Control Commissioner, to ensure that downtown remains safe and inviting to everyone throughout the weekends. Mayor shared that she had a meeting with Tilford Flowers who has been serving on the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners for several years and is now taking over as Chair. He has many wonderful ideas about recruitment and professional development for the police and fire commissioners. Additionally, Mayor requested that Council keep their ears to the ground in regards to how the layoffs at John Deere are affecting employees in the Moline area.

Bob Vitas, City Administrator, reported follow-up from a meeting on Monday, July 22 in Dixon, Illinois with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). Vitas shared they will be adding an additional office in Moline due to the amount of programming and activities. He met with them in large part to discuss the redevelopment of the waterfront. Vitas held discussions with Matt Hughes, former employee of IDOT, in relation to the significance of being able to access the site. The City has received all of the properties to the north of River Drive to the River and from the right of way owned by IDOT all the way over to 19th Street. These properties will all be in the City’s possession and control. The issue that came up with MKSK is how the City will get people in and out of this property. The City will prepare a request to share with IDOT and meet with Congressman Sorensen and get his letter of support on this issue. The City will then submit a request to the Federal Highway Administration in Springfield, Illinois to find out if they will allow the City a right in and right out on the north side and on the south side.

Police Chief Darren Gault shared a few upcoming events. On Friday, July 26, 2024 the Moline Police Department will be having Coffee with a Cop at Sunny’s Coffee Shop located at 6816 34th St Ct., Moline, from 8-10 a.m. Crime Stoppers of the Quad Cities will hold a Pickleball tournament this year instead of a 5k. Registration is due August 2, 2024. It is being held at the Quad Cities Tennis Club on August 10, 2024. Last, there is a National Night Out event on Tuesday, August 6 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. This year the event will be hosted by East Moline, Illinois at River Bend Park, located at 900 Bend Blvd, East Moline, Illinois.

Public Comment

There was no additional public comment.

Adjournment of City Council

Upon motion of Alderperson Castro, seconded by Alderperson Finch, the Council meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.




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