Sangeetha Rayapati - City Of Moline Mayor | City Of Moline
Sangeetha Rayapati - City Of Moline Mayor | City Of Moline
City of Moline Traffic Engineering Committee will meet on December 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order – Laura Klauer
2. Roll Call – Laura Klauer
3. Approval of minutes of the Traffic Engineering Committee meeting of November 12, 2024.
4. Resident is requesting flashing stop sign at intersection of 53rd Street and 5th Avenue.
Explanation: Resident is concerned with vehicles not stopping at the intersection and causing near misses with the north bound traffic on 53rd Street. This is a 3-way stop with no stop for north bound, downhill, traffic.
Staff Recommendation 11/12/2024: This item was taken to Traffic Engineering Committee (TEC) in June 2022 and request was denied. At that time, crash data showed 2 crashes between 2017-2022. David Dryer made motion to table item to the December TEC meeting. Kris Johnson seconded. Motion passes. Crash data from 2022 to present will be obtained and presented at that time.
5. Other/Public Comments
6. Adjournment