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Welcome to Lewistown sign | City of Lewistown / Facebook
City of Lewistown City Council met Feb. 11.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1.Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Roll Call: Alderperson Clark, Long, Ward, Miller, Levingston, Spotloe and Mayor Lafary
5. Declaration of Quorum
6. Approve Minutes of the January 28th, 2025 City Council & Commission Meetings (B&G, TIF, Liquor)
Clerk’s Report: Cindy Goddard City Clerk
7. Treasurer’s Report: Debbie Brown City Treasurer
8. Attorney’s Report: Attorney Nathan Collins
9. Engineer’s Report – Keith Plavec
10. Public Comments and Petitions
11. Committee and Citizens Groups Reports:
1. Finance/Insurance/Zoning – Alderwoman Clark Chairperson
2. Sewer – Alderman Spotloe Chairman
3. Streets & Allies – Alderman Levingston Chairman
4. Police/ESDA – Alderman Ward Chairman
5. Water – Alderman Miller Chairman
6. Utilities/Publications – Alderman Long Chairman
7. Public Buildings & Grounds – Alderman Long Chairman
8. Tourism – Alderman Miller Chairman
9. Tax Increment Financing – Alderman Spotloe Chairman
10. Citizens Committee – Amanda Sutphen
11. Christmas Committee- Kenny Haacke
12. Economic Development Committee-
12. Public Works Report: Evinn Palmer Director
13. Unfinished Business: N/A
14. New Business:
A. Discuss/Act Upon Obtaining camera’s for the City Hall Building
B. Discuss/Act Upon Implementing a limit of poker machines in a business that has a liquor license.
C. Discuss/Act Upon Establishing Natalie Nelson on the City of Lewistown Bank accounts, and removing Levi Peitzmeier off of the Bank accounts
15. Presentation of Bills
Approve Bills Properly Endorsed
16. Closed session if needed
17. Adjournment