Mayor Sean A. Johnson | City of Geneseo
Mayor Sean A. Johnson | City of Geneseo
City of Geneseo City Council met Jan. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Regular Council of the City of Geneseo was called to order on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 6:00 PM, in the Council Chambers, with the following members present:
Council Bob James, Council Brett Barnhart, Mayor Sean Johnson, Council Paula Simosky, Alderman Kent Swanson, and Alderman James Roodhouse
COUNCIL ABSENT: Council Craig Arnold, Council Martin Rothschild, and Council Keith Kennett
STAFF PRESENT: Director of Finance Jamie Matthews, City Administrator Brandon Maeglin, Director of IT Garrett Griswold, Attorney Derke Price, Deputy Chief of Police Kondon Karzin, Chief of Police Casey Disterhoft, Director of Public Works Chad VandeWoestyne, Building Inspector Rick Mills, Director of Electrical Operations Eric Rowold, and City Clerk Paige Seibel 1 INVOCATION
2 Pledge of Allegiance
3 Roll Call
Meeting began at 6:00 pm
4 Chamber of Commerce Report
Chamber Director Sullivan gave the Chamber report.
Upcoming Chamber Events:
February 13-15: Cupid's Cashback Promotion
Planning has started for the 2025 Geneseo Artwalk and Geneseo Music Festival 4.1. City Council Chamber Report - 1.14.25
5 City Engineering Report
Tyler Sands with IMEG gave the City Engineering report.
5.1. January Report
2025_1_14_Geneseo-Engineers Monthly Report_
6 Public Comment - Agenda Items
City Ordinance allows members of the Public to speak and give input up to 3 minutes during Public Comment, there can be no debate or action by the City Council at this time.
7 Mayor's Comments
8 City Council Comments
9 City Administrator's Comments
City Administrator Maeglin stated that we should be ready to look at two key topics at the meeting on the 28th of this month: a final planning discussion on the solar project and a review of Richmond Hill Stage in which the City has received grants.
10 Finance Director Comments
10.1. Treasurer's Report and Capital Asset Reports as Submitted.
*Will be starting a simpler capital project summary report for the 2025 projects, which you will see for the first time at the 02/11/25 CC Meeting*
Director of Finance Matthews presented the Budget Book, an overview of Capital Assets, and a recap of projects from Director of Electrical Operations Rowold and Public Works Director VanDeWoestyne.
A Q&A session followed between the Council and Director Matthews.
Brett Barnhart moved, seconded by Bob James, Motion to approve the Treasurer's Report and Capital Asset Reports as submitted.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Brett Barnhart SECONDER: Bob James AYES: Bob James, Brett Barnhart, Paula Simosky, Kent Swanson, and James Roodhouse ABSENT: Craig Arnold, Martin Rothschild, and Keith Kennett |
11.1. Meeting Minutes - 12/10/24
Maeglin informed that there is no consent agenda for this meeting, as the meeting held in December was Regular Council meeting which included a consent agenda.
Bob James moved, seconded by Kent Swanson, Motion to approve the 12/10/24 City Council Minutes as presented.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Bob James SECONDER: Kent Swanson AYES: Bob James, Brett Barnhart, Paula Simosky, Kent Swanson, and James Roodhouse ABSENT: Craig Arnold, Martin Rothschild, and Keith Kennett |
12.1. FFA Annual Presentation
Payton Kies, Mason Emerick, and Keaton Frank presented the annual FFA report. Barnhart commended them for delivering a well-done presentation.
A Q&A took place.
Mayor Johnson congratulated the presenters on a job well done and acknowledged their successful year in farming.
12.2. 2024 Building & Inspections Projects Presentation by Rick Mills
Building Inspector Mills presented the 2024 Building and Inspections report.
Alderman Swanson noted that the neighbors near the trailer park have expressed satisfaction with the improvements and cleanup efforts made at the park.
12.3. Senator Arellano Lease Agreement
City Administrator Maeglin informed that newly elected Senator Arellano intends to continue occupying the rental office within City Hall, taking over from Senator Stoller. Maeglin also noted that the rental agreement includes a $15.00 increase, bringing the new monthly rent to $295.00.
Bob James moved, seconded by Brett Barnhart, Motion to approve the office space lease with Senator Arellano from 01/09/25 - 01/08/26 for $295.00 per month.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Bob James SECONDER: Brett Barnhart AYES: Bob James, Brett Barnhart, Paula Simosky, Kent Swanson, and James Roodhouse ABSENT: Craig Arnold, Martin Rothschild, and Keith Kennett |
The agenda item has been tabled due to the absence of a 3/4 vote needed for this line item.
12.5. O-25-02: The Vacating of an Easement on Spring Street
City Administrator Maeglin informed that the City is continuing discussions with Today's Builders on the redevelopment agreement. O-25-02 before the council tonight will allow us to vacate the utility easement on the east parcel being sold, as it has been determined that no utility interference is present.
James Roodhouse moved, seconded by Bob James, Motion to approve O 25-02.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: James Roodhouse SECONDER: Bob James AYES: Bob James, Brett Barnhart, Paula Simosky, Kent Swanson, and James Roodhouse ABSENT: Craig Arnold, Martin Rothschild, and Keith Kennett |
13.1. Approval of City bills
No discussion was had.
Paula Simosky moved, seconded by Bob James, Motion to approve the City Bills as presented.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: Paula Simosky SECONDER: Bob James AYES: Bob James, Brett Barnhart, Paula Simosky, Kent Swanson, and James Roodhouse ABSENT: Craig Arnold, Martin Rothschild, and Keith Kennett |
City Ordinance allows members of the Public to speak and give input up to 3 minutes during Public Comment, there can be no debate or action by the City Council at this time.
15 Adjournment
15.1. Move to close the meeting
Meeting adjourned at 6:42 pm
James Roodhouse moved, seconded by Kent Swanson, Motion to Adjourn.
RESULT: Carried
MOVER: James Roodhouse SECONDER: Kent Swanson AYES: Bob James, Brett Barnhart, Paula Simosky, Kent Swanson, and James Roodhouse ABSENT: Craig Arnold, Martin Rothschild, and Keith Kennett |