Judith Higgins Gilbert - Third Ward Alderwoman | City of Rock Island
Judith Higgins Gilbert - Third Ward Alderwoman | City of Rock Island
City of Rock Island City Council met Jan. 27.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
1. Call to Order
Mayor Thoms called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. and welcomed everyone.
2. Roll Call
Mayor Thoms asked City Clerk Samantha Gange to call the roll.
Present: Alderpersons Moses Robinson, Randy Hurt, Randy Tweet, Jenni Swanson, Dylan Parker, Mark Poulos, Bill Healy and Mayor Mike Thoms.
Absent: None.
Staff: City Manager Todd Thompson, Attorney Leslie Day, City Clerk Samantha Gange, and other City Staff.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Thoms led in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Moment of Silence
Mayor Thoms requested a moment of silence. A moment of silence was observed.
5. Public Comment
Mayor Thoms asked if anyone in the public wished to speak. No one was signed up.
6. Update Rock Island
State of the City Address
The 2025 State of the City address is tomorrow, January 28th, at Bally’s Quad Cities Casino and Hotel, 777 Bally Blvd., Rock Island. Doors open at 11:30 a.m., with guest speakers beginning at noon. This year’s theme is “Reinvesting in Rock Island.”
A $10 lunch option is available. Otherwise, the event is free and open to the public.
Visiting Artist Series
This Thursday, January 30th, bring your kids to see the heartwarming puppet play, “Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch.” Performed by the Axis Theatre Group, this 1940s tale shows how a single act of kindness transforms
Mr. Hatch’s lonely world, teaching kids the power of compassion and connection. The show starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Watts-Midtown Library Branch, 3008 28th Avenue, Rock Island.
7. Ordinances (First Readings)
a. Report from the Community Development Department regarding the sale of City-owned property at 829-831 4th Avenue for $1.00 plus closing costs. (First Reading)
Motion: Motion to approve the sale; authorize the City Manager to execute the sales agreement, and consider, suspend the rules, and pass the ordinance.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Robinson moved to approve the sale; authorize the City Manager to execute the sales agreement, and consider, suspend the rules, and pass the ordinance; Alderperson Hurt seconded.
Alderperson Tweet thanked staff for their work selling the properties the City has no use for and putting them back into the community.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
b. Report from the Community Development Department regarding the sale of City-owned property at 1014 10th Avenue for $1.00 plus closing costs. (First Reading)
Motion: Motion to approve the sale; authorize the City Manager to execute the sales agreement, and consider, suspend the rules, and pass the ordinance.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Robinson moved to approve the sale; authorize the City Manager to execute the sales agreement, and consider, suspend the rules, and pass the ordinance; Alderperson Tweet seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
c. Report from the Community Development Department regarding the sale of City-owned property at 613 13th Avenue for $1.00 plus closing costs. (First Reading)
Motion: Motion to approve the sale; authorize the City Manager to execute the sales agreement, and consider, suspend the rules, and pass the ordinance.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Robinson moved to approve the sale; authorize the City Manager to execute the sales agreement, and consider, suspend the rules, and pass the ordinance; Alderperson Tweet seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
d. Report from the Community Development Department regarding the sale of City-owned property at 603 7th Street for $1.00 plus closing costs. (First Reading)
Motion: Motion to approve the sale; authorize the City Manager to execute the sales agreement, and consider, suspend the rules, and pass the ordinance.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Robinson moved to approve the sale; authorize the City Manager to execute the sales agreement, and consider, suspend the rules, and pass the ordinance; Alderperson Swanson seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
8. Passage of Ordinances and Resolutions
a. An Ordinance establishing a public hearing date on the proposed amendments to the existing Parkway/I-280 Casino Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Redevelopment Plan and Project Area. (Second Reading)
Motion: Motion to pass the ordinance.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Hurt moved to pass the ordinance; Alderperson Robinson seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
b. An Ordinance establishing a public hearing date for the establishment of the Parkway/I-280 Casino Business District. (Second Reading)
Motion: Motion to pass the ordinance.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Hurt moved to pass the ordinance; Alderperson Robinson seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
9. Consent Agenda
All items under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by a single motion and subsequent roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless an Alderperson so requests, in which case, the item will be moved from the Consent Agenda and considered as the first item after approval of the Consent Agenda.
a. Claims for the week of December 13 through December 19 in the amount of $2,269,187.55; for the week of December 20 through December 26 in the amount of $277,553.79; for the week of December 27 through January 2, 2025 in the amount of $288,355.15; and payroll for the weeks of December 23, 2024 through January 5, 2025 in the amount $1,901,299.78.
b. Minutes from the January 13, 2025 Study Session and City Council meeting.
c. International City/County Management Association (ICMA) claims for the weeks of December 14 through December 27, 2024, in the amount of $29,559.78.
d. Report from the Information Technology Department regarding payment in the amount of $11,891.12 to NEOGOV of El Segundo, CA for the contract renewal of the online recruitment tool annual support maintenance from April 8, 2025 through April 7, 2026.
Motion: Motion to approve Consent Agenda items a through d.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Parker moved to approve Consent Agenda items a through d; Alderperson Healy seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
10. Claims/Purchases
a. Report from the Public Works Department regarding a payment in the amount of $546,170.03 to Coe Equipment, Rochester, Illinois for a 2025 Vactor Sewer Combination/Freightliner.
Motion: Motion to allow the claim.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Tweet moved to allow the claim; Alderperson Poulos seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
11. Contracts/Agreements
a. Report from the Economic Development Department regarding a purchase agreement between the City of Rock Island and The Overland Group, LLC.
Motion: Motion to approve the purchase agreement, authorize staff to continue negotiating contract services and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Tweet moved to approve the purchase agreement, authorize staff to continue negotiating contract services and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement; Alderperson Swanson seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
b. Report from General Administration regarding an amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement with Mercury for public strategy services.
Motion: Motion to approve the amendment to the agreement and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Poulos moved to approve the amendment to the agreement and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement; Alderperson Healy seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
c. Report from General Administration regarding a Development Agreement with A HANA ILLOWA, LLC, for the Casino West site.
Motion: Motion to approve the agreement and authorize the City Manager to execute said contract subject to minor attorney modifications.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Hurt moved to approve the amendment to the agreement and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract subject to minor attorney modifications; Alderperson Robinson seconded.
City Manager Thompson and Economic Development Director Tom Flaherty gave some background information regarding the Casino West site and explained that the developer is to construct a cannabis dispensary and truck stop under the agreement. Mr. Flaherty added that the truck stop will include a convenience store, a national franchise restaurant and a car wash.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
12. Budget/Finance Items
a. Report from the Finance Department regarding a budget carryover from CY 2024 in the Public Library Fund (251) in the amount of $97,900.50.
Motion: Motion to approve the request as recommended.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Swanson moved to approve the request as recommended; Alderperson Tweet seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
b. Report from the Finance Department regarding a budget adjustment to the General Fund (101) in the amount of $225,000 for CY 2024.
Motion: Motion to approve the budget adjustment as recommended.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Robinson moved to approve the budget adjustment as recommended; Alderperson Tweet seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
13. Department Reports
a. Report from the Community Development Department regarding a special exception request from Mike Shorter of Amerco Real Estate Company (U-Haul) at 3840 46th Avenue.
Motion: Motion to approve the special exception as recommended.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Healy moved to approve the special exception as recommended; Alderperson Tweet seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
b. Report from the Human Resources Department regarding a three-year contract agreement with AFSCME A from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2027.
Motion: Motion to approve the proposed labor agreement as recommended.
RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Poulos moved to approve the proposed labor agreement as recommended; Alderperson Parker seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
14. Appointments to Boards/Commissions/Committees
a. Report from the Mayor's Office regarding appointments and reappointments to the Arts and Beautification Commission, Community Development Commission, Human Rights Commission, Martin Luther King Jr. Center Board, and Planning and Zoning Commission.
Motion: Motion to approve the appointments and reappointments as recommended. RC Roll Call vote is needed.
Alderperson Robinson moved to approve the appointments and reappointments as recommended; Alderperson Hurt seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
15. Other Business/New Business
Alderperson Hurt announced that Rock Island native and professional tennis player Madison Keys won the Australian Open and congratulated her and her family. Mayor Thoms mentioned a proclamation recognizing her will be on the Council's February 10, 2025 agenda.
16. Closed Session
a. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding must be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.
Motion: Motion to enter Closed Session for the exception cited.
VV Voice vote is needed.
Alderperson Poulos moved to enter Closed Session for the exception cited; Alderperson Parker seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 voice vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Hurt, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: None.
The Council entered Closed Session at 7:03 p.m.
17. Adjourn
a. Motion: Motion to Adjourn to February 10, 2025.
VV Voice vote is needed.
After reconvening the regular meeting, Clerk Gange called the roll. All Council members and Mayor Thoms were present except Alderperson Hurt.
Alderperson Parker moved to adjourn; Alderperson Poulos seconded.
Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 voice vote. Aye: Poulos, Healy, Robinson, Tweet, Swanson, Parker. Nay: None. Absent: Hurt.
The meeting concluded at 7:49 p.m.