
Rock Island Today

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Rock Island Public Library board discusses appointment of officers, new members

The Rock Island Public Library board of trustees met Tuesday, April 19.

The Rock Island Public Library is governed by a volunteer board of directors who are appointed by the mayor. Time for public comment is provided at the beginning of each meeting.

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Rock Island Public Library board:

Board of Trustees Meeting

April 19, 2016

The Board of Trustees of the Rock Island Public Library met at 3:02 p.m. at the Rock Island Public Library, 2nd Floor, Director’s Office, with, Kevin Koski, President, presiding. Present: Nancy Coin, Pat Mahar, Karen Phillips, Eudell Watts III, and Michael Avgenackis, Virgil Mayberry

Teleconferencing: Cynthia Lukasik

Also present were: Angela Campbell, Director; Kellie Kerns, Director Business Office and Facilities; Kathy

Lelonek, Foundation Director; Mayor Dennis Pauley; Lisa Lockheart, PR Liaison

Absent: Jessica Matherly

Call to Order: Kevin Koski called the meeting to order. Public Comment: None

The Board reviewed the March 15, 2016 minutes. There were no corrections. Kevin Koski advised the minutes stand approved as written. All were in favor.

The Board reviewed the March 29, 2016 Meeting of the Whole Boards minutes. There were no corrections. Kevin Koski advised the minutes stand approved as written. All were in favor.

Board Education: None

Correspondence: Patron comments and Thank you notes were presented to the Board.

The Board reviewed and discussed bills from March in the amount of $50,409.56.

Nancy Coin made the motion to approve March bills as presented. Michael Avgenackis seconded. Motion carried on a recorded vote. The Board reviewed and discussed first quarter CY16 Financial Reports. Eudell Watts III made the motion to approve the reports as presented. Pat Mahar seconded. Motion carried on a recorded vote.

Recommendation to approve Pay Request #2 in the amount of $1,288.00.

Karen Phillips made the motion to approve the pay request as presented. Virgil Mayberry seconded. Motion

carried on a recorded vote. The Board previously approved replacement of the halon system as this is a vendor

claim being handled financially by the City Risk Manager.

The Board reviewed and discussed Unique Management Services enhancement. The Personnel and Policy

Committee will meet about this topic.

Building and Grounds: Additional quotes and information was submitted to the Board for review and

recommendation for 30/31 resurface/repair work.

Recommendation to approve the replacement of concrete and asphalt at entrance only in the amount of


Michael Avgenackis made the motion to approve as presented. Pat Mahar seconded. Motion carried on a

recorded vote.

The next meeting of the Buildings & Grounds Committee to review and recommend award of Main security

camera bid will be May 17, 2016, at 2:30 p.m.

Personnel and Policy: Met April 7, 2016, at 3:00 p.m., to review policy statements and new policies.

Michael Avgenackis made the motion to approve the following policy statements: behavior, circulation,

collection development, conceal & carry, confidentiality & privacy, customer service, donations, electronic

access, grant application, library card registration, mileage reimbursement, postings/handouts, programming,

reference, research, small meeting room, social media, special collections, statement of concern library

resources, work regulation, and new policies pest control and lost/abandoned property, as presented. Karen

Phillips seconded. All were in favor.

Planning and Community Relations: Nothing to report.

Art Committee: Correspondence was presented and no meeting was scheduled at the time.

Recommendation to approve appraisal quotes for RIPL art inventory for a total of up to $3500.00. Pat Mahar

advised he would recommend to the Board wait to approve this item until he has gotten another estimate from a

Cedar Rapids appraiser.

Return of donated art work to Rowen Anderson and acceptance of donated art work from Greg Dickinson.

An Art Committee meeting will be set to review and recommend for the May meeting.

Foundation: The Foundation next meeting will be May 12, 2016, in which Library grant requests will be

submitted. The Foundation received two grants from Modern Woodman and Gas & Electric Credit Union for

the Summer Reading Program. Kathy Lelonek has put in a grant request for the RIHS book club for materials,

and has had incoming mail from the birdies for charity mail out. The Art inventory appraisal grant request will

be submitted at the August 11, 2016, meeting.

Administrator’s Report:

Department Updates – Angela Campbell provided the Board with the latest department updates, and available

statistics. Milan Blackhawk – Milan-Blackhawk Area Public Library District – The meeting of the whole Boards was

scheduled for March 29, 2016 at 4pm to discuss the contractual agreement. This will be presented for approval

to the Milan Blackhawk Board at the April 28, 2016, meeting, and the draft will go to the RIPL Board for

consideration at the May 17, 2016, meeting. RIPL Administration is working on the tax levy ordinances for

next fiscal year.

Unfinished Business:

Budget Review Process – updates: The new City Finance Director, Stephanie Masson started this week; the

Director will be looking forward to meeting with her. State of the Library address is being rescheduled. RIPL

Administration continues to work on the projected CY17 budget.

Recommendation to draft for consideration a 3 year library services contract with Milan Blackhawk Area Public

Library District to include the following at, and a presence at the Southwest Rock Island geographic location:

structure, operating cost, and first right of refusal for item’s ownership should the structure close. Karen Phillips made a motion to approve the recommendation as presented. Eudell Watts seconded.

Discussion ensued. Eudell Watts III made a motion to call to question. Call to question motion carried on a

recorded vote of 7 AYES, 1 NAYS. Recommended motion carried on a recorded vote of 6 AYES, 2 NAYS.

Midwest Writing Center Partnership offer is pending draft of contractual terms.

New Business:

Recommendation to approve Intergovernmental Agreement with Davenport Public Library.

Karen Phillips made the motion to approve the recommendation as presented. Eudell Watts III seconded. All

were in favor.

Volunteer CORPs Quarterly Meetings:

The Board was in agreement to put these meetings on hold and readdress holding them at a later date.

Appointment of Nominating Officers and Board Member Terms:

It was agreed with feedback from Mayor Pauley to appoint Board Member terms in April of every year with

each set of three members on a three year rotation; the other Board Officers& Committees appointments may be

done in January of every year.

Information Sharing - The following documents were presented to the Board:

a) Master Agenda Items – updates

b) Board of Trustees Contact Info – updates

c) Board of Trustees approved bylaws

d) National Library Week updates

e) Notes from Haidee Cardoso from customer service training workshop

Board adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

The next meeting of the Rock Island Library Board of Trustees will be May 17, 2016, at 3:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Kellie Kerns

Director - Business Office & Facilities