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East Moline Committee of the Whole holds meeting to discuss budget

Webp budget 09

The City of East Moline Committee of the Whole met Thursday, May 26.

"Committee of the Whole Meetings: The regular meeting of the committee of the whole shall be held in the city council room on the first and third Monday of each month, immediately following the city council meeting. If the regular meeting falls on a legal holiday, or on Martin Luther King's birthday, the meeting shall take place on the next business day at the same hour and place. (Ord. 10-01, 1-19-2010)"

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the City of East Moline Committee of the Whole:




MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016


Mayor Thodos called the meeting to order and directed City Clerk Arletta D. Holmes to call the roll. The following Aldermen were present: Helen Heiland, Gary Almblade, Nancy Mulcahey, Ed DeJaynes, Humberto Aguilar, Robert Cheffer, Gary Westbrook, and Mayor John Thodos.




CONTRACT SUPPLEMENT – RAVINE SEWER ACCESS (Mr. Kammler, Director of Engineering)

The city has miles of aging sanitary sewers located in ravines and rough wooded areas which do not permit ease of access for inspection, maintenance, and repairs. In December 2015, the Council approved a survey, planning, and design contract with McClure Engineering to determine existing easement and right-of-way limits, and compile a comprehensive plan to address accessibility deficiencies for sewers in ravines all over the city. The focus of this plan is to enhance or enable  inspections, maintenance, jetting and televising vehicles, and construction equipment for repairs by designing access corridors. Prior to design and plan preparation, accurate property boundary information is needed from field surveying and boundary research. During the survey process, it  was discovered that three short ravines with active sanitary sewers were inadvertently omitted by our department when drafting the maps used to show the consultant the areas that were to be included in the project. As such, proposals for supplemental services were requested of McClure to include the extra survey, planning and design needed for the omitted areas. This proposal for the work in additional ravines is attached for review and consideration, as is an exhibit showing the areas being added to the project scope.


This is a budgeted item

Line Item: 270-4547-300.2 Title: Sewer CIP Professional Services

Amount Budgeted: $160.000 Actual Cost: $16,500 (+ $148,741.50 original contract)

Under/ (Over): ($5,241.50 +/- T&M Contract

Funding Sources: Sewer CIP Funds

Departments: Sewer Collection

CIP Project Number: ENGR- 16-12


Approve supplemental contract with McClure Engineering to include survey, planning and design for the ravines omitted from the original project scope of services.

A motion was made by Alderman Cheffer, seconded by Alderman Heiland, to concur with the recommendation as presented, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document and forward to City Council for consideration.

Alderman Almblade – asked Mr. Kammler when are you planning on doing all of this work, will it be after the design is done? Mr. Kammler stated that they are trying to get a comprehensive idea of where are the sewers, where do they lay in relation to what we own or what easements we have based on that there will be two big questions. Do we need to acquire any extra property or get easements? Mr. Kammler also noted that this is a multi facet project that would be done in phases. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Almblade, Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, Cheffer, Westbrook, and Heiland. Motion carried.


The remediation project at the closed East Moline Landfill is progressing well according to schedule and on-budget. New sumps (wells) have been drilled and the new leachate tank installed. The concrete containment pad, piping, and testing shed are under construction. This shed requires electrical service to power monitoring equipment and lighting, as well as heat and ventilation appurtenances. While there is an existing electric line to the site, it has not been in service for decades. Trees and heavy vegetation have grown up and around it, and Mid American Energy Company (MEC) will not energize the line without significant clearing, trimming and replacement  of the old service wires. MEC informed the city that it will cost more to perform this work than to simply install new poles and wire on the north side of the access road. As such, Engineering Department staffs have worked with MEC representatives to determine what is needed to facilitate this installation. While there are a few documents required for administrative purposes, the only item requiring City Council action is the dedication of a short electric easement to MEC for the purpose of installing poles and overhead electric wires. The easement dedication document and location map are attached for review and consideration. The easement required is 8’ wide and 360’ long.


This is not a budgeted item.

Line Item #: N/A

Amount Budgeted: N/A Actual Cost: $0

Funding Sources: N/A Department: N/A


Approve the electric easement dedication as required for Landfill remediation measures.

A motion was made by Alderman Heiland, seconded by Alderman Westbrook, to concur with the recommendation as presented, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document, and forward to City Council for consideration. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Almblade, Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, Cheffer, Westbrook, and Heiland. Motion carried.


The East Moline Park Board has inquired about the Fire Department using the structure for training with the end result to allow the structure to burn down to facilitate demolition. After demolition a  contractor would remove remaining debris and foundation. The basement area will be filled the foot print area will be graded and seeded. The fire department would use the structure for training this summer and schedule a final burn day in the fall. In order for the Fire Department to utilize the structure agency approvals will be needed by the Illinois EPA and Illinois Historic Preservation Agency.

- The residence does contain some asbestos that will need to be removed.

- The cost estimate for demolition (debris removal) is approximately $7,000.

- The cost of asbestos abatement is estimated at $1,500 - $2,000.

- Total cost of project is estimated at $8,500 to $9,000.


This is not a budgeted item.

Line Item#: 039-4100-453.0 Title: Building Demolition

Actual Cost: $8,500 - $9,000 Under/ (over): ($8,500- $9,000)


If the City Council concurs with recommendation of the Park Board to have the residence demolished a resolution would be required authorizing the fire department to proceed with obtaining needed permits and arranging for demolition to occur this fall. Mayor Thodos asked how often the Fire Department gets a chance to train in a real house like this. Chief DeFrance said seldom, although they have a lot of offers, but either the homes are in to bad of shape, or to close in a neighborhood where they are not conductive. This house would be a training benefit to the department.

A motion was made by Alderman Westbrook, seconded by Alderman Aguilar, to concur with the  recommendation as presented, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document and forward to City Council for consideration. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Almblade, Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, Cheffer, Westbrook, and Heiland. Motion carried.


A motion was made by Alderman Westbrook, seconded by Alderman DeJaynes, to adjourn the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Almblade, Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, Cheffer, Westbrook, and Heiland. Motion carried 7:15p.m.

Minutes taken and submitted


Arletta D. Holmes, City Clerk