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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Moline officials gather for Committee of the Whole meeting

Webp meeting 06

The City of Moline Committee of the Whole met at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 2.

"Council members meet as the Committee-of-the-Whole on select Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers, unless otherwise posted. Please check the meeting calendar for meeting dates. The formal City Council meeting is held immediately following the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting."

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the City of Moline Committee of the Whole:

City of Moline 619 16th Street Moline, Illinois 61265 Committee-of-the-Whole Minutes

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

PRESENT: Mayor Scott Raes (Chair)

Alderman Quentin Rodriguez (Ward 1) Alderman David Parker, Jr. (Ward 2) Alderman Mike Wendt (Ward 3) Alderman John Zelnio (Ward 4) Alderman Lori Turner (Ward 5) Alderman Kevin Schoonmaker (Ward 6) Alderman Mike Waldron (Ward 7) Alderman Stephanie Acri (Alderman At-Large)

STAFF: Lew Steinbrecher, City Administrator

Maureen Riggs, City Attorney Tracy Koranda, City Clerk Ray Forsythe, Planning & Development Director Alison Fleming, Human Resources Manager Lori Wilson, Parks Recreation Director Nate Scott, Information Technology Manager Bryon Lear, Library Director Kim Hankins, Public Safety Director Jeff Snyder, Battalion Chief Scott Hinton, City Engineer Kathy Carr, Finance Director J.D. Schulte, Public Works Director Shawn Christ, Land Development Manager Laura Klauer, Civil Engineer Tony Loete, Water Distribution Manager OTHERS: Sandy O’Neill, Resident

Anthony Watt, The Dispatch Marty, Mitch, Eric and Michael Davis, Midland Davis Recycling Greg Ryckaert, Missman Engineering Boy Scout Troop

Mayor Raes called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers.

Agenda Items 1. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an early 5-year renewal of an Agreement with Midland Davis Corporation for Single Stream Curbside Recycling Services beginning September 1, 2016, and ending August 31, 2021. J.D. Schulte, Public Works Director, explained that the current 10-year agreement with Midland Davis Corporation for curbside recycling services will expire on March 30, 2018. Midland Davis Corporation is requesting Council’s consideration to consider an early 5-year renewal since the market value of all materials picked up has dropped significantly from the April 1, 2008, start date of

Committee-of-the-Whole Minutes August 2, 2016 Page 2 current agreement. The new Scott County single stream processing facility opened in July 2016 and Midland Davis Corporation plans to deliver material there for processing and can add aseptic packaging. Midland Davis Corporation proposes a new 5-year agreement beginning on September 1, 2016, per the following fee schedule that includes adding aseptic packaging:

Year Fee Current Contract $2.56 per household per month Year 1, 9/01/2016 – 8/31/2017 $3.39 per household per month Year 2, 9/01/2017 – 8/31/2018 $3.39 per household per month Year 3, 9/01/2018 – 8/31/2019 $3.47 per household per month Year 4, 9/01/2019 – 8/31/2020 $3.54 per household per month Year 5, 9/01/2020 – 8/31/2021 $3.61 per household per month

Midland Davis Corporation proposes that should the market value of materials recover and increase from the start date level, they will reduce the cost based on the value of newspapers. The market based price adjustment will be based on the PPI Yellow Sheet list price for ONP #8 as stated in the high side list for Midwest. When the list price for ONP #8 exceeds the base price of $110 net ton on average for the previous year, the price will be reduced by $0.05 per household per month for every $5.00 net ton average higher price. No motion was made. No action taken.

2. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to accept a Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement with Missman Inc. for Professional Services related to the Sylvan Island Bridge Replacement Project. Scott Hinton, City Engineer , stated that Council approved a $79,450.00 professional services agreement with Missman Inc. in October 2014 to provide Phase 1 Engineering for the Sylvan Island Bridge Replacement Project. The Project Development Report has been submitted to the Illinois Department of Transportation for review which signifies the end of the Phase 1 engineering work. Missman Inc. proposes to provide Phase 2 Engineering which will generate the plans and specifications required to solicit bids for the project. Missman Inc. proposes to provide this service at standard hourly rates for the not-to-exceed price of $95,656.83. Staff has reviewed the proposal and finds the estimated 765 man hours to be reasonable given the scope of the work required. A motion was made by Alderman Parker to approve. Seconded by Alderman Wendt. Motion passed with Zelnio voting Nay.

3. A Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code for MFT Section 16- 00265-00-ES, Sylvan Island Bridge Phase 2 Engineering. Scott Hinton, City Engineer , indicated that a Resolution for Improvement is necessary to use MFT funds for the Sylvan Island Bridge Phase 2 engineering. A motion was made by Alderman Parker to approve. Seconded by Alderman Schoonmaker. Motion passed with Zelnio voting Nay.

4. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to accept a Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement with Missman Inc. for Professional Services related to the Federal Grant Resurfacing Project. Scott Hinton, City Engineer , explained that t he City of Moline is the recipient of $2,839,190.00 in Federal transportation funds to resurface River Drive from 23 rd – 34 th Streets, 12 th Avenue from 34 th – 53 rd Streets, and 16 th Street from John Deere Road – 52 nd Avenue. The City must provide a 20% match to the grant funds which brings the total estimated project cost to $3,555,900.00. Current workloads prevent City staff from performing the required Phase 1 engineering. Missman Inc. is currently performing Phase 1 engineering work on a similar project for another local community. Given their recent experience with this type of work and the City’s past satisfactory relationship with Missman Inc., staff finds Missman Inc. to be the most qualified firm to provide these Phase 1 engineering services. Missman Inc. proposes to provide Phase 1 engineering at standard hourly rates for the not-to-exceed price of $252,059.00. This represents 7.1% of the estimated construction contract value. Staff has reviewed the proposal and finds the estimated 2,116 man hours to be reasonable given the scope of the work required. A motion was made by Alderman Parker to approve. Seconded by Alderman Wendt. Motion passed unanimously.

5. A Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code for MFT Section 16- 00266-00-ES, Federal Resurfacing Project Phase 2 Engineering. Scott Hinton, City Engineer, indicated that a Resolution for Improvement is necessary to use MFT funds for the Federal Grant Resurfacing Project Phase 2 engineering. A motion was made by Alderman Parker to appro ve. Seconded by Alderman Wendt. Motion passed unanimously.

Other Prospect Park Bid Specifications : Lew Steinbrecher , City Administrator, stated that Shive-Hattery has provided a quote in the amount of $17,800 that would be paid from General Fund contingency to prepare bid specifications for Prospect Park Pavilion repairs as was directed by Council on July 19, 2016 at the Committee of the Whole meeting. Discussion ensued regarding doing a Request for Proposal rather than go ing out for bid. A motion was made by Alderman Parker to appro ve accepting a quote from Shive-Hattery to prepare bid specifications. Seconded by Alderman Waldron. Motion failed on the following roll call vote: a yes: Aldermen Turner and Waldron; nays: Aldermen Rodriguez, Parker, Wendt, Zelnio, Schoonmaker and Acri.

The meeting adjourned at 7:09 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tracy A. Koranda City Clerk