
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Army vet defends McGuire on Halpin claim she's not military supporter

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Brandi McGuire, the Republican candidate for the District 72 state House seat, recently faced a smear campaign by her Democratic opponent, Mike Halpin, in which he accused her of not supporting the military and veterans.

However, much to Halpin’s surprise, a group of veterans has voiced its support for McGuire, dismissing Halpin’s accusations as baseless.

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One veteran, Mike Steffen, a retired Army lieutenant colonel, wrote a piece condemning Halpin’s actions in perpetuating a lie.

Steffen said he has been receiving several mailers, what he called “trash mail,” from Halpin’s campaign, but had to take action when one of the mailers featured a photo of Halpin standing in front of a sacred memorial for soldiers smearing McGuire's name.

“When I saw this, where he was standing in front of a sacred monument -- Hero Street in Silvis, Illinois, that we very much respect, particularly the Hispanic community in the Quad Cities – it just really boiled my blood,” Steffen told Rock Island Today.

Steffen, along with several veterans, wrote that Halpin’s use of veterans as pawns for politics is among the worst things anyone can do. Steffen also was irritated by Halpin’s call for the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate an alleged misuse of military seals in a picture shown on a campaign ad.

“Halpin was trying to make a case that the Department of Defense should come down on her (for the picture),” Steffen said. “First of all, the picture was produced -- as I understand it -- by a PAC…Brandi McGuire had nothing to do with that. If that is (Halpin’s) complaint, he should take it up with the PAC. That’s why we came – we, the veterans – came to the defense of Brandi. We think that she will best represent us in Springfield as our state representative.”

Steffen said his support of McGuire stemmed from sharing similar conservative values and her passion for change in Illinois. Steffen particularly respected McGuire when she fought for the rights of her daughter -- who suffers from seizures -- to have a service dog at school.

“I’m a retired special education teacher,” Steffen said. “I will tell you…my heart just went out to (McGuire) when she went to fight against the administration of a school system to have a special dog that can notify and detect seizures of her daughter in the classroom. As a special education teacher…we always try to do what is best for the child.”

“It takes a lot of guts to stand up to an administration or to any kind of system that you don’t have any control over,” Steffen said. “I admire that.”

In a statement, Steffen said McGuire held the same “values and principles” as many of the veterans who fought for the country.

Steffen hasn’t noticed these values in Halpin, whom he criticized for being in allegiance with House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago).

“He’s learned from the best,” Steffen said. “He’s been funded by Michael Madigan, who is a 40-year dictator in Illinois. Nothing happens in Illinois unless he gives his blessing. We need to get rid of him.”

Steffen said that while he generally opposes negative ads and smear campaigns such as those perpetrated by Halpin, he does appreciate when they point out a truth.

“I have a negative opinion about them, but they do point out some things to the general public,” Steffen said. "Sometimes they work, and sometimes they don’t work. Most of the time, I am against them.”