
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

East Moline Library Board tables fund balance transfers

The city of East Moline Library Board met Dec. 7 to table fund balance transfers.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

President James A. Hoffman called the December 7, 2016, meeting of the Library board to

order at 4:00 pm.

Present: Gerry Baecke, Sheryl Hanson, James A. Hoffman, James Jannes, Imogene Jensen,

Nodie Kipp, Steve Strupp, Van Thompson, Jeannine Zmuda

Also Present: Laura Long, Library Director, Tami Cox, Assistant Director

Minutes: Van made a motion to approve the minutes of October 27th, Jim seconded; motion


Financial Report: The financial report was reviewed and placed on file for audit.

Bills: $18,920.37 in bills were presented. Steve made a motion to pay the bills, Van seconded;

motion carried.

Librarian’s Report: See attached

Communications: None

Reports: Incidents – none

Old Business: The City has set a hearing date for January 9, 2017, at 5:30 pm in City Council

Chambers. The TIF Joint Review Board meeting to discuss this amendment will be

held December 20, 2016, at 1:00 pm in the City Council Chambers. If everything goes

as scheduled the TIF Ordinance for the Downtown TIF amendment should be adopted

February 6, 2017.

New Business: Review Chapter 6, “Access”, of Serving Our Public- The Board reviewed

and discussed the standards suggested in Chapter 6. The Board feels the Library is

meeting the “Access” standards.

Authority to Spend Policy- It is the policy committees recommendation that the Board

approve the Authority to Spend Policy; motion carried.

It was discussed and decided that all Policy Reviews and Fund Balance Transfers

would be tabled until the March Board Meeting.

Closed Session: None

President’s Items: None

Other: None

Public Comment: None

Items to be placed on next month’s agenda: None

Gerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Van seconded; the meeting adjourned at

4:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Imogene Jensen, secretary.