
Rock Island Today

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Rock Island County Finance and Personnel Committee met November 14.

Rock Island County Finance and Personnel Committee met November 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1) Call to order and roll call

Committee members present: Luis Moreno, Brian Vyncke, Richard Brunk, Dewayne Cremeens, Don Johnston, Scott Noyd, Rod Simmer, Kai Swanson

Committee members absent: None

Others present: Kenneth Maranda, Hayleigh Covella, Kurt Davis, Bill Long, Roxanne Kroger, Ken Greneer, Darren Hart, Amanda Van Daele, Sue Alberts

2) Public Comments

There were no public comments.

3) Approval of minutes from the October 10, 2017 meeting

Motion to approve: Kai Swanson

2nd: Brian Vyncke

Voice vote

Motion carried

4) Reports to the committee


Ms. Van Daele reported that Ms. Palmer will be at the committee of the whole meeting tomorrow night to give her normal big reports, but that she can answer any questions about claims or TDs or anything.

Mr. Johnston asked how this fine with Hope Creek was paid. Ms. Van Daele said she believes it was paid by TD (Treasurer’s Disbursement). Mr. Johnston asked if it came through County Board at some point. Ms. Van Daele said yes. Ms. Alberts said she thinks it was in August. Ms. Van Daele agreed that it would have been paid in August and been in the September TD report. Mr. Johnston asked if it would have said specifically that it was a fine. Ms. Van Daele said it would have specified who it was for, but she doesn’t know that it would have specified it was for a fine unless he went through and looked at the cover sheet for the TD. Mr. Johnston said he understood a few years ago that the way those were paid is they got deducted from the state’s payments. He asked if that’s not true. Ms. Van Daele said she does not believe so because they want their money as soon as possible. Mr. Johnston asked is Ms. Van Daele is saying this would have definitely come through. Ms. Van Daele said she is 95% sure it went through in August as a TD.

Mr. Johnston noted that a couple years ago, they had a $125,000 and a $25,000 one. He asked if those came through too. Ms. Van Daele said she’s not sure about that. She would have to research it. Mr. Johnston said that the $125,000 fine was a couple years ago and they had a $25,000 one either just before or just after that.

Mr. Moreno asked if there is any way fines can be flagged for the committee so they know they are getting fines. Otherwise, they are getting stacks of paper to go through and it gets buried. Mr. Johnston noted that he is going to ask at some point that they publish to the County Board all the fines that have happened in the last five years. Mr. Moreno said he would like to see them ahead of time also when they come through. Ms. Van Daele noted that when Mr. Ross was here he used to go through that stuff and bring it to the committee’s attention, but obviously he was in and out at that time. Mr. Noyd said he obviously didn’t do it very well because no one knew where it went. Mr. Johnston explained that he brought that last one, which was probably the $27,000, he brought some problems to the litigation committee but had no numbers. He guesses that leads to the question of who gets notified if the state fines Hope Creek. Ms. Van Daele said she believes they notify Hope Creek, so currently Ms. Baker.

Mr. Moreno asked if, in that case, they can request Ms. Baker send a report to the County Board when there is a fine so they can be made aware of it rather than seeing the line item for the State of Illinois. He would like to know ahead of time so when people in public ask the Board members what is going on, they don’t have to say “I don’t know. I haven’t seen it.”

Mr. Maranda noted that some of this was brought up yesterday and like he said then, he’s not throwing Mr. Ross under bus or whatever, but when he was making decisions out there. Mr. Maranda thinks this is where it’s so far back that it was under him and that was how it was handled. He noted that he just mentioned to Mr. Simmer that he thinks, and don’t quote him because he will probably get it wrong because he wasn’t totally involved, but he thinks it was sent to the State’s Attorney’s Office for the bedrail situation. Hope Creek received a fine and Mr. Maranda doesn’t know whose decision it was to pay the 65% or whatever percentage. He thinks instead of the $27,000 it was like $17,000. Mr. Simmer said he thinks they dropped the other one. They fined Hope Creek for having them, then for not having them, then dropped the one for not having them.

Mr. Johnston said he thinks this goes clear back to March. Mr. Maranda confirmed that it goes back. He’s not saying anything was slid under the table for any reason. Mr. Simmer said it was a right hand, left hand thing. The state can’t tell them to take the rails off and then tell them they have to have the rails up within a week and half of each other.

Mr. Johnston said his point is they are not being notified. He wakes up in the morning and reads that headline and next thing he knows, he has someone from the news calling to ask him what the deal is. Mr. Simmer said they called him this weekend too. He doesn’t think even in the Hope Creek Board meeting out there they talked about actual numbers. It was still kind of floating in the air whether they were going to or not. The state told them to do one thing and then told them to do another. One was $17,000 and the other was being contested.

Mr. Swanson said he appreciates the thoughts and sentiment, and it’s absolutely important that the committee gets apprised, but he thinks the way to set this up is they’re asking the administrator at Hope Creek to report to the county administrator. He understands the county is in a state of flux right now and Mr. Davis has his hands full. He’s not saying anything against Mr. Davis. He thinks that probably in that transition.he does remember hearing about the bed rail issue. Rather than adding a special report straight to the County Board, Mr. Swanson suggested establishing a structure and when they move from an interim to permanent solution, that solution would be in place. The Hope Creek administrator reports to the county administrator who reports directly to the county board. Mr. Moreno said he agrees with that. He just doesn’t want it slid in somewhere.

Mr. Simmer said he likes Mr. Johnston’s point about the fine thing. This is some of the cost they are trying to discuss. They are not making it as it is. Hope Creek is not covering its bills now. They still cost IMRF, FICA, and all of that stuff every year above and beyond the normal budget. Plus they have all these little incidentals, litigation things, and fines on top of that. That’s more cost out of the General Fund. Ms. Van Daele asked if Mr. Simmer meant the fines. Ms. Alberts explained that when they run out of money, the General Fund funds them. Ms. Van Daele said the fine came out of Hope Creek. Mr. Simmer said it’s a round robin.

Mr. Maranda noted that the only thing he’d like to say is yesterday they wanted this report from Hope Creek and this and that. He told them not to put the cart too far in front of the horse. The county is going to have a new administrator as soon as they go out at the first of the year after they get through the holiday season. That’s coming down the road in the report. He would just caution the committee. Mr. Moreno agreed, but noted he just wants to make sure they let the new administrator know they’d like to be apprised of this type of information.

Mr. Johnston asked if someone can add up what Hope Creek has paid in the last five years so the County Board has an idea. Mr. Moreno said yes and asked if that request is a motion.

Motion that the County Board be provided with the fines at Hope Creek that have happened in the last five years: Don Johnston

2nd: Rod Simmer

Mr. Brunk asked if that is something the auditor’s office can put together easily or what would be the easiest way to do it. Ms. Van Daele said she thinks so. Mr. Simmer asked if it would be the auditor or Ms. Baker, since Ms. Baker would report them to the auditor. Ms. Van Daele explained that because Ms. Baker is new and not quite as familiar, she thinks it might be slightly easier coming from the auditor’s office, but they will work with her. They should all be with the same vendor or close to it, so she should be able to look that up in the financial software and come up with a relatively easy number. Mr. Simmer noted that maybe that information should be part of Mr. Hullon’s quarterly report too.

Mr. Maranda asked Ms. Covella to add what the committees discussed yesterday and today to the Hope Creek agenda.

Ms. Van Daele asked Mr. Johnston if he wants that five-year number for Committee of the Whole or County Board. Mr. Johnston asked her to just let Mr. Maranda know and he’ll let the rest of the County Board know. If there’s more discussion beyond this, they can bring it up. It’s just that this keeps coming up with fines. He can remember several of them but doesn’t remember how they got there or how they were paid. Going way back, when Mr. Meersman was chairman of the committee, he thought he said they just deduct it from money the facility has coming. Maybe sometimes they do that. Mr. Simmer explained that they do it for overpayments; they just deduct those from what they pay Hope Creek. There was one a while ago where they said they gave the facility too much money. Mr. Johnston said he’s only interested in fines.

Voice vote

Motion carried

Treasurer Ms. Alberts noted that the committee has the monthly Treasurer’s report in their packets and offered to answer any questions.

Mr. Moreno called for additional reports. There were none.

5) Consider transfers of appropriations

Motion to approve: Brian Vyncke

2nd: Don Johnston

Voice vote

Motion carried

6) Consider appropriation resolutions for funds

Motion to approve: Richard Brunk

2nd: Rod Simmer

Voice vote

Motion carried

Mr. Maranda noted that he would like to mention that he some received transfers out of the Health Department. Their meeting didn’t coincide with this one and they were late getting their transfers down here, so he is just going to move those. In Mr. Moreno’s report to the Committee of the Whole, they’ll hear a special line for transfers from the Health Department. Those are not new money, they are just transfers. They didn’t get those down for this meeting, so he’ll just make the County Board aware. It’s just that the Health Department meeting didn’t coincide and they were late getting them down to Ms. Covella to get them out and posted.

7) Consider claims ($1,230,966.60) and TDs ($2,439,010.73)

Motion to approve: Kai Swanson

2nd: Brian Vyncke

Voice vote

Motion carried

8) Consider Board member per diem/mileage report

Motion to approve: Brian Vyncke

2nd: Richard Brunk

Voice vote

Motion carried

9) Consider delinquent tax resolutions

a. Permanent Parcel (07) 3584 0835406004; Taxpayer ID 072621600; South Moline Township

b. Permanent Parcel (07) 3585 0835406003; Taxpayer ID 072621700; South Moline Township

c. Permanent Parcel (06) 2264 0930104010; Taxpayer ID 061891300; Hampton Township

d. Permanent Parcel (06) 5522 0919106027; Taxpayer ID 063570900; Hampton Township

e. Permanent Parcel (06) 5514 0919106019; Taxpayer ID 063570100; Hampton Township

f. Permanent Parcel (06) 5521 0919106028; Taxpayer ID 063570800; Hampton Township

g. Permanent Parcel (14) 0604491; Taxpayer ID 140604491; Bowling Township

h. Permanent Parcel (06) 1895 0930303004; Taxpayer ID 061721700; Hampton Township

i. Permanent Parcel (06) 1959 0930114018; Taxpayer ID 061751500; Hampton Township

j. Permanent Parcel (06) 4975 0919103010; Taxpayer ID 063240580; Hampton Township

k. Permanent Parcel (06) 5516 0919106024; Taxpayer ID 063570300; Hampton Township

l. Permanent Parcel (07) 4201 0835202005; Taxpayer ID 072930200; South Moline Township

m. Permanent Parcel (09) 2090 0734404009; Taxpayer ID 091251800; Rock Island Township

n. Permanent Parcel (09) 2783 0734456009; Taxpayer ID 091631000; Rock Island Township

o. Permanent Parcel (09) 2968 0735233004; Taxpayer ID 091730200; Rock Island Township

p. Permanent Parcel (09) 2086 0734404008; Taxpayer ID 091251400; Rock Island Township

q. Permanent Parcel (09) 2222-A 0734435002; Taxpayer ID 091321500; Rock Island Township

r. Permanent Parcel (09) 2307 0734438008; Taxpayer ID 091372000; Rock Island Township

s. Permanent Parcel (09) 6886 0735123001; Taxpayer ID 093851600; Rock Island Township

t. Permanent Parcel (09) 6901 0735123006; Taxpayer ID 093861200; Rock Island Township

u. Permanent Parcel (09) 6982 0735127015; Taxpayer ID 093901300; Rock Island Township

v. Permanent Parcel (03) 187 0629300008; Taxpayer ID 030120200; Canoe Creek Township

w. Permanent Parcel (03) 265 0629203010; Taxpayer ID 030201100; Canoe Creek Township

x. Permanent Parcel (03) 295 0621302001; Taxpayer ID 030230500; Canoe Creek Township

y. Permanent Parcel (06) 248-N 0902301005; Taxpayer ID 060310350; Hampton Township

z. Permanent Parcel (06) 1426 0930206003; Taxpayer ID 061481000; Hampton Township

aa. Permanent Parcel (06) 2323; Taxpayer ID 061920900; Hampton Township

bb. Permanent Parcel (06) 2324 0930111007; Taxpayer ID 061921000; Hampton Township

cc. Permanent Parcel (06) 4540-2; Taxpayer ID 063010240; Hampton Township

dd. Permanent Parcel (06) 5913 1807202018; Taxpayer ID 063752100; Hampton Township

ee. Permanent Parcel (08) 852-1 0831451002; Taxpayer ID 080761010; Moline Township

ff. Permanent Parcel (08) 3408 0832335008; Taxpayer ID 082211300; Moline Township

gg. Permanent Parcel (09) 151 0831300020; Taxpayer ID 090150400; Rock Island Township

hh. Permanent Parcel (09) 640 0735420010; Taxpayer ID 090510800; Rock Island Township

ii. Permanent Parcel (09) 900-1 0735315002; Taxpayer ID 090650120; Rock Island Township

jj. Permanent Parcel (09) 2282 0734440009; Taxpayer ID 091360800; Rock Island Township

kk. Permanent Parcel (09) 2849 1603210005; Taxpayer ID 091662200; Rock Island Township

ll. Permanent Parcel (09) 3150 0831330005; Taxpayer ID 091831200; Rock Island Township

mm. Permanent Parcel (09) 3573 0736332015; Taxpayer ID 092062000; Rock Island Township

nn. Permanent Parcel (09) 3803 0736316008; Taxpayer ID 092190800; Rock Island Township

oo. Permanent Parcel (09) 3999 0735310052; Taxpayer ID 092290900; Rock Island Township

pp. Permanent Parcel (09) 4756 1602202008; Taxpayer ID 092690500; Rock Island Township

qq. Permanent Parcel (09) 5272 0735413001; Taxpayer ID 092950900; Rock Island Township

rr. Permanent Parcel (09) 5275 07354130003; Taxpayer ID 092951300; Rock Island Township

ss. Permanent Parcel (09) 5276 0735413002; Taxpayer ID 092951400; Rock Island Township

tt. Permanent Parcel (09) 6648 0735418013; Taxpayer ID 093720200; Rock Island Township

uu. Permanent Parcel (10) 1017-G-22A 1602446069; Taxpayer ID 101000969; South Rock Island Township

vv. Permanent Parcel (11) 4396 1627207008; Taxpayer ID 111734400; Blackhawk Township

ww. Permanent Parcel (07) 0205944; Taxpayer ID 070205944; South Moline Township

xx. Permanent Parcel (11) 0932165; Taxpayer ID 110932165; Blackhawk Township

yy. Permanent Parcel (11) 0942265; Taxpayer ID 110942265; Blackhawk Township

zz. Permanent Parcel (14) 0600291; Taxpayer ID 140600291; Bowling Township aaa. Permanent Parcel (14) 0610291; Taxpayer ID 140610291; Bowling Township

Motion to approve Items 9a-9aaa: Brian Vyncke

2nd: Don Johnston

Voice vote

Motion carried

10) Review and consider proposal from GovHR for County Administrator search

Mr. Moreno explained that this is a proposal the county has received at a cost not to exceed $22,000 from GovHR. This is the agency they used in the prior search. A lot of the work is already done, so the price came in lower than last time.

Mr. Noyd asked when they would start. Mr. Maranda said if this goes through board, he will notify GovHR and will try to bring them down in December. When Mr. Philips and the gang were brainstorming a little bit on this, they said nothing happens between Thanksgiving and New Year’s until after the first of the year. Mr. Maranda plans on meeting with GovHR. This contract is for $17,000. The other $5,000, which is why he put “not to exceed $22,000,” is because they brought candidates in last time and put them up for the night. Who knows, they may be flying them in from Florida or California.

Mr. Noyd asked for confirmation that the county won’t even do anything until the first of the year. Mr. Moreno said they wouldn’t advertise until the first of the year, but would be working on it. Mr. Brunk said they would be doing preparation work. Basically, Mr. Philips said if they tried to advertise during the holiday season, they’d be in the twilight zone. These people don’t even look at the websites during that time. Mr. Maranda said they decided to get through some of the preliminary steps. What prolonged it is getting it through the county board. Mr. Noyd said he just wants to know what to tell people when they ask why the county is not starting its search until January. Mr. Moreno said they’re working on it. Mr. Maranda noted that GovHR won’t be notified until after it’s approved at county board. If it is not approved and the county decides to do it themselves.Mr. Noyd said there are so many questions out there, and he’s sure everyone is getting the same questions on the courthouse, administrator, Hope Creek. He wants to be able to say it’s starting here. Mr. Vyncke said it’s a process. It takes time. Mr. Noyd said he wants to give them some kind of answer and tell them they’re getting the schedule now and waiting until the first of the year. He wanted to know why.

Mr. Vyncke called the question.

Motion to approve: Kai Swanson

2nd: Richard Brunk

Voice vote

Motion carried

11) Consider Annual Tax Abatement Ordinance

Mr. Moreno explained that this ordinance just states that the county is not going to levy separately on the interest for the Hope Creek bonds.

Motion to approve: Richard Brunk

2nd: Rod Simmer

Voice vote

Motion carried

12) Consider Tax Anticipation Warrant for Hope Creek Care Center

Mr. Moreno explained that this tax anticipation warrant is for an amount not to exceed $2 million. This tax anticipation warrant ultimately will pay that bridge loan the county has for Hope Creek.

Mr. Johnston asked if Hope Creek still owes for the last one. Ms. Van Daele and Ms. Albert said yes. Ms. Alberts said she thinks it’s down to $375,000. Mr. Swanson noted that it’s in the treasurer’s report.

Motion to approve: Richard Brunk

2nd: Kai Swanson

Voice vote Mr. Cremeens voted no.

Motion carried

13) Consider Tax Anticipation Warrant for Rock Island County General Fund

Mr. Moreno explained that this tax anticipation warrant is for an amount not to exceed $3 million.

Motion to approve: Kai Swanson

2nd: Brian Vyncke

Voice vote

Motion carried

Mr. Johnston said he has to go over the policy, but he heard somewhere and doesn’t know what basis it’s on, but when an item involves money it should be a roll call vote. He asked if anyone else has heard anything about that. Mr. Moreno said he thinks that’s for votes in the large group settings, not for committees. Mr. Johnston noted that occasionally they do it in the committees. He suggested maybe asking the State’s Attorney’s Office. He can ask him. That’s fine. He wondered about that. Mr. Simmer noted that at full board, they do every money vote as a roll call. Mr. Moreno noted that the committee is just recommending the item, not approving it. Mr. Swanson said it’s a very good question, but added that it’s any member’s right at any time to call for a roll call vote. Mr. Simmer said they’re just sending the item to board; they’re not really approving the money.

14) Consider Agreement Among Bi-State Regional Commission and the Governments of East Moline, Milan, Moline, Rock Island, and Rock Island County, Illinois for Contractual Services Related to the Preparation and Monitoring of a Contract for Enterprise Zone Application Assistance

Mr. Moreno explained that this agreement is for the county’s portion of the enterprise zone, which is approximately $10,969.

Motion to approve: Kai Swanson

2nd: Brian Vyncke

Voice vote

Motion carried

Mr. Swanson asked if anyone has any insight about the prospects for success for the enterprise zone. Mr. Davis said they are hiring a reputable firm to have the enterprise zone application process done. Mr. Swanson said he thought Rock Island County was near the bubble and just missed the last cut off. Mr. Davis confirmed and noted that Mr. Maranda can speak to the number. Mr. Swanson asked if they approved something like six and Rock Island County was number seven or eight. Mr. Maranda said Rock Island County was 10. Mr. Swanson asked if Mr. Maranda is hopeful this will help. Mr. Maranda said the whole thing has changed around. This new board downstate wants to see a little more participation from the community. Bi-State sent the county’s application down. They basically worked off of what Rock Island County had sent down before. That doesn’t pacify anybody now. Since the governments started meeting and brought the McClure people on, the county’s portion is the $11,000. Bi-State had to back away, which is why McClure was brought on, because of the consortium with Henry County. Henry County was denied also. Bi-State had to take a backseat and just supply information. That’s why McClure was brought on to be the consultant for Rock Island County and the six involved. They are out trumping up new numbers. According to the last report Mr. Maranda received, and he missed the conference call yesterday because of committee meetings, but Mr. Boudi is the main key for the county on that because he draws the lines for the 15 acres of the enterprise zone for Rock Island County. That being said, McClure’s moved ahead. They have letters of commitment, which was the big issue, for $511 million and however many letters they have right now. Job security is one of the big issues for what they have now and might bring in the future. That’s where it’s at now.

Mr. Maranda explained that the current enterprise zone doesn’t expire until March with this new one being approved in December. Next year there will be 13 available. There are only 97 enterprise zones in the state. Rep. McCombie was at one meeting and she thought maybe she could introduce something to bump that up to 125 enterprise zones. Mr. Maranda noted that his concern and dismay is they always harp about this county as a border county and why they would turn it down is something different. If Rock Island County is approved, the old one expires in March and the new one comes into play January 19.

15) Committee member opportunity for brief comments (no decisions will be made)

Mr. Swanson said he very hopeful Rock Island County gets the intergovernmental agreement (IGA) passed with Exelon. He asked if Mr. Davis can give the committee a status report. Mr. Davis said he just received a new agreement last Friday, which he sent to the State’s Attorney’s Office for review. The settlement agreement has been combined with the IGA so it’s one document. That may have to come back to the county board for approval. He’s trying to find that out from the State’s Attorney’s Office. The guts of it haven’t changed at all. The assessment value, the tax dollar value the county is receiving, has not changed. It’s just some verbiage and the wording for the schools, mainly. Mr. Simmer asked what the hiccup was. Mr. Davis explained that Blackhawk College hired its own counsel. That was one of the delays.

Mr. Swanson noted that they’re all counting on that, and asked if Mr. Davis is hopeful. Mr. Davis explained that Mr. Wilson did send out a tax assessment change notice to Exelon last Thursday. He is going to raise their assessment whether the agreement goes through or not.

Mr. Simmer noted he sees Captain Hart from the sheriff’s department here and said he has heard that the roof is leaking in D block, C block, and a couple of places in the jail. Captain Hart confirmed that they have had some roof issues. Two roofs are in this coming year’s budget to replace the jails’ 32 year old roof. That is due for replacement. They do have a couple of small areas and had Sterling Roofing come in earlier this year and spent almost $10,000 on some repairs around some of the windows. They continuously work on roof repairs on the building. Mr. Simmer said he just wants to make sure the PBC is spending the money well and taking care of the current problems. Captain Hart said he believes there was $250,000 in the budget for two new roofs. One is for the annex, one is for the jail. Mr. Johnston noted that the bonds come with $500,000 for maintenance. Captain Hart said he believes they do get a percentage for maintenance.

16) Adjourn

Chair Luis Moreno adjourned the meeting at 9:00 a.m.

http://www.rockislandcounty.org/CountyBoard.aspx?id=40517#F and P



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