City of Rock Falls Council met March 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of Rock Falls, Illinois was called to order by Mayor William B. Wescott at 6:30 p.m. on February 6th, 2018 in the Council Chambers of Rock Falls.
City Clerk Eric Arduini called the roll following the pledge of allegiance. A quorum was present including Aldermen Daehle Reitzel, George Logan Jr., Glen Kuhlemier, Jim Schuneman, Rod Kleckler, and Violet Sobottka. Aldermen Brian Snow and Lee Folsom were absent. In addition Attorney Tom Sanders and City Administrator Robbin Blackert were present.
Clerk Arduini read aloud a proclamation honoring Rock Falls Electric lineman Kaleb C. Martin. Mayor Wescott spoke briefly that Mr. Martin went over and above during a recent fire, and helped a person off of the roof of a house. A motion to approve the proclamation was made by Alderman Logan, and second by Alderman Reitzel. Viva Voce Vote, Motion carried
Consent Agenda:
The consent agenda was read aloud by City Clerk Eric Arduini. A motion to approve consent agenda as read by omnibus designation was made by Alderman Schuneman and second by Alderman Sobottka.
1. Approval of the Minutes of the January 16th, 2018 Regular Council Meeting.
2. Approval of bills as presented.
3. Approval of the renewal of IDNR Hennepin Canal Lease No. 3146 for 5 years in the amount of $1,100.00 Vote 6 aye, motion carried
Ordinance First Reading:
A motion was made by Alderman Logan, and second by Alderman Schuneman to approve the first reading of the following ordinances:
1. Ordinance 2018-2358 Adding Section 16-398 governing the removal of open wine bottles from restaurants.
2. Ordinance 2018-2359 Amending section 32-1 Utility Office. Vote 6 aye, motion carried
City Administrator Robbin Blackert:
City Administrator Robbin Blackert gave a PowerPoint presentation explaining the findings of the recent water and sewer rate study. Rate studies should be done every five years, but the last one done was in 2008.Regular rate studies ensure that the utility charges are made proportionally to the users for the correct balance of commercial and residential accounts. This way one group is not subsidizing anther group. Regular rate studies give information to the City to know if the rates that are charged cover expenses, and prevent the sticker shock of larger rate increases. Administrator Blackert reported that the sewer department is projected for a $100,000shortfall this year. The slides gave examples of a current bill, the projected changes for the next 4 years, and how it would affect the average residential user, and customers outside of city limits. An amended ordinance will be presented at the next meeting for first reading.
Alderman Kuhlemier added that the proposed increase is not for the sewer plant, but for the 160 miles of pipes in the ground.
A motion was made by Alderman Schuneman, and second by Alderman Logan for the approval of the job description of Fiber outside Plant Supervisor. Vote 6 aye, motion carried
A motion was made by Alderman Schuneman, and second by Alderman Kuhlemier for the approval of the Utilities Committee Policy Manual.
Alderman Schuneman thanked everyone including the citizens on the committee for the work the committee has been doing.
Administrator Blackert reminded residents that there is currently a Snow Emergency declared for parking.
Department Heads: Electric - Dick Simon:
Electric Director Dick Simon reported that one correction was made by the City Attorney on a contract with Federated Service Solutions. A motion was made by Alderman Kuhlemier, and second by Logan for the approval of the installation fees and 3 year contract with Federated Service Solutions 30955 Northwestern Highway Farmington Hill, Michigan for Samsara Vehicle Gateways to be installed on the city trucks in the amount of $46,270.00. Vote 6 aye, motion carried
Utility Office - Diane Hatfield:
A motion to approve the utility office write-offs in the amount of $15,348.41was made by Alderman Sobottka, and second by Alderman Schuneman. Vote 6 aye, motion carried
Broadband -Wayne Shafer:
1. A motion was made by Alderman Schuneman and second by Alderman Logan to award the Phase One Service Area OSP Construction project in the amount of $1,925,330.47to PirTano -1766 Armitage Dr. Addison, IL.
2. A motion was made by Alderman Kuhlemier, and second by Alderman Logan to approve the purchase of inside plant equipment from Walker & Associates, 7129 Old Highway 52 N, Welcome, NC. 27374for $241,988.04as a sole source provider.
Mayor's Report
A motion was made by Alderman Reitzel, and second by Sobottka to approve the appointment of Alderman Glen Kuhlemier to serve as Mayor Pro Tern for the period of February 8th-13th, 2018. Vote 5 aye, motion carried (Alderman Kuhlemier abstained from the vote)
Mayor Bill Wescott informed the Council that the State of the City address will be given at the March 6th City Council Meeting. There will be a Northern Illinois Mayors meeting and dinner held in Rock Falls, if any Aldermen are interested in attending, they are to let Mayor Wescott know.
Mayor Wescott informed the Council about some potential legislative issues. He has drafted letters to our representatives concerning SB2260 which would move $4.3 million from the CPPRT funds which go to municipalities, and move it to "certain" school districts. The City of Rock Falls receives about $60,000from these funds which are required to be used for liens such as pensions. The City uses 8.7% of the funds to go toward IMRF and the rest is split up between Fire and Police Pensions. The State is going to begin charging an administrative fee for the collected non-home rule sales tax. He has asked Senator to oppose this bill, and asked which school districts would receive the $4.3million from the fund.
With nothing else for the good of the Council a motion was made by Alderman Sobottka and second by Alderman Reitzel to adjourn the meeting at 6:57pm. Viva Voce Vote, motion carried
Meeting is adjourned at 6:57pm