City of Colona Public Works Committee met May 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Call To Order: 5:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Aldermen Swemline, Jones, Feliksiak were present
Staff Present: Chris Lenth Public Works Director Appointee Janelle Nicewanner CSFP
Also present was Jean Jones.
Public Comments: None
1. The City’s clean up days did not bring as much as expected. The City collected $218.00.
2. Dan Motsinger is expected to return to work on May 7, 2018.
3. The water department has been flushing hydrants this week.
4. A map is being developed of Colona Scott Family Park for Henry County 911 calls so that everyone in emergency services will know where the call comes from.
5. Porta-potties have been ordered for Sullivan Park.
6. The public works contract is going to limit the hours we can work seasonal help. They will only work 7 ½ hours a day which will cause a shortfall in MFT.
7. All but one park employee have been hired.
8. The power has been installed on all new camp sites.
9. The pool has been painted but some of the patched areas do not match.
10.The horse-shoe lost power. The wiring in this area is not the best. We are looking at splitting the power lines into 2 separate panels.
11.There are 81 seasonal campers and 4 monthly campers. Only two campers have not yet paid. Four of the new camp sites have been sold.
12.Restaurant is trying to open on May 5 if possible, it not possible, then on May 12th at the latest.
13.Discussed that the Senior Center is not set up for rentals.
Meeting adjourned at 5:55 pm.