
Rock Island Today

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Village of Coal Valley Board of Trustees met May 2.

Village of Coal Valley Board of Trustees met May 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order:

The regular meeting of the Village Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Bartels.

2. Roll Call:

Present: Mike Bartels, Dale Keppy, Stan Engstrom, Bruce Crowe, Kevin Stickell, Jake Hoyt. Absent: Adam Bain. Establishment of a quorum.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

Staff present at the meeting: Annette Ernst–Village Administrator, Penny Mullen-Director of Finance and Assistant Administrator, Deanna Hulliger-Village Clerk and Jack Chick, Police Chief.

4. Reading and Approval of Minutes

Trustee Engstrom made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting held April 18, 2018. Trustee Crowe gave a second to the motion. Roll Call: Ayes-Keppy, Engstrom, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Ayes 5, motion carried.

5. Public Presentation/ Recognition and/or Public Comments.

Village resident Kendall Morley has received two letters regarding the amended TIF area and they are both hard to understand. Mr. Morley is concerned with imminent domain and home values. It would be nice to have an outline explaining, in basic language, the TIF items that are important to the residents. Discussion was held. Ms. Ernst stated she will mail out letters with a better explanation and understandable language.

6. Reports from the President and Other Officers (on matters not otherwise appearing on the agenda)

A. President–Mayor Bartels began by informing everyone of a Quad City Big Table Event he attended on April 21, 2018 at Mulligan’s. It was a very good meeting. The Village of Coal Valley was discussed with positive feedback. Other areas of the Quad Cities were discussed as well.

Mayor Bartels mentioned that there has been some interest in moving the house from our property at 2203 1st Street. The interested party has received one bid to move the house and they are getting a second bid as well. She has talked of putting in a coffee shop/ice cream parlor and the house would be moving to the other side of 1st Street, staying in Coal Valley and bringing in another business to the Village.

The Mayor stated the Village has budgeted money for a “Movie Night” and has checked on renting equipment from the City of Moline and other expenses for the event. July 13th or July 14th was thought of for the movie date and the Mayor would like to survey the residents on what movie to show. It was brought up that the Village wide garage sales are on July 14th and the John Deere Classic is that weekend. Mayor Bartels does not see an issue due to the movie being a later in the evening event. Discussion was held.

Mayor Bartels updated the Board on the historic signs for the downtown park area. Through the Go Fund Me page and private donations we have $380.04 to use on the signs. One person purchased a sign for $100.00 and they would like the sign placed by their business at the old Village Hall location. If we could get an additional $120.00 we would have enough for 4 signs at the corners of 22nd Avenue and 22nd Avenue A.

The Mayor found out about an orchestra at the Big Table event. It is the Tony Hamilton Orchestra and they play “Big Band” music. The cost is $600.00 to have them play for a couple of hours. It might be nice to hire the Orchestra to play at the park for a concert. Pieter Hanson offered to pay a portion of the cost for this event. It is something to think about.

Mayor Bartels let the Board know that in regards to the adopt a park program Mike has been picking up trash and cleaning up the Post Office Park that he adopted.

B. Trustees –Trustee Keppy questioned the bill for the tower cleaning. Ms. Ernst is holding the payment until all work and repairs to the yard areas are complete. Trustee Engstrom will get an estimate for yard repairs to have on hand in case no further work is performed by the tower cleaning company.

Trustee Engstrom stated that sidewalk repairs are needed along 1st Street. There is broken concrete and shut off valves are sticking up making a tripping hazard. Discussion was held.

Trustee Crowe mentioned he gave everyone a supplement on home fire sprinklers. The sprinklers are to be on the July agenda so please review the information.

Trustee Hoyt commented that the LED lights being replaced by MAE look nice. The lights illuminate great at night.

C. Police, Public Works and Admin- Chief Chick reported that we had more vehicle thefts and both vehicles have been recovered. Residents need to keep vehicles locked up and do not leave any keys in the vehicles. The officers have been instructed to check with a homeowner if their garage door is open. Trustee Stickell asked what time of day/night are the crimes happening. The Chief stated between 11:45 P.M. and 3:45 A.M. Patrolling was discussed. The Chief informed the Board they caught a burglary in progress yesterday. Discussion was held.

The Chief reported that the new squad has been equipped and is rolling good. The fleet is back up to where it was

Chief Chick mentioned that the radar guns have been installed.

Trustee Stickell asked if the Police Department has had any conversations with other area Police Departments on having any “stings” on the car thefts. Chief Chick said no, not any stake outs or surveillance. Discussion was held.

Mayor Bartels read an email that Deanna sent him from a resident that came in and gave the Village and Police Department high praises. The resident has lived here since the 1990’s. They compliment the Coal Valley Police Department for patrolling often in the evening hours. Even with the crimes happening here lately there is no other Quad City community they would rather live in. They feel safe and secure here and the schools are great. It is an overall quiet and beautiful area to reside in and raise a family. This gentleman tried to call the non-emergency line after talking with Deanna but Sergeant Whitney was out on a call.

Ms. Ernst reported that Representative Tony McCombie is setting up some traveling “office” meetings. Ms. McCombie will have a meeting here at the Coal Valley Village Hall board room on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.

Next Ms. Ernst mentioned that the Creekside Villa’s TIF application will be presented at the next Board meeting.

Ms. Ernst let everyone know that on Thursdays the Arrowhead Ranch group will be cleaning up along 1st Street and Garrison Road.

Ms. Ernst reminded everyone that the TIF Public Hearing will be on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 5:30 P.M. Annette will send out a letter “in English” to the residents and businesses affected by the amended TIF to clarify some of the confusing language.

7. Unfinished Business No unfinished business this evening.

8. New Business

The Mayor mentioned that we are going to switch Items A and B to hear from the Quad City Defense Alliance now.

B. Quad City Defense Alliance discussion

Mayor Bartels introduced Ken “Moose” Miranda, the Rock Island County Chairman and Jason Gordon of the Quad City Chamber of Commerce. The Mayor gave the gentlemen the floor to explain their request. Mr. Miranda began with giving some history behind why this Defense Alliance began and why it is so important. The Alliance needs to hire a lobbyist to keep the Arsenal familiar to Washington D.C. and to help defend the area for any future base realignment and closures (BRAC). The Alliance is asking for a $4,000.00 contribution from Coal Valley to help with the costs to keep the Arsenal up and running and for the lobbyist costs. Every local community has Arsenal families residing in it so we are asking all of the smaller communities for $4,000.00. Milan and Silvis have committed to the funds and they are heading to Hampton next on the Alliance trail. Mr. Gordon explained the Rock Island Arsenal Development Group to the Board. Mr. Gordon also talked of a possibility of a BRAC around 2021-2023. A lengthy discussion took place. Mr. Miranda and Mr. Gordon thanked the Board for their time.

Trustee Engstrom made a motion to authorize $2,500.00 be given to the Quad City Defense Alliance Group. Trustee Hoyt gave a second to the motion. Roll Call: Ayes-Keppy, Engstrom, Hoyt. Nays-Crowe, Stickell. 3 Ayes/2 Nays, motion carried.

A. Consideration and approval of bids for Accounting Software.

Ms. Ernst stated that the entire office staff has worked very hard on the software research. It has been about 22 years since we have updated the software. The recommendation is to accept the bid from Data Technologies at a cost of $47,995.00. We budgeted $70,000.00 for software. Ms. Ernst then let Deanna Hulliger and Penny Mullen share some of their findings.

Ms. Hulliger explained that before moving out of the area for a few years she worked 19 years for the City of Silvis and their municipality is ran very similar to Coal Valley. Silvis uses Data Technologies and they love it. A representative from Data Technologies came to the office and gave a presentation and answered all of our questions. Penny Mullen added that the new software will be able to print 941’s, 1099’s, shut-off letters, accounts payable history/duplicate entries, bank reports and treasurer reports. Data Technologies will offer updates yearly and if the Village would like a specific report or update they will work on that for us. Ms. Mullen mentioned that our current software company has never given us updates (for as long as Ms. Mullen has been employed here). Ms. Mullen let the Board know the other company that submitted a bid, United Systems Technologies, did not offer to give an on-site demonstration and Ms. Mullen had to help them formulate their bid. Ms. Mullen checked references on both companies and received all positive reviews for Data Technologies and some positive and some negative reviews for United Systems Technologies. Discussion took place.

A motion was made by Trustee Stickell to approve the Accounting Software purchase from Data Technologies at a cost of $47,955.00. Trustee Hoyt offered a second to the motion. Roll Call: Ayes-Keppy, Engstrom, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Ayes 5, motion carried. The Amount of the bid was listed as $47,955.00 and $47,995.00 in two separate places. The correct bid price is $47,995.00.

C. Preliminary and Final Plat to subdivide 91 acres into 9 lots, parcel number 06-20-151-010 on Glenwood Road and Route 6 (Henry County) Coal Valley IL

Ms. Ernst stated that the Planning and Zoning Boards recommendation to approve the Preliminary and Final Plats is included in tonight’s Board packet. Mayor Bartels was at the P & Z meeting and there was no opposition to the plats. The streets in the subdivision will be private but Trustee Engstrom stated that the streets should meet the Village specifications in case they ever become public streets. It was questioned if the fire trucks have enough of a turning radius. Ms. Ernst reminded everyone that the Planning and Zoning Board has reviewed everything and Engineers have reviewed the plans as well. Further discussion on the street development in that subdivision was held.

Trustee Engstrom made a motion to approve the Preliminary and Final Plat to subdivide 91 Acres into 9 lots, parcel number 06-20-151-010 on Glenwood Road and Route 6 (Henry County) Coal Valley, IL making sure the streets in the subdivision meet the Village of Coal Valley specifications. Trustee Crowe gave a second to the motion. Further discussion was Held. Trustee Keppy asked the clerk to read the motion that was on the table and the clerk read the motion above. Mayor Bartels asked for a Roll Call: Ayes-Engstrom, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Abstain-Keppy. Ayes 4, motion carried.

D. Approval of bills presented for payment.

The bill summaries was reviewed by the Board.

Trustee Engstrom made a motion to approve the bills presented tonight for payment. A second to the motion was give by Trustee Crowe. Roll Call: Ayes: Keppy, Engstrom, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Ayes 5, motion carried.

9. Adjournment

A motion was made by Trustee Hoyt to adjourn tonight’s board meeting. A second was given by Trustee Stickell. Ayes 5, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.
