City of Colona Admin/Finance Committee met April 16.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Call to Order: 9:16 a.m.
Roll Call: Aldermen Holman, Swemline, Hillman were present
Staff Present: J. Legare Treasurer
K. Palmer Office Manager
R. Lack Mayor
B. Winegar Clerk
Public Comments: None.
Old Business:
The committee discussed giving paid time off for part-time employees scheduled to
work 1,000 hours per year or are eligible for IMRF. The committee is going to
recommend to the City Council that a part-time employee of the City who is scheduled
to work 1,000 hours or more be given 24 hours of paid time off per calendar year. The
PTO will be prorated after the six month probationary period is completed.
New Business:
1. The City Clerk and Office Manager have received a quote of $12k to update the
City’s website. It was decided by the committee to reach out to local colleges for
a programming intern who may be interested in developing a new web site for
the City.
2. The City Clerk, Office Manager, and the Treasurer have looked at new software
options for utility billing and general ledger. They have looked at 5 different
packages and have identified the one they would like to purchase. There will be
another demonstration in May to show the general ledger side of the package to
the Treasurer. Anyone who would like to view the software may attend. Target
date to implement use of the new software is January 2019.
3. The office manager will check with some of the other cities and develop a policy
on writing off unpaid accounts.
4. The Treasurer furnished a copy of the higher cost items that were purchased but
not budgeted during the current fiscal year to each committee member. Although
these items were not budgeted in FY 2017-2018, they were approved for
purchase by the council during this fiscal year. This is the information which will
be given to the auditor for tracking purposes.
Alderman Hillman made the motion to adjourn. Alderman Swemline seconded. A voice
vote of all ayes was received. Meeting adjourned at 10:16 a.m.