
Rock Island Today

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Village of Port Byron Board of Trustees met May 7.

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Village of Port Byron Board of Trustees met May 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Village Board Meeting was called to order by Mayor Bruce Peterson at 6:00 p.m. on Monday May 7, 2018

Roll Call / Establishment Of Quorum / Pledge Of Allegiance:

Roll Call #1: Present: Trustees Brian Bitler, Patty Lindley, Gerry Meade, Wayne Oney, Dustin Sloan, Wes Wells

Absent: None

Mayor Peterson declared a quorum present

Also Present:Sarah Gorham, Attorney; Officer B Smith, RICO Sheriff’s Dept;

Don Loy, Public Works

Comments From The Mayor:

Mayor Peterson thanked and recognized a number of students and volunteers, including a Youth Group from Messiah Lutheran Church and the National Honor Society, who helped with Earth Day cleanup, under the direction and guidance of the Green Committee

There will be flowers planted in various Village properties in near future

Mayor Peterson has discussed a possible mural painting project in downtown Port Byron with the art teacher at Riverdale

A group of bicyclers (500+) passed through town on Saturday May 5th

The IRDC plans to have a financial forecast for future projects in their next meeting Mayor attended ribbon-cutting for Phoenix last week

Gallery (Comments must be limited to 5 minutes per person, 30 minutes per subject.)

R. Taber voiced his opposition to water service connection at north end of town

C Pieper inquired as to when he would receive his rental property permit, since it was inspected on 3/31/18; he was told it would be soon. Also, he claims he’s talked to other landlords who knew nothing about the rental property inspections, which are based on the Rental Ordinance, passed in 2016. He also complained about some phone wires laying on sidewalk on Hickory St.

J Ingalls said there are also wires on private property on N High St; Mayor said we could have Building Inspector take a look to see if there is a safety issue.

L DiLauro shared information about TIF funds and how they are used, in a general sense

Committee Reports

A. Public Information/Finance Committees

1. Green Committee Sarah Ford

a. Musical flower instruments

1) Much discussion as to location for the musical instruments

2) No clear spot

Trustee Wells made a motion to approve purchase of 4 musical flowers at a cost of $3150, seconded by Trustee Sloan.

3) Discussion continued for some time, and Trustee Sloan withdrew his second

4) It was decided to wait for two weeks until the next meeting, and do more examination of the optimal location for the instruments

b. Farmer’s Market update

1) Jill Schutts is coordinator; hoping to begin early June in Blackhawk Bank parking lot on Route 84; bank in need of letter of liability

c. Green Committee Minutes of 3/28/18 (C/A Item B)

2. Village Finance Committee Wayne Oney

a. FY18 Audit

Trustee Oney made a motion to approve Carpentier Mitchell & Goddard as Auditors, at a total cost of $10,700, seconded by Trustee Wells

Roll Call #2: Ayes: Oney, Wells, Sloan, Lindley, Bitler, Meade

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

3. Economic Development Wes Wells

a. Third Thursday update

1) Getting businesses involved, first Third Thursday will be 5/17

b. Old gazebo update

1) Roof completed in front, three more sections to finish in back

2) Then will need to do rest of repairs

c. Baby Blues Fest

1) Will be Saturday 6/30

2) Have 4 great acts contracted for the evening

3) Reminding downtown bars that no glass containers, wristbands needed

4. MSA

a. Review Lakeview Drive Bids & Award Contract

Trustee Wells made a motion to approve awarding the bid to Porter Brothers Asphalt & Sealing, Rock Falls, IL, for their low bid of $51,972.90, and authorizing the Mayor to sign any contracts in connection with this bid, seconded by Trustee Lindley

Roll Call #3: Ayes: Wells, Lindley, Bitler, Oney, Sloan, Meade

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

5. IRDC Committee Gerry Meade

No updates

6. Planning/Zoning Committee Gerry Meade

a. P & Z Minutes of 3/14/18 (C/A Item C)

b. Vote on P&Z charter

Trustee Meade made a motion to accept the Planning & Zoning Charter as presented, seconded by Trustee Wells

Roll Call #4: Ayes: Meade, Wells, Sloan, Lindley, Bitler, Oney

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

7. Ordinance, Grants & Audits Patty Lindley

No updates

8. Personnel Patty Lindley

a. Annual raise for Water Operator, per his contract and per services given

Trustee Lindley made a motion to continue the contract with Kevin Farrell, and approve a 3% raise for him as certified Water Operator effective as of close of first year of employment, seconded by Trustee Oney

Roll Call #5: Ayes: Lindley, Oney, Sloan, Bitler, Wells, Meade

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

b. Discuss option of direct deposit for Village employees

1) Considerable discussion about pros and cons of direct deposit for employees

2) Security better with electronic checks rather than paper checks

3) Blackhawk Bank rep Lindsey King answered questions about process

4) Can it be optional - give option to employees to sign up for it?

B. Public Works Don Loy/Eric Sikkema

Lots of issues are hitting at once, with mowing starting up and pothole complaints

1. Recycling And Refuse Dustin Sloan

a. Bulk pickup was last Saturday – great deal of waste was picked up

2. Water/Sewer Brian Bitler

a. Rebuilt pump for lift station from MVP at cost of $5903

Trustee Bitler made a motion to approve payment to MVP of $5903 from sewer budget to repair pump, seconded by Trustee Sloan

Roll Call #6: Ayes: Bitler, Sloan, Lindley, Oney, Wells, Meade

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

b. Blower repair at WWTP

1) It takes two blowers to operate the WWTP

2) They are heavy (550 pounds), and costly to repair

3) D Loy, Public Works, has researched various companies and received quotes from them, ranging from $10,000 to $21,000

Trustee Wells made a motion to approve blower repair from J C Cross at a total cost NTE $10,000, with $4700 to be paid from TIF and $5300 from Sewer Capital Reserve, and dependent upon a one year warranty, seconded by Trustee Sloan

Roll Call #7: Ayes: Wells, Sloan, Lindley, Bitler, Oney, Meade

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

3. Bldg. & Grounds/Streets & Street Lights Brian Bitler

No updates

4. Cemetery Gerry Meade

Last meeting was held at cemetery to look at potential projects

5. Administrative Bruce Peterson

a. Minutes from the April 16, 2018 Board Meeting (C/A Item A)

Review Items On Consent Agenda:

Item; Action; Description:

A; Approve; Minutes from the April 16, 2018 Board Meeting

B; Receive; Green Committee minutes from 3/28/18

C; Receive; P & Z Minutes of 3/14/18

Trustee Sloan made a motion, seconded by Trustee Bitler, to approve the Consent Agenda All “Ayes”, no “Nays” - Mayor Peterson declared motion approved



Old Business:


New Business:


Gallery – Questions, Comments:

C Pieper – said he was on the Water/Sewer committee some years ago, and visited Aero-Mod, and they said the blowers run a lot and have a life of 8-10 years, so budget should include contingency funding. He also asked about plans for Route 84 repair, for replacement of the culvert, which is IDOT project, not Village’s.

L DiLauro – Suggested that a condition of new employees, at time of hiring, could be a requirement for direct deposit. He also asked about status of old Academy property – no offers pending at moment.


Trustee Wells made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Sloan All Ayes, No Nays - Mayor Peterson declared the meeting adjourned at 7:52 pm
