City of Kewanee City Council will meet on September 24.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
1. Call to Order
2. Closed meeting pursuant to Section 2 (c) (1) of the Open Meetings Act to discuss personnel and Section 2(c)(2) to discuss collective bargaining.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes
b. Payroll
c. Staff Reports
5. Presentation of Bills and Claims
6. Citizen Participation
7. Business:
a. Discussion of a proposed ordinance authorizing a cable television franchise agreement by and between the City of Kewanee and Comcast of Illinois/Indiana/Ohio LLC
b. Discussion of a proposed Intergovernmental Agreement with Kewanee Community Unit School District 229 for waiver of sewer charges for water used solely for the irrigation of an athletic field.
8. Council Communications:
9. Announcements:
10. Adjournment